Chapter 280 Nameless Orb

Thinking of this, Lin Qing has more expectations for this trade fair.

Although it was not the auction he thought, there should be good things to come out with so many foundation-building monks. After all, this is the state of Chu, and these foundation-building monks had more chances to get access to precious materials than Zhao Guoda.

After a while, this set of flame knives was exchanged by a monk. As for what was exchanged, it was a deal reached by the two in secret, and no one else knew.

But looking at the satisfied expressions on their faces, it was obvious that everyone got what they needed.

Speaking of which, this is the reason why many well-off monks like to participate in such trade fairs. They don’t need to reveal their wealth in front of everyone like auctions. They can trade alone, which is much safer than auctions. Things can also be shot.

This set of flame knives can be said to have made a good start for this auction. Afterwards, many monks came to the stage, and they all brought out treasures that were rare during the foundation establishment period. Lin Qing also bought a third-order Spirit Grass.

Buying the spirit grass was just a trivial matter for him, but at this moment he was looking at what a monk on the stage brought out with slightly moving eyes.

This is a transparent ball the size of a fist, and the monk who took it out is introducing:

"Fellow daoists, I got this thing by accident. It looks a bit like a common water-gathering bead, but after my experiment, it is different from a water-gathering bead. A common water-gathering bead can hold water a hundred times its own volume. , the high-quality ones can even hold a thousand times, all fellow Taoists must know this. But I threw this thing into a pond and it sucked it up in an instant. Both the speed and the water contained in it are super-condensed, but what is this thing? I don't know, it is undoubtedly a treasure, but I don't need it myself, is there any fellow Taoist who is interested in it and can bid for it."

"By the way," the monk added after finishing speaking, "Because I don't know the value of this item, so the fellow Taoist who likes it can just quote it face to face, and there is no need to send a private message."

Hearing this, the Foundation Establishment cultivators below began to discuss.

Many monks were curious about this object. When he first took it out, many monks thought it was a water-gathering bead. The young monk thought it was a bit interesting.

An item that is more powerful than the high-quality poly-water beads. Although I don't know what it is now, it may be a treasure.

"Fellow Daoist, how about a hundred spirit stones?" A monk tried to bid.

The monk on the stage smiled when he heard the words: "Fellow Daoist, if I sold a hundred spirit stones, I wouldn't take them out today, not to mention myself, who doesn't have a hundred spirit stones, I don't know the value of this one, but I must It’s a treasure, a hundred spirit stones are too few.”

After the man finished speaking, the cultivator who made the bid nodded without any irritation.

After all, people were right, a hundred spirit stones was nothing, if he had this thing himself, he would definitely not sell it just for a hundred spirit stones.He offered this value only as a test.

"Fellow Daoist, can I try it myself?" another monk said.

The monks on the stage hesitated, but they nodded their heads when they saw the many curious fellows below. Besides, there is safety and security here, so there is no need to worry about being taken away.

After getting the answer, the monk who spoke came out and took the nameless orb.

He seemed to be practicing water-based kung fu. He sat cross-legged, put the beads in front of his body, and began to exercise his spiritual power.

Seeing this appearance, Lin Qing paid close attention, and he was also very curious.

Not long after that, a big water polo appeared in front of this person. The big water polo was swaying, but dim light flashed in it from time to time. It was probably some kind of water congealing technique that he practiced, which was similar to Lin Qing's supernatural power of congealing water. In comparison, it is far behind.

After the big water polo appeared, Ji Ling looked at the nameless orb in front of him, then picked up the big water polo, and gently released it towards the water polo.


A monk suddenly made an incredible sound.

The moment the nameless orb touched the big water polo, the water polo disappeared instantly, needless to say, it was all sucked in by the orb.

Although the water gathering beads also have the effect of gathering water and can absorb a large amount of water, but the speed is not so fast, and this should not be ordinary water.

Seeing this scene, the cultivator sat cross-legged, his face moved slightly.He took out another water curtain talisman, and cast it, the defensive water curtain formed by the water curtain talisman was immediately absorbed by the water polo, and a first-order high-grade talisman with not a small effect was not used at all.

At this moment, the monks around were even more curious, and some sensitive people thought that maybe this thing could be used well to deal with some water spells.

For a while, many monks were moved, this really looks like a treasure.

The monk who took out the water drop, after some experimentation by the monk, was inspired, and realized that it could be used in this way besides absorbing water, and re-evaluated the value of this object in his heart for a while.

When Lin Qing saw this unnamed orb, he had some thoughts, but he was different from these foundation-building monks.

"Okay fellow daoists, I tested it. I'm right about this thing. It's much stronger than water-gathering beads. And fellow daoists can see that water-type talismans are useless to this thing. Maybe this thing can specifically restrain it. Water-type exercises, if any fellow Taoists are interested, you can ask for a price." The monk who took out the unnamed orb took it back and introduced it, and it seemed that he was about to try trading again.

The monks in the audience, after going through this test, became more cautious, and many people discussed the value of this thing again.

Not long after, another monk made an offer: "Fellow Daoist, this thing is really extraordinary, how about five hundred spirit stones? After all, the high-quality water-gathering beads are only worth a hundred spirit stones. This thing looks powerful, but maybe it's just a mutation. What about polywater beads?"

"five hundred?"

The monk on the stage shook his head, maybe he would think about it when he just took it out, but after this test, he didn't even think about it.

Another monk said: "Fellow Daoist, I have a second-order medium-grade magic weapon that is very valuable, can I exchange it?"


Many monks below were a little surprised, but the value has doubled again.

For a while, the monk on the stage was also thinking. The second-tier middle-grade magic weapon is also extremely precious to him. It is extremely cost-effective to exchange such an unknown bead for a second-level middle-grade magic weapon. .

"Fellow Daoist, if you have something to say, just say it. I have already said it before, there is no need to send a message in private."

While this monk was thinking, someone else wanted to talk to him privately, so he immediately interrupted his thoughts and refused.

It wasn't Lin Qing who passed the message in private, but Lin Qing was also a little disappointed at the moment. He originally wanted to pass the message in private. He might charge a high price for this item, but this person didn't accept the private message, which made him stop his thoughts .

This interruption made the cultivator's face darken, and he said: "The second-order middle-grade magic weapon is also considered precious, but my orb is even more precious. If there is no more valuable item today, I would rather not change it!"

(End of this chapter)

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