I have made the Cultivation Clan by myself

Chapter 282 "Treasure"

Chapter 282 "Treasure"

Lin Yuanwu looked at the back, nodded and smiled: "The ancestor is merciful, let them die, how dare they follow, if they dare to follow, they will not know what to do."

Lin Qing smiled, and he said the same thing, who would dare to come after he revealed his cultivation in Zifu.

After flying for a while, to Lin Qing's surprise, someone really followed.

Lin Qing's face turned cold, and he glanced at Lin Yuanwu. Lin Yuanwu smiled, and directly grabbed the late-stage Foundation Establishment cultivator who was still following behind.

"Senior spare your life, senior spare your life."

This is a monk with a gray beard. After discovering that Lin Yuanwu is also in the Zifu, he immediately knelt down to Lin Qing and Lin Yuanwu and begged for mercy.

Lin Qing didn't ask Lin Yuanwu to kill him immediately, but asked with interest: "Why are you following me? Are you confident in your own strength?"

"Senior, it's definitely not absolutely not. Please listen to me, senior. I know that senior has treasures that can increase life span. I definitely don't have that kind of thought. It's just... I just want to use the treasure to exchange for one from senior, and I ask senior to make it happen." As the man spoke, he kowtowed non-stop.


Lin Qing glanced at this person, and found that although his strength in the late stage of foundation establishment was not weak, it was not far from the limit. It is probably because of this that he knew that he was Zifu and followed him. Can live.

"In this case, if you really have a treasure that I like, it's not impossible." Lin Qing said with a smile, although there are no purple jade peaches in the storage bag now, but if there is any special treasure, there is still one at home , It is not impossible to change with a little effort.

Hearing this, the man was overjoyed, and immediately took out the storage bag and was about to take it out.

Lin Qing smiled, and Lin Yuanwu brought the man down to the ground. Since it was a treasure, it would be inconvenient in the sky.

As soon as the flying boat landed, the man took out the contents of the storage bag and introduced it to Lin Qing:

"Senior, this thing is called Xiangyue Mountain, it is a second-level high-grade elixir, and it can be refined."

"This object is a second-tier high-grade magic weapon with powerful functions and the least value."

"This thing was obtained in the early years. It is a kind of worm egg. If it is taken by Foundation Establishment, it can be hidden without anyone noticing it."

"This thing is"

"This thing is"

After talking about many things in a row, Lin Qing and Lin Yuanwu looked at each other. Although these treasures are treasures for building foundations and training Qi, they are nothing to Zifu, and it is even more impossible to exchange them for Ziyutao.

But in exchange for Lin Qing's purple jade peach, this person still kept introducing him, and he kept saying something like, just give him a purple jade peach, even if he can give Lin Qing everything.

Lin Qing shook his head, it was impossible to exchange these things for Ziyutao.

Leaving quietly, when Lin Qing and Lin Yuanwu were hundreds of feet away in the sky, this person realized that Lin Qing and Lin Yuanwu hadn't listened to him anymore.

Looking at the two gradually blurred figures in the sky, he shouted hoarsely: "Senior! Senior! I still have treasures, I still have treasures, senior, don't go, listen to me again."

But Lin Qing and Lin Yuanwu were almost out of sight, and he didn't use his flying boat to follow them.

Because he also knew in his heart that these treasures of his were not enough to exchange for a life-enhancing item.

At this moment, looking at the various treasures that he had taken out and placed on the ground, he was so precious before, his eyes were full of despair. When his life was about to end, what would be the use of such treasures, and what would a powerful treasure do in the hands of the dead.

After a while, he went crazy and left all kinds of treasures far away.

"What kind of magic weapon, it made me earn spirit stones for so long, so what's the use? What kind of magic potion, I spent so many spirit stones to buy you. What kind of brokenness"

After throwing all the treasures he thought were out of sight, he suddenly sat down heavily on the ground and looked at the direction where Lin Qing was leaving. The sky is now silent, and two lines of tears flowed silently from his eyes for a long time. Not dry.

Lin Qing and Lin Yuanwu who left were a little silent because of this monk, but after a while Lin Qing opened his mouth and said to Lin Yuanwu:
"Even if I gave him the purple jade peach today, he will still have to face the exhaustion of his lifespan 20 years later, and that will be the greater despair. Besides, there are many monks in the world, and he is not the only one facing the exhaustion of his lifespan. There are even more pitiful people. A monk has lived for more than 200 years, and he should be satisfied. There are still children who died when they were just born. They can’t even see the slightest scenery, even the face of their own mother. There are more A few hours of life, just to see the family for the last time, the world is hard, but that's all. Even our Lin family, not everyone can exchange this kind of treasure."

Lin Yuanwu nodded and remained silent. The time he spent with Lin Qing allowed him to understand more than before.

But the more I know, the more powerless I become, and the more vain sighs than before.

After finding a remote lake, Lin Qing took out the nameless orb, and he wanted to try it out.

The size of this lake is not small, and its length and width are more than one mile. It is only because of the poor water quality of the surrounding environment that no one comes here.

Lin Qing's heart moved at this moment, first a glimmer of light wrapped around his arm appeared in his hand, and then he tried to put the nameless orb into the water.After all, he still can't figure out how to use this orb, so more protection should be done.

As soon as the treasure was put into the water, the entire lake disappeared, leaving only the dirty bottom of the lake.


Even Lin Qing took a breath when he saw this scene, it was too powerful.

Lin Yuanwu on one side was even more surprised. It is not impossible for the cultivators of Zifu to make a lake disappear, but it is not so simple so quickly.

Lin Qing picked up the bead, thought for a while, and tried to infuse spiritual power inward. Strangely speaking, no matter how much spiritual energy was poured in, it would just disappear without any change.

Lin Qing tried to explore with her spiritual sense again, but encountered resistance when she only penetrated into the surface of the bead, and could not go deep at all.

"It's a treasure."

After the fruitless exploration, Lin Qing could only say this. It is estimated that he will only discover this thing after he becomes a golden core, but there is no doubt that it is a powerful treasure.

This thing is definitely not a water-gathering bead, because Lin Qing has used the water-gathering bead before, but it can be said to be a naturally formed magic weapon that can gather water, which is fundamentally different from this thing.

Thinking of something again, Lin Qing stretched out his hand and used the supernatural power of condensing water, and immediately the surrounding water vapor condensed into a ball of water slightly bigger than a fist in Lin Qing's hands.

Then slowly bring the water polo closer to the orb. At this time, it is not that it was absorbed instantly, but the two merged, and the water polo slowly merged into the orb.

Seeing this scene, Lin Qing nodded, which is why he took out the purple jade peach to replace it.

When he saw this treasure at the time, his heart moved. One was because of the water system technique he practiced, and the second was because of the supernatural power of congealing water. He thought maybe there might be a wonderful reaction between the two. Now it seems that although it is still unclear How to use the treasure, but it does have a certain potential to be discovered with the magical power of condensing water.

(End of this chapter)

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