Chapter 283
After the experiment, Lin Qing put the treasure into the storage bag.

Participating in the Five Nations Conference is important for this trip, but Lin Qing is even more unwilling to miss the various opportunities encountered along the way.Being able to get this inexplicable orb, he was also a little happy at the moment, which was the reason why he would rather take out the purple jade peach and replace it.

It is not scary to encounter unknown items, what he is afraid of is that he will never encounter them at all.

Leaving this Baibifang, it will take half a day to reach Dali, but before going, Lin Qing diverts and flies to the other side.

There is the location of the main building of Baibao Building.

Lin Qing wanted to take a look at the main building of Baibaolou in Chu State before going to Dali.

Five years ago, Dali and the two Jindans of Chu State united, and under the oppression of many forces, the branches of Baibaolou have been almost destroyed, but the main building of Baibaolou has been unable to take down. , has been stalemate until now.

Now many monks in Baibaolou and the Taoist Baibao who is already a fake pill, although relying on the main building to resist other forces, they are also trapped in Baibaolou.

Lin Qing brought Lin Yuanwu and didn't approach, because there were still Zifu monks from Chu and Dali around, he didn't want to break in here before the Five Kingdoms, but just took a look from a distance.

But looking at it, both Lin Qing and Lin Yuanwu were surprised.

The main building of Baibaolou sounds like a larger building, but it is not at all. On a high mountain in Chu State, there are pavilions and palaces all over the mountain, and the whole mountain has become the main building of Baibaolou.

Although it is at least tens of miles away from this mountain, it looks like an incomparably huge city from the air, but it is protected by formations, so it is not clear how to see the details.

For this mountain, Linqing estimated that it is at least a thousand feet long, and there are thousands of houses of various pavilions, palaces and houses on it, which is not comparable to any power in Zhao State.There are many shorter peaks beside it, which used to be the site of the main building of Baibao Building, but now it seems that the buildings on it have been destroyed, and it seems that they have long been taken by the forces of Chu State and Dali.

It was fine to just take a look at it, but Lin Qing didn't leave in a hurry, and walked around the mountain far away to see it clearly.

Before you know it, it's night. Although the current main building of Baibaolou is trapped, all the monks belonging to Baibaolou are inside, and the Taoist Baibao of Baibaolou is also inside now.At night, lights are lit everywhere, and the pavilions all over the mountain emit a slight yellow light. The entire mountain peak stands like a pillar reaching the sky, standing between the sky and the earth.

The flying boat controlled by Lin Qing and Lin Yuanwu was not visible during the day, but at night, Lin Qing felt that the two of them and the flying boat faced the mountain, just like fishermen facing the majestic sea. up.

Even if the Purple Mansion was consummated, Lin Qing felt a little bit timid, the scale of the main building of the Baibao Building is really too huge.

Suddenly, Lin Qing discovered something. After the lights were turned on at night, a group of densely packed buildings in the middle of the mountain formed a word.

This made Lin Qing couldn't help but smile, but this Baibaolou has such a thing.

"Old Ancestor, I originally thought our Lin Family Mountain was big enough, but I didn't expect that when I saw it today, I realized that there are people beyond human beings, and there is a sky beyond heaven." Lin Yuanwu couldn't help saying.

Lin Qing smiled: "It's not necessary, our Linjiashan is not as good as the main building of Baibaolou, and even most of the sects in Chu State are larger than our Linjiashan, but it is entirely because of the rich resources of cultivating immortals that there is such a scene. Our Lin Family Mountain is pretty good. And"

Lin Qing looked at the eye-catching headquarters of Baibaolou again, and thought in his heart that Baibaolou was too ostentatious. He was shocked when he saw it for the first time. Those sect forces in Dali, Chu State, saw it every day. , It's no wonder you're not jealous.

"This Baibao Building has a history of thousands of years in Shangyun Prefecture, and it should have such a large-scale chamber of commerce, but they are a bit too high-profile." Lin Qing said again.

Lin Yuanwu nodded, but his eyes were still shocked by the Baibaolou.

In this way, Lin Qing and Lin Yuanwu spent the night on the flying boat, with the astonishing main building of Baibaolou in front of them.Among them, Lin Qing also studied the formation of the main building of Baibao Building, but this formation is completely different from what he knew before, and it is undoubtedly a fourth-order formation.

Speaking of which, after the formation reaches the fourth level, it is already fundamentally different from the formations below the third level.

The formations below the third level are generally built according to various materials and terrain. The higher the level of the formation, the more materials and restrictions are required.But at the fourth level, it's completely the opposite. The terrain is no longer a restriction, and the materials are still precious.

This is because the formation of the fourth order requires the golden core stage to build, and a trace of the rules of heaven and earth will be integrated into it, which requires a lot of spiritual construction.So when it comes to the fourth-order formation, it is no longer a terrain-limited formation. This formation can adapt to the terrain at will, and sometimes even change the climate of a certain place. It is extremely powerful, and its ability is even more amazing.

So at the fourth level, this formation is also called restriction, which means restricting the monks and restricting the world.

This restriction is different from the restriction called Qi Qi Jian Ji, the small restriction set up in Fangshi that can limit the consciousness, it is not a restriction at all, it is just a junior imitation to get the name, it is just a special spell , the real prohibitive power is not comparable.

The fourth-order formation of Baibaolou should actually be called: Qiongshan Rongdu Five Elements Restriction.

Among them, Qiongshan is the nickname of the person who arranged the formation, and Rongjuan Five Elements Restriction is the name of the restriction.As for why the word Qiongshan is added, it is only because Master Qiongshan is a well-known master of restraint in Zhongyun Prefecture, and his cultivation base is in the late Jindan stage, and the formations he arranges have their names.

Although after stepping into Jindan and having a long lifespan, many Jindans will come into contact with the ban, but the banning strength of Master Qiongshan is the first in the entire Yunzhou.

After attacking Baibaolou, the two golden pills of Chu State and Dali did not expect that this Baibaolou invited Master Qiongshan to set up the five-element restriction. They could not attack it, so Baibaolou In order to persist until now.

However, although the Five Elements Restriction was arranged by Master Qiongshan, it is not the most powerful kind of Master Qiongshan, and Master Qiongshan has passed away a hundred years ago, so this restriction is not impossible to break.

As for why not ask other masters of the golden elixir restriction to help break it, it is really not worth the candle.

The Baibaolou asked Master Qiongshan to set up this restriction, but it cost a lot. The Jindan of Chu and Dali were unwilling to pay too much, they had other ideas about it.

However, after Lin Qing studied the restriction all night and failed, he and Lin Yuanwu left the main building of Baibao Building the next day.

Although I guess in my heart that the five-nation conference is related to breaking the ban, but the specific things can only be known by participating in the five-nation conference.

(End of this chapter)

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