I have made the Cultivation Clan by myself

Chapter 286 Heavenly Sword Sect and Mountain Beast Sect

Chapter 286 Heavenly Sword Sect and Mountain Beast Sect
Although there was not much conflict between the two at the beginning, he also knew that today could not be a simple matter.If he stops now when he is at a disadvantage, and doesn't say what others will think of him in the future, the opinion of the sect masters will naturally plummet, and the future will not be good.

Thinking of this, he fixed his eyes, and found a new spirit beast bag, it was just his temptation just now.

Looking at the monk of the Heavenly Sword Sect opposite, he sneered in his heart, thinking that he could easily fight against him with a magic sword refined from heavenly silver sand, which is really ridiculous, because he didn't know his true strength as a mid-stage Foundation Establishment.

Glancing at the people around him, there was a warning in his eyes, and the monks who watched the theater were not fools, and they were all more scattered at this moment, but no one suffered an indiscriminate disaster.

After the field opened up, he showed a sneer and put the spirit beast in the spirit beast bag out.


With a loud noise, a giant elephant with a height of two feet and a length of three feet suddenly appeared on the field, and its strength was in the early stage of foundation establishment.

Seeing this giant elephant, the surrounding cultivators gasped in amazement, even the cultivator of the Heavenly Sword Sect on the opposite side showed some strange color, as if a little afraid, but then his eyes became firm.


The monk of the Mountain Beast Sect said to the giant elephant, his eyes were full of love.

This giant elephant is not ordinary, he got it by accident when he was practicing Qi, and then carefully cultivated it all the way, and now it has become a foundation-building spirit beast.The defensive strength of his body is extremely powerful, and he is invincible among similar monsters. After he has this beast, he dares to fight one or two against monks in the late stage of foundation establishment.

As soon as the giant elephant lifted its foot, he felt an unknown pleasure in his heart.

When others see his giant elephant, it is not difficult to think that it must have amazing defensive power, but only he himself knows that this giant elephant looks bulky, but it is really amazingly talented, its speed is not slow, and it has a unique movement method.


The giant elephant came out, barked first, and shook its trunk.

The cultivator of Tianjianmen looked even more solemn, and then the giant elephant stepped out and came towards him.

If it was placed on flat ground, he could easily dodge it, but now it is in Fushoufang of his Heavenly Sword Sect.


There was no crisp sound when dealing with the blue praying mantis, which was the sound of gold and stone heard by Lin Qing. At this moment, not only did the great sword not cause any wounds on the giant elephant, but it also released a muffled sound, which shocked him to hold it. Can't hold the big sword.

"how is this possible."

The monks of Tianjianmen couldn't believe it, his great sword was made of Tianyin sand, which is his unique material of Tianjianmen. It is not only extremely strong, but also extremely sharp against the enemy. This giant elephant returned in vain.


The cultivator of the Mountain Beast Sect on the opposite side couldn't help laughing when he saw the cultivator of the Heavenly Sword Sect stunned.At this moment, several disciples from the Mountain Beast Sect had arrived behind him, and they all burst into laughter when they saw this scene.

However, the cultivators of Tianjianmen who were observing in secret had a bad expression on their faces.

This Heavenly Sword Sect cultivator is not an ordinary person. At this time, his mind tightened as soon as it shook, and then he quickly made a few gestures in front of him with one hand, and he also muttered something. It emits a silver light, so that the surrounding monks with no small cultivation base dare not look at it with their eyes.

However, Lin Qing could see clearly that this was clearly some kind of spell, which completely aroused the great sword.

Seeing this, the monks from the Mountain Beast Sect were not afraid. They also made several gestures, and then touched the giant elephant. The giant elephant was a little bigger than its already huge body, and blue bruises appeared all over its body. shimmer.


The big sword that was shining with silver light faced the giant elephant again, just like the first time, it made a muffled noise and returned in vain.

The monk of the Mountain Beast Sect didn't laugh at this time. If there was no one there, he would have taken action before the giant elephant stopped him, and solved the life of this person. After all, he had more than one method.

At this time, it is in the Fushoufang of Tianjianzong, so there is no need to think about it.

But looking at the adoring eyes of the disciples of the Mountain Beast Sect behind them, he nodded secretly in his heart, and it was not a loss for him to release this image.

The cultivators of Tianjianmen were about to make a move when suddenly a voice came from one side.

"Stop fighting today, this person's appearance is a natural alien species, you can't deal with it, disciple of the Mountain Beast Sect, leave my Fushou Fang before I get angry!"

Needless to say, it was the monks in Fangshi who had to go out to stop the monks of their own sect when they saw the setback.

The monk of the Mountain Beast Sect smiled and knew that today was a good day, so he didn't care to put the giant elephant away.As for the cyan praying mantis who was seriously injured at the beginning, he didn't care. This beast has strong resilience, as long as it doesn't die, it will be alive and kicking in a few days.

Putting away the spirit beast, the cultivator of the Mountain Beast Sect looked at the cultivator of the Heavenly Sword Sect before leaving and said: "Friend Daoist, your strength is not good, so you should be less publicized, hum!"

As soon as he finished speaking, after the man left with a cold snort, the monks of the Heavenly Sword Sect blushed and turned pale, looking extremely uncomfortable.

Seeing this scene, the surrounding monks left consciously.

The good show is over, don't be offended by the monks of the Heavenly Sword Sect.

Lin Qing also left with Lin Yuanwu. Although the fight between these two monks did not reach the point of life and death, it was still very exciting, especially the means of the two, which made Lin Qing understand this Dali immortal cultivator better. .

Lin Yuanwu asked curiously: "Old Ancestor, I saw that the big sword in the hands of the monks of the Sword Sect was extremely extraordinary that day. The monks of the Heaven Sword Sect are generally stronger than other monks. Why did you suffer so much today?"

Lin Qing smiled: "The monks of the Sword Sect were strong that day, and the big sword in their hands was also powerful, but the Mountain Beast Sect is also a big sect in Dali, and it is not much weaker than the Heaven Sword Sect. If the strength is weak, how can the Mountain Beast Sect survive? Today, how could the following disciples dare to come to Tianjianzong's site to purchase. In my opinion, the giant elephant released by the monk today, not to mention the defense, has the level of a second-order middle-grade magic weapon. It will grow up in the future , is limitless, and it must be considered rare in the Mountain Beast Sect."

Lin Yuanwu nodded, thinking of the giant elephant, he couldn't help but said: "This beast is really powerful, and this is the first time I have seen an elephant. This Dali is not only larger in size, but many of the items in it are not found in other countries." Yes, no wonder Xiuxian is so strong."

"Yeah, by the way, let's keep going. Buy more in this market now. In the future, it will be like a rare spiritual grass. Our Lin family can cultivate it directly, so we don't have to envy others."

Lin Qing changed the subject, and then turned to Lin Yuanwu again.

After staying in Fushoufang for two days, Lin Qing and Lin Yuanwu went around Dali's larger squares and cities, and spent more than half of the spirit stones they brought. There are so many good things that they all bought a little It's too late.

(End of this chapter)

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