I have made the Cultivation Clan by myself

Chapter 285 Heavenly Sword Sect and Mountain Beast Sect

Chapter 285 Heavenly Sword Sect and Mountain Beast Sect
Speaking of the Heavenly Sword Sect, other sects in Dali are also famous and unique.

This is the difference in Dali. As the most prosperous country in the world of cultivating immortals in Shangyun Prefecture, because it is close to Zhongyun Prefecture, there are many various sects of cultivating immortals in Dali, and many of them have their own unique methods. It is really not comparable to the three sects of Zhao Guo. The three cases are more like a hodgepodge.

To be specific, like the Sword Cultivator's Heavenly Sword Sect, all the male disciples majored in swordsmanship, not to mention, it is said that all of them have to undergo a xinxing test when they join the sect, and only those who meet the requirements can practice.

And the other mountain beast sect, which is also well-known in Dali, is good at controlling beasts. When entering the sect, they have to endure the pain of hundreds of insects crawling on their bodies. Only after passing the test can they enter the sect.

Among them, there is the most unique sect, the Hehuan Sect.

He is good at dual cultivation skills, and he doesn't have high requirements for spiritual root when he joins the sect, but he has to be above average in terms of appearance, regardless of gender. This has stopped many people from wanting to join this sect.I heard that when one reaches a certain level of cultivation, the sect will appoint a pair of Taoist couples to cultivate the Dao together. This is an enduring topic in Shangyun Prefecture.

As for Zhao Guo's original three sects, as long as you have passed the aptitude, no matter whether you are pockmarked or dark-minded, you can join the sect without any restrictions.

Of course, it is also because of the large number of immortal cultivators in Dali that they can support this kind of sect that cultivates unique methods. If the three sects of Zhao Guo also learn this kind of sect, I am afraid that it will not be long before they will end up with no successors. The method not only has requirements for spiritual roots, but also has certain restrictions in other aspects.

Except for the three outstanding sects of Tianjian Sect, Mountain Beast Sect, and Hehuan Sect, there are five or six other larger sects in Dali. Unify Shangyunzhou.

But because it was close to Zhongyun Prefecture, Dali had to guard against Zhongyun Prefecture's forces while enjoying the benefits, so most of their energy was devoted to Zhongyun Prefecture.After all, Dali is powerful compared to the other four countries in Shangyun Prefecture, but it is weak compared to Zhongyun Prefecture, and they are actually weak.

And there is another reason, the monks in Dali are not united, and each of them is arrogant.

They believed that they were born in Dali, and they didn't look down on the other four countries in Shangyun Prefecture. Most of the monks had an idea in their hearts, that is, they would find ways to settle in Zhongyun Prefecture in the future, so it was even more impossible to invade the other four countries.

Before dealing with Baibaolou, Taoist Xingyue from Chu State joined forces with Tian Yanzi from Dali Hehuan Sect. Later, Tian Yanzi came forward, and with huge benefits, several sects in Dali were dispatched to deal with it. Next, how can the Baibaolou be able to resist it? If it hadn't been able to break the five-element restriction, it would have been wiped out in Shangyun Prefecture long ago.

And Tian Yanzi, who is in the golden elixir realm, is a true elixir who will have a chance to be a Nascent Soul in the future, but he was born in a sect like the Acacia Sect, which made many monks who knew it for the first time couldn't believe it.

But this person has entered the Hehuan Sect since he was a child, and he is a special case in the Hehuan Sect. It seems that he does not need a couple of dual monks. Dali faced Zhongyunzhou's confidence.

Lin Qing and Lin Yuanwu walked in this Fushoufang, and monks with huge swords walked by from time to time. Lin Qing knew that they were all disciples of Tianjianzong.

Tianjianzong is not only good at swords, but also needs to keep the sword close to his body during cultivation, so compared with other monks who keep all their magic weapons in their storage bags, they are easy to identify.

These days, the disciples of the Sword Sect, all of them are straight and straight, walking in the square without taking their eyes off their eyes, and their expressions are extremely serious.When the other monks saw them, they all ran away from them. Although Lin Qing and Lin Yuanwu were powerful, they also avoided these people early because they didn't want to cause trouble.

In addition to the disciples of the Heavenly Sword Sect, Fangshi and the disciples of the Mountain Beast Sect with spirit beast bags hanging on their waists are also very recognizable, and there are quite a few of them.After all, although this Fushoufang was opened by the Heavenly Sword Sect, it is not far from the Mountain Beast Sect, and disciples from the Mountain Beast Sect often come, and the Heavenly Sword Sect always welcomes them.

Because Fushoufang is too big, although there are many disciples of Tianjianzong and Shanshoumen, they account for less than [-]% of the total number, and most of them are casual cultivators like Lin Qing who don't know where they come from, walking in the square city one by one .

Lin Qing now has the idea of ​​looking for opportunities, so he walks around this market very carefully.

Not to mention, he really let him find several rare spirit herbs, and he bought them without hesitation.

When they left a shop and were about to turn around, suddenly there was a loud noise not far away, among which was the sound of gold and stone, as if there was a conflict.

Looking around, there are already many people around, forming a big circle.

Lin Qing was a little curious, and went to have a look with Lin Yuanwu.

Before I squeezed in, I heard from the people next to me that there was a conflict between a foundation cultivator from the Heavenly Sword Sect and a foundation cultivator from the Mountain Beast Sect. People in the city didn't come to stop them for some reason.

While listening to these words, Lin Qing and Lin Yuanwu squeezed in. Although it offended the others, Lin Qing's cultivation base was perfect, and he dared not stop him.

After squeezing in, Lin Qing's eyes flashed, slightly surprised.

Sure enough, it was the monks from the Heavenly Sword Sect and the Mountain Beast Sect who were fighting. One of them was holding a silver-white sword that was almost as long as his body. It was a monk from the Heavenly Sword Sect. His strength was in the early stage of foundation establishment, and the one with seven or eight spiritual beast bags hanging on the opposite side was just He is a monk from the Mountain Beast Sect, and his strength is in the middle stage of foundation establishment.

It stands to reason that the disciples of the Mountain Beast Sect are stronger and should have the upper hand, but at this time, it is the monks of the Heavenly Sword Sect who have the upper hand.

Although he is in the early stage of foundation establishment, the long sword in his hand is made of something, it is extremely strong, no matter what kind of spirit beast the monks of the Mountain Beast Sect release, he can resist it, and he can even fight back from time to time.

At this moment, there was already a cyan praying mantis who had perfected Qi training on the field, which was seriously injured and was resting on the side. At this time, another golden snake, which was also fully trained in Qi, was released. Although it was not injured, it was still floating in the air and continued to attack It also couldn't break the defense of the monks of Tianjianzong.

After Lin Qing and Lin Yuanwu squeezed in, there were more and more people around, but no monks from Fangshi came to stop them.

Lin Qing thought, this is probably the intention of the Heavenly Sword Sect monk who manages Fangshi. After all, he has also heard that although the two sects seem to be reconciled, they often have considerable conflicts.Now in Fang City, if I see fellow Taoists who have the upper hand despite their low strength, the monks of the Heavenly Sword Sect will naturally not come out to stop them, instead they will make the monks of the Mountain Beast Sect make a fool of themselves.

The cultivator of the Mountain Beast Sect saw that the cultivator in the Heavenly Sword was doing his best, and there were more and more people around and no one came to stop him. Naturally, it was not difficult to think of this.

(End of this chapter)

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