I have made the Cultivation Clan by myself

Chapter 290 Storage Bag and Purple Mansion Monster Beast

Chapter 290 Storage Bag and Purple Mansion Monster Beast
The downward path was steeper, which seemed to be caused by the impatience of digging. Lin Qing walked slowly, observing the surrounding rock walls from time to time. The rock walls of the middle peak were even more powerful, and their hardness could reach the level of a second-order magic weapon. , but Lin Qing threw away a rock wall after looking carefully at it. This rock wall is hard, but it can’t be used as a magic weapon. It can hold very little spiritual power. The only characteristic is that it is hard, which is not second grade material.Moreover, the ability to absorb spiritual consciousness is not caused by the rock wall itself, it should be the means arranged by the ancient monks on it.

Speaking of which, if this rock wall could really be used as a material for making utensils, then Lin Qing would not use it today. This mountain must have been hollowed out by Dali monks long ago.


Before arriving at the residence, Lin Qing suddenly frowned, thinking about something.

Lin Yuanwu on the side suddenly said happily: "Could it be that the ancestor discovered the hidden treasure, the ancestor really?"

Before Lin Yuanwu finished speaking, Lin Qing shook his head and smiled: "Yuanwu, I am not a real powerful monk, the perfect cultivation of the Zifu is not uncommon in Dali, and the ancestor is not confident enough yet. The point where you can discover some hidden treasures the first time you come here."

"That..." Lin Yuanwu was a little puzzled.

Lin Qing smiled: "I just think it's a little strange. Look at the rock wall half a foot in front of me, isn't it a little strange?"


Lin Yuanwu followed Lin Qing's gaze and saw that it was a smooth rock wall. After looking at it for a while, he didn't find anything.

Lin Qing walked forward at this time, touching the rock wall and said: "I have been guessing how this rock wall was dug in the past, judging from the traces, not only magic tools but also monsters participated in the excavation. , Their only purpose is to open up the residence as soon as possible and get the treasure. So the traces left here are not slovenly, but the rock wall here is a bit too flat, which makes me a little suspicious."

"Hiss, it seems so?"

After Lin Qing said this, Lin Yuanwu also noticed that something was different. This place seemed to be flatter. At first glance, there was nothing wrong with it, but upon closer inspection, it seemed a bit out of place.

"Yuanwu, dig it open." Lin Qing said.

Lin Yuanwu nodded, and immediately took out the magic weapon to dig. The rock wall was hard, but it seemed to be pieced together. Under the power of the third-order magic weapon, it kept falling down like bean dregs, and something was dug out after a while.

It was a storage bag.

"Old Ancestor, why is this a storage bag?" Lin Yuanwu was a little surprised.

And Lin Qing thought of something in his mind at this moment, and secretly sighed.

Then he opened the storage bag, there was no big treasure inside, it was just a normal storage bag for a foundation cultivator. After reading the storage bag, Lin Qing's guess was completely fulfilled.

"Let's go Yuanwu, if I'm thinking right, this should be when the cave first appeared, a monk who entered knew that his situation was not good, so he hid his storage bag behind the rock wall. It was flawless and was not discovered, but he didn't dig it up again alive, but now we have discovered it, and it's not a treasure." Lin Qing explained.

"So that's the case. I'm afraid the struggle was fierce back then." Lin Yuanwu also nodded knowingly. Although it was just a storage bag, it is not difficult to imagine the scene of that year from it.

Lin Qing also nodded, no matter where this cave is found, it will cause fierce conflicts.

Of course there were Depots, but many more lost their lives.

After going down the road, there is nothing to be found, that is, the residence, which has been searched by countless people up and down, inside and out, and there is nothing left for Lin Qing and the others.

But Lin Qing also came here with the idea that if there is something, there is nothing, and he didn't expect to find any amazing discoveries about the jade slip obtained by spending ten spirit stones.

What's more, although the storage bag was only left by the Foundation Establishment cultivator, it was worth two thousand spirit stones.

In terms of income, it is two hundred times, which is not bad.

After that, I turned the upper part of the middle peak and the right peak next to it, but found nothing. Of course, if Lin Qing and Lin Yuanwu can take root here, there may be great discoveries in a few years or decades, but now Going to the Five Nations Congress, there is no time for them to be like this.

So one day later, Lin Qing and Lin Yuanwu walked out from the passage dug under the mountain on the right.

Going back and looking at this ancient monk's cave composed of three peaks, in Lin Qing's heart, there might be unknown discoveries inside, but for him, this opportunity should be gone.

Lin Qing and Lin Yuanwu were about to leave when suddenly their expressions changed and they looked towards the mountain peak on the left.

I saw the three Acacia Sect monks who had disappeared after entering, fled from the passage hastily at this time, followed by a crustacean monster of the Zifu period.

Although these three monks are not weak in cultivation, they can only run for their lives in the face of this purple mansion stage monster.

After escaping from the cave at this time, the three of them looked happy, and immediately released the flying boat to fly away, but they forgot one thing, this crustacean monster can also fly, and it is faster than theirs.

As a last resort, the three of them landed quickly as soon as they took off, and then they also noticed that Lin Qing and Lin Yuanwu were on the side, and immediately ran towards them.

Seeing this, Lin Qing did not leave.

Although he doesn't want to cause trouble, if it's beneficial, it's another story.

He and Lin Yuanwu entered the cave, but did not find any traces of living things, and the three of them did not bring any living things when they entered, so where did the beetle monsters of the purple mansion period come from? If it is a spirit beast, it is impossible to chase them Running by themselves, could it be that they found something good to attract them?

Thinking of this, Lin Qing became less anxious to leave.

Maybe in the eyes of these three people, he and Lin Yuanwu are of low strength, and maybe they still have the idea of ​​moving eastward in order to make trouble, but he doesn't mind doing this favor, and of course it will be paid.

Seeing the carapace monster flying towards him, Lin Qing said to Lin Yuanwu in a secret voice: "Yuanwu, it's up to you, the ancestor looked at these three people."

"Yes." After Lin Yuanwu finished speaking, he ran towards the beetle monster that was less than a hundred feet long.

At this moment, Lin Yuanwu exploded with the strength of a cultivator in the Zifu, while Lin Qing looked at these three people. If these three wanted to escape, he would catch them immediately. Simple and simple, this is why he wants Lin Yuanwu to hold back the monster.

However, what Lin Qing didn't expect was that the three of them didn't escape at this time, but after Lin Yuanwu broke out the strength of the Zifu period, they stepped forward to help for a while, Lin Qing was slightly taken aback, and then stopped thinking about it Help Lin Yuanwu get rid of this monster.

"Thank you two seniors for your rescue. The next three are monks of the Hehuan Sect. I am very grateful to the seniors."

After the monster was dealt with, the male monk in the late stage of Foundation Establishment said to Lin Qing, besides thanking him, he mentioned that he was a monk of the Acacia Sect. The reason for living with these three people.

(End of this chapter)

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