Chapter 279

It is also the reason that Zhao State is too remote, and the cultivation resources are not enough, which leads to the fact that only those who have established a foundation can buy flying instruments, and not only that, even if this Chu State is not on the spiritual veins, the aura is also more abundant than Zhao State. The burden on the flying magic weapon is not that great, otherwise, like in Zhao country, it would be difficult to bear the spiritual power consumed by the corresponding flying magic weapon for Qi training monks.

After all, unlike the foundation building period, which can control magic tools powered by spirit stones, the quality of flying magic tools in the Qi training period is too low, and usually they have to be driven by their own spiritual power.

Afterwards, I went to a few squares in Chu State, not to mention that there were some things that made Lin Qing's heart flutter after seeing them. Although the third-level spiritual grass and various materials are rare here, they can still be found in the squares. Yes, Lin Qing also bought a lot in line with the idea of ​​enriching the family treasure house.

For this trip, Lingshi Lin Qing alone brought more than [-] yuan, which was used to buy items and enrich the treasury.

Then in the past few days, Lin Qing and Lin Yuanwu got closer and closer to the border between Chu and Dali. There is more aura here, there are more immortal cultivators, and there are many large markets. Lin Qing and Lin Yuanwu entered the Chu Kingdom that day. Baibifang can be ranked in the top three.

Fangshi here is owned by the Xingyue Sect, the largest sect in the Chu Kingdom, and the Xingyue Sect is also the sect where the fake alchemy belongs to. The two major golden elixirs in the state, of course, now we have to add the Baibao Taoist of Baibaolou, it should be the three major golden elixirs.

With the Xingyue faction as their backer, no one dared to come to Baibifang to make trouble, but because of the importance of this place, the Xingyue faction still had Zifu monks to guard it.

Lin Qing and Lin Yuanwu came to this workshop at this time because they heard that an auction was going to be held in this workshop, so they happened to come here.

As soon as she entered Fangshi, Lin Qingzhen's eyes were brightened. The flow of people in Fangshi was much larger than that of Chiyang Xiancheng, where most casual cultivators gathered in Zhao State, and all kinds of shops were better than other Fangshi in terms of appearance alone. It's a bit bigger, and the things for sale are even more complete.

In some large shops, there are third-tier instruments for sale, not to mention some ordinary items.

Lin Qing also saw a third-order talisman in a shop, and bought it with Lingshi. Of course, he didn't need it, but it would be great to keep it in the family treasure house.

Lin Yuanwu's eyes lit up even more at this moment, he saw a special shop.

"Old Ancestor, there are several types of spiritual honey for sale in this shop." Lin Yuanwu said in surprise.

Hearing what Lin Yuanwu said, Lin Qing also looked at the shop, there was indeed spiritual honey for sale.

Lin Yuanwu looked at Lin Qing, and Lin Qing knew what he was thinking with a smile. Ever since Lin Yuanwu gave the double-headed bear to Lin Yuanwu, Lin Yuanwu has taken great care of it and cherished it much more than him. Seeing Lingmi at this time must be the double-headed bear in his heart. Buy some now.

"Go, you can buy more." Lin Qing said, Lin Qing was also happy that Lin Yuanwu loved the two-headed bear so much.

With Lin Qing's consent, Lin Yuanwu bought a lot in the shop, including several types of honey, probably to change the taste of the two-headed bear.

After buying, he went back to Lin Qing, who was outside and didn't go in, and Lin Yuanwu took out another thing.

"Old Ancestor, when I was buying spiritual honey, I saw that there were several kinds of spiritual tea for sale, so I bought some and gave it to my Ancestor."

Lin Yuanwu also knew that Lin Qing liked to drink some tea when he had nothing to do, so he took the opportunity to pay tribute to Lin Qing, and Lin Qing was naturally happy. It was too late for the child to think of him.

After receiving the spirit tea, Lin Qing nodded and accepted it.

Then because of this spiritual tea, Lin Qing thought of something, when he passed by a spiritual seed shop, he bought a lot of novel seeds, including elixir and spiritual flowers.

Xiao Wei at home likes to plant all kinds of spiritual plants, taking them back will make her happy for a long time, and it will also enrich the family heritage.

Stopping and stopping, Lin Qing and Lin Yuanwu visited a lot of shops, and this Baibifang made Lin Qing feel that he had gained a lot.

As for the chance of going out this time, after getting the treasure talisman, Lin Qing felt a lot lighter. Just this treasure talisman is already a big deal, and he is not so greedy.

In the future, it will be condensed into a golden core. In his opinion, there is no need to worry about having the talisman, and it may not be this time.

After visiting the shop, Lin Qing and Lin Yuanwu stayed in an inn. The auction is still tomorrow, so we will take a rest today.

This inn is not conspicuous in Baibifang. After Lin Qing and Lin Yuanwu stayed, the owner of the inn, a monk in the early stage of foundation establishment, was very polite. He ordered the little Erduan to deliver tea and water, and he was busy for a long time, which made Lin Qing and Lin Yuanwu a little bored up.

This is also the reason why he didn't mention his cultivation base to the Purple Mansion. A higher cultivation base can be respected more, but too much respect is not a good thing.It's pretty good now, although there are some troubles, it's not too much, and it's acceptable.

To be honest, if the cultivation base was mentioned in the Zifu, Lin Qing would have guessed in his heart that the monks from the Zifu in Baibifang would look for him. He didn't want to provoke so many people, even with good intentions, he didn't want to.Lin Qing knew very well that he had a high level of cultivation and was now invincible under the golden core, even relying on the talisman golden core to resist one or two, but there is no harm in keeping a low profile.

On the second day, the auction was officially held, and Lin Qing had already received the invitation letter from the owner of the inn.

This auction is only for Foundation Establishment and above, and an invitation is required. Lin Qing spent some Lingshi, but got it smoothly.

After entering the auction, a building with a length and width of only ten feet does not accommodate many people, but it is enough to think that only Foundation Establishment monks can participate.

After the auction, more than 100 foundation-building monks of various grades came, most of them were in the early and middle stages of foundation-building. Lin Qing's completion of foundation-building attracted a lot of attention, after all, he was only one step away from the Purple Mansion.There are many purple mansions in the state of Chu, but for ordinary foundation-building monks, it is still extremely difficult to become a purple mansion.

However, what Lin Qing did not expect was that he had misunderstood it. This auction was not like an auction, but more like a trade fair between foundation-building monks.

At this moment, after people had almost arrived, some monks took the initiative to come up to the stage and introduced the saber-like object in their hands: "Dear fellows, I have a set of second-grade middle-grade magical artifacts, the Flame Saber, and there are seven of them in this set. The combined use is very powerful. If it is not because of the material limitation, this set of magic tools is at least the second-level top-grade. Although it is a second-level middle-grade, as long as it is used properly, it is still not inferior to the second-level top-grade. If you have a fancy friend, you can I can exchange it with spirit stones or monster materials."

As soon as the monks who were in the middle stage of foundation establishment finished speaking, many monks below immediately moved.

Lin Qing also nodded. This set of flame knives is considered a rare high-quality product among the second-level middle-grade magic weapons.Taking a look at the surrounding monks, it's no wonder that their eyes are burning.

(End of this chapter)

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