Chapter 291 Gu Xin
"Thank you two seniors."

"Thank you two seniors."

At this time, the two female cultivators beside the male monk also spoke, probably due to the practice of exercises, their tone was very comfortable to listen to, it didn't sound like talking, but they were massaging their ears.

Two of the female cultivators stared at Lin Yuanwu after they finished speaking. Needless to say, Lin Qing knew what they were thinking.

Because his strength was exposed, Lin Yuanwu didn't hide anymore. He looked at the two female cultivators with a cold smile, and stood behind Lin Qing, smiling earnestly. He doesn't like the female cultivators of the Acacia Sect now.

Lin Qing didn't want to say more at this time, but said directly:

"You don't need to be too polite. We just don't want to see the mouths of some dead monsters. However, I'm curious about why there are purple monsters in this cave. I don't know if you can Answer it."

The three of them glanced at each other, and then it was the veiled female cultivator who said in great detail: "Senior, Gu Xin of the Hehuan Sect, came to this ancient cave this time, and got a copy of one of the possibilities. Hiding the information about the elixir, this elixir is beneficial to the next breakthrough cultivation base. So we invited the fellow disciple Shen Daoyou and his wife, but after digging, there was no elixir inside, only a sleeping beetle, we wanted to quietly We left, but the beetle found us, the cave was too small, we had no choice but to run for our lives, and this was how senior rescued us, the three of us are extremely grateful to senior, other than that, we got nothing."

This woman named Gu Xin was also extremely smart, she knew what Lin Qing was thinking, and when she finished speaking, she took the initiative to hand over her storage bag to Lin Qing.

Lin Qing was not polite at all. After checking, there was indeed no treasure that moved his heart.

And the couple surnamed Shen, facing Lin Qing who was consummated in the Zifu, did not dare to disobey at all, and handed over their storage bags to Lin Qing for inspection.

Lin Qing didn't do any tricks at this point, so after checking and returning the storage bag to them, they found that nothing was missing in it, so they called Lin Qingye senior and senior.

They also seemed interested in getting acquainted with Lin Qing. After all, although they didn't get the treasure, it was a big gain to know a senior who was perfect in the Purple Mansion.

However, Lin Qing didn't know their thoughts. After finding out that there was no treasure, he was about to leave, but the female cultivator named Gu Xin secretly looked at Lin Yuanwu many times, and said: "Two Seniors, I think you all know it too."

After some words, it still meant that, she wanted to double cultivate with Lin Yuanwu. When she was talking, the couple surnamed Shen on one side were not strict, and they just smiled.

Lin Qing had a good impression of this girl, and said at this moment: "I know about your Acacia Sect, but on this point, let's forget it, besides, you are in the middle stage of foundation establishment, don't you have your own Taoist companion? "

After Lin Qing finished speaking, Lin Yuanwu gave the female cultivator a cold look, which was self-evident.

Hearing this, Gu Xin was a little embarrassed, but still said: "Senior, I don't know, but the exercises I practice are different from those of fellow Taoists in the sect, so until now I have no Taoist companions, and I have not broken my body. Encountering a bottleneck in cultivation, I had to do it as a last resort, and I hope seniors understand."


Lin Qing and Lin Yuanwu were a little surprised, but they didn't practice the magic of the Hehuan sect, so they couldn't tell it at all.

Lin Qing took a look at the woman based on her own experience, and felt that she was telling the truth in all likelihood.

Gu Xin said again at this time: "To be honest with the two seniors, I have heard about the deeds of the two seniors staying in Taohefang a few days ago. Now that I think about it, although their appearances are different, it should be the two seniors who are pretending now." I ask seniors not to care about these things. I just want to say that seniors don't care about so many friends from the same sect. I also know that it is extremely difficult to impress seniors. But seniors have some influence in the sect. If seniors have requests, If you can bring it up, I will try my best to satisfy it.”

Lin Qing was not in a hurry to answer. The woman saw that they had stayed in Taohefang a few days ago, and he was not surprised at all. After all, the two of them were constantly discussing among the disciples of the Hehuan Sect. more common.What Lin Qing didn't expect was that behind this woman was an elder with considerable influence in the Hehuan Sect. This was unexpected, no wonder she wasn't so flustered just now.

Glancing at Lin Yuanwu, Lin Qing said secretly, "Yuanwu, on this point, it's all up to you."

Lin Yuanwu nodded. Speaking of which, he was also a little depressed. He thought that he would encounter some unexpected problems during this trip, but he never thought that it would be in this area. After pretending a few days ago, it was just a little bit better, and today it is like this again .

Then he thought that he was about to participate in the five-nation conference, and the five-nation conference was held around the Taohefang of the Hehuan Sect. At that time, he would definitely not be able to hide his cultivation. Doesn't it mean that the troubles are still to come, in case, in case One, what if the female cultivator of the Purple Mansion takes a fancy to him.

Thinking of this, Lin Yuanwu had a headache.

At this time, he looked at this female cultivator, although she was masked, she also felt that she should look pretty good, and he was even more satisfied with her unbroken body.If it's her, it's not impossible. Of course, he mainly wants to save trouble in the future.

At the same time, the female cultivator also said that the elders have some power and can make demands.

Lin Yuanwu now has something extremely longing in his heart.

Under the woman's expectant eyes, Lin Yuanwu walked slowly several times, pondered for a moment, and then said: "If you have a talisman, I agree very much."

"Amulet treasure?" Lin Qing smiled when he heard this, this thing is too precious.

At the same time, Lin Qing also thought that this should be the relationship between Yuanwu's admiration and desire for seeing the powerful talisman he got before, and it has something to do with him.

Glancing at this female cultivator again, Lin Qingxin thought that Yuanwu was going to return disappointed today, and no matter how powerful the power behind him was, it was impossible to give him a talisman.

"Senior, is it true?"

To the surprise of Lin Qing and Lin Yuanwu, this female cultivator named Gu Xin said so, which is quite possible.

Needless to say, Lin Qing was surprised, this is a treasure talisman, and Lin Yuanwu said this just casually, in fact, he also knew that this item was too precious, and he was paving the way for future bargaining. .

"Of course it is true." Lin Yuanwu said firmly.

"Well, I'll give it to Senior now."

What surprised Lin Qing and Lin Yuanwu even more was that Gu Xin really took out a talisman.

Shocked Lin Yuanwu took it, and Lin Qing thought to himself at this moment, could it be the Suzerain of the Hehuan Sect or someone with great power behind this woman?Otherwise, it can't be like this.

Lin Yuanwu had seen the talisman and recognized it as the talisman at a glance, but he was a little puzzled, so he showed it to Lin Qing, who also felt a little strange after seeing it.

(End of this chapter)

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