I have made the Cultivation Clan by myself

Chapter 289 Inside the Cave Mansion

Chapter 289 Inside the Cave Mansion

[The pace is a bit slow recently, but it will end soon. When I first thought about it, I didn’t want to write so much. Once I wrote it, I couldn’t control it. It will speed up later.I am also constantly reflecting on myself. There are many problems in writing. Please forgive me. As a newcomer, there are too many aspects to learn. If you are not careful, you will make mistakes. Please forgive me. 】

Soon these three people came to the place where Lin Qing and Lin Yuanwu were, and it seemed that they also wanted to enter from here.

Lin Qing and Lin Yuanwu still concealed their cultivation, and their appearance was very ordinary. These three monks looked like monks of the Acacia Sect. Among them, there was a pair of male and female monks who seemed to be Taoist couples. A masked woman with a graceful figure, whose cultivation base is in the middle stage of foundation establishment.

Seeing that Lin Qing and Lin Yuanwu were already here, the three of them felt vigilant in their hearts, but after seeing their cultivation level and extremely ordinary appearance, they passed the three of them and walked in without caring.

Looking at them, it seems that they have been here more than once.

"Old Ancestor, are we still here?" Lin Yuanwu asked.

The reason why Lin Qing and Lin Yuanwu entered here just now was because it was stated in the jade slips that the left side of the three peaks is the safest. Lin Qing also thought of going from easy to difficult, so enter first and have a look.Now that three monks have entered, Lin Yuanwu hesitated.

Lin Qing said with a smile: "Of course we enter from here. Although there is a road on the right, this cave is so big that it can absorb spiritual consciousness from the outside. After entering, there may be more restrictive means, and the chance of encountering it is very small. Almost."

Hearing what Lin Qing said, Lin Yuanwu nodded, and then followed Lin Qing into the room.

As soon as he entered, Lin Qing felt a chill in his heart. He was right. If the spiritual consciousness outside was like sand, it was like being oppressed by a heavy object weighing more than a thousand catties. Although for the Zifu For Lin Qing and Lin Yuanwu who were in the early days, they could barely put their spiritual consciousness into their bodies, as long as they didn't touch the surrounding rock walls, they would be fine for the time being.This kind of pressure is completely irresistible to the foundation building period, and it cannot be used at all.

Lin Qing didn't go deep at the moment. Looking at the light from the outside, the road he and Lin Yuanwu are walking now was directly excavated by Dali monks before, not the entrance of the cave itself.

The excavated channel is recorded on the jade bamboo slips. It is about 37 feet long and connects with an underground karst cave.

What made Lin Qing curious was that the stone wall of this passage was a kind of gray-blue rock, which was extremely hard. Lin Qing tried it a little, and it was comparable to a first-order high-grade magic weapon.

"It's really amazing. I'm afraid it was not easy to dig it out at the beginning."

After Lin Qing sighed for a while, he went deeper with Lin Yuanwu. At this time, because of the light, both Lin Qing took out a luminous bead and put it in their hands. A treasure with the effect of a magic weapon.However, both of these are very common. The ones held by Lin Qing and Lin Yuanwu are the best among them. The fist-sized luminous beads emit white light in a radius of more than ten feet in the dark, illuminating the front.

The passage was quickly completed, and what came into view was an underground cave with a depth of more than thirty feet, and the top of this cave was less than one foot away from them. Above it was a towering mountain peak, which was a naturally formed hollow at the bottom of the mountain.

After walking around with the luminous beads, Lin Qing shook his head.

According to the records in the Jade Slips, this place was originally a lava cave. When it was first discovered, there were stalactites all over the cave.

However, these stalactites had been carved up long ago, and Lin Qing even found that there were traces of scraping with magic tools in some places, it seems that there is no need to think about it, and there will be no trace left.

Looking to the right hand again, there is a staircase bending upwards.The three people just now have long since disappeared, and it is estimated that they went up from this ladder.

Lin Qing and Lin Yuanwu also walked at this time.

Speaking of which, after discovering this ancient cave, the entrance defense was too strong, so this Dali cultivator deliberately created a small road that can run through the whole mansion. In mortal terms, it is like a The same is true of the holes that grave robbers dig through to rob graves.

So Lin Qing and Lin Yuanwu are taking this kind of path at this time.

After going up the stairs, according to the jade slips, the mountain on the left is about a thousand feet high, and the inside has been hollowed out into dozens of internal medicine gardens, where various rare elixir are planted.

But Lin Qing and Lin Yuanwu needless to say, they came too late, and they didn't find any elixir.

Lin Qing didn't care either, the goal of his trip was the mountain in the middle.According to the jade bamboo slips, the three peaks in the middle were the real residences of the ancient monks, and the peaks on the left and right were medicine gardens. Of course, the peaks on the right have other functions, but they are not important. The important thing is the peak in the middle.

After entering the mountain on the left, Lin Qing mainly focused on gaining insight, and set his target on the mountain in the middle.

As for the three people who entered first, Lin Qing didn't find them after walking all the way. Needless to say, they also went straight to the middle through the left path.

The mountain peaks are thousands of feet high, and the various trails drilled out of them are even more winding, but Lin Qing and Lin Yuanwu are monks in the Purple Mansion, so these roads are nothing.

What's more, they didn't want to reach the peak, but after walking for a while, they stopped going to the high place and turned into the road leading to the middle mountain.

Speaking of which, these three mountains are connected to each other up to the halfway up the mountain, and passages have been dug out.

After turning into the middle peak, Lin Qing and the others were already halfway up the mountain, and now there were two roads in front of them, one directly leading to the top of the middle peak, and the other leading to the bottom of the middle peak.

The bottom of Zhongfeng is also the real entrance of this cave, but until now, the unknown restrictions arranged there have not been broken.

From the perspective of the monks in Dali Kingdom, there should have been other defensive measures for the three mountains at the beginning, but after a long period of time, many restrictions were directly dispelled, and the entrance of the cave was needless to say the most important thing at the beginning, so when it arrived It still has a defensive function today.

But this is not important anymore, the cave is dead, but people are alive, so there are separate roads dug at the bottom of the left and right mountain peaks.

Lin Qing had seen the jade slips at this time. The upward path was the original library pavilion of the ancient monks, and the downward path was the original residence and a storage room.

It is said that after exhausting many methods to get down, they found a lot of good things, which attracted many people to fight.

As for the upward path, although it is a library, there are nine times out of ten that no precious books have been found in it. There may be another library in the rumors, but it has not been found until today.

"Old Ancestor, shall we go up or down?" Lin Yuanwu asked.

Lin Qing looked at the road below and nodded, "Let's go, take a look at the residence below. It is said that the library above is still hidden, but this cave has been discovered for more than 70 years, and so many monks in Dali have not found it." I found out that the two of us were just looking at flowers on horseback, so how could we find out, let's go down and take a look."

"The old man said so."

Lin Yuanwu nodded and followed Lin Qing down.

(End of this chapter)

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