I have made the Cultivation Clan by myself

Chapter 295 Taoist Xingyue and Tian Yanzi

Chapter 295 Taoist Xingyue and Tian Yanzi
So many Zifu monks gathered together, and tomorrow is the official day of the Five Nations Conference, many Zifu couldn't sit still, and took out their treasures to exchange.For this point, Lin Qing cared more than discussing the cultivation base, and put all her attention on it for a while.

In the final analysis, it is Zifu, and every shot is a good thing.

Needless to say, the third-order magical artifacts, all kinds of rare elixir, rare materials, and things that are difficult to see outside, seem to be common things in the hands of these Zifu.

For a while, Tingshui Pavilion became a small trade fair, and it became extremely lively.

Lin Qing also used some materials obtained from the previous beast tide to exchange a lot of exciting things, which made him gain a lot.Among them, Lin Yuanwu was replaced with a set of high-quality third-level middle-grade magical weapons. Although Lin Yuanwu's third-level purple mansion has not yet reached the middle stage, he is stronger than the ordinary early stage of the purple mansion, so it can be used.

This trade fair lasted until night, just because there were future monks from the Purple Mansion, after hearing the news, they all came here one after another.

However, Lin Qing and Lin Yuanwu exchanged enough items before dark, returned to their small courtyard, and waited for tomorrow's five-nation conference.

"Old Ancestor, what do you think will happen in the Five Nations Conference?"

Thinking of tomorrow, Lin Yuanwu couldn't help asking.

Lin Qing smiled. After receiving the invitation to the Five Nations Conference, he guessed that it was nothing more than dealing with Baibaolou.After the exchange in the past few days, other Zifu also have general opinions, and there is no discrepancy. After all, only this matter can gather so many Zifu.

"Whatever he does, our trip has been very fruitful, no matter what happens in the future, we must pay attention to safety." Lin Qing said.

Lin Yuanwu nodded.

Early the next morning, Lin Qing and the others came to a huge building in Taohuazhuang.

This building is located in the center of Taohuazhuang. It is oval in shape. It is so large that it can accommodate thousands of people. However, it is used as a meeting place today, so it looks a bit empty.

When Lin Qing and the others arrived, it was still early, so they chose a remote place to sit down and wait for the meeting to start.

Within half an hour after that, all the Zifu who came to Taohuazhuang came here. Lin Qing counted them, and there were 82 of them, which was more than he thought.

With so many purple mansions gathered together, just looking at it is very powerful.

Even the disciples of the Hehuan Sect, the largest sect in Dali, did not dare to look at them when they came to pour tea at this time. Normally, as disciples of the Acacia Sect, other casual cultivators would only envy them, but today, in front of so many Zifu, Their identities are nothing.

But because everyone is from Zifu, they all care about their face, so no one makes things difficult for these disciples. Even if a disciple spills the tea because of nervousness, the Zifu monk who is also from the Acacia sect who is drinking tea doesn't care. On the contrary, he comforted his sect disciple with a few words, which made the disciple terrified.

Speaking of which, if he was alone and spilled the tea, it would not be so simple.

Because the person who drank the tea in Zifu was violent by nature, he was famous for his violent temper in the Hehuan Sect, and he was also the law enforcement elder of the Acacia Sect.In his mind, doing something as simple as pouring tea wrong is simply disgraceful and deserves to be punished and beaten.

But today, he can't teach him a lesson, he can't even yell at him. With so many comrades watching, he showed his anger to show that he is small-minded. He doesn't want to do such a thing, let alone this is his own sect disciple, so It can't be like this anymore.

Speaking of which, most of this violent temper is used against people who are inferior to him. When facing someone stronger than himself, how many people can become violent.

While all the purple houses were sipping tea patiently, suddenly the eyes of Lin Qing's several purple houses moved, and then more and more purple houses reacted.

There is a powerful aura coming from outside Taohezhuang.

For a moment, the Zifu monks who knew that this should be the aura that only Jindan can emit were very excited. This is Jindan. There are only three in the five countries of Shangyun Prefecture, and one of them is still the target to be dealt with.Such a rare golden elixir, not to mention low-level monks, is also rare for Zifu monks.

If you can get a little suggestion from Jindan, it will be much better than discussing with all the purple mansions.

The breath was getting closer and closer, and some Zifu monks had already stood up, and one stood up, and there were more beside him. Although Lin Qing didn't want to stand up, everyone stood up, so he stood up too.

Speaking of which, this is a different kind of welcome ceremony.

"It's Daoist Xingyue!"

A figure came from the door, and a voice suddenly exclaimed that it was a monk who had seen Taoist Xingyue before.

Immediately, the words that had been prepared for a long time in the mouths of the rest of the Zifu came out:

"Hello, Daoist Xingyue!"

"Master Xingyue has worked hard all the way, I am"

"Master Xingyue."

But no matter what the Zifu said, Taoist Xingyue just smiled, walked to the chair prepared for him and sat down. It was in the middle of the room, and there was an empty chair next to it.

Lin Qing also looked at this moment, and saw Taoist Xingyue looked like a middle-aged man, with a square face, and he looked upright.His cultivation level is even higher than that of the Zifu, and he is the fake Dan Xingyue Taoist of the Xingyue Sect of Chu State, who is honored as Taoist Xingyue by everyone in the Zifu.

As soon as Taoist Xingyue sat down, many Zifu came up to say hello.

Lin Qing didn't go, he and Xingyue Taoist had never met before, and seeing Xingyue Taoist, although he kept smiling but didn't reply a word, Lin Qing didn't want to join in the fun.

But Xingyue Taoist took a look at him afterwards, after all, Zifu's perfect cultivation base is rare among all the Zifu.

Lin Qing, who had the talisman, was full of confidence, but he smiled slightly when facing Taoist Xingyue's scrutiny, which made Taoist Xingyue feel a little unusual, but he still didn't speak.

After a quarter of an hour passed, Taoist Xingyue didn't say a word and only drank a few sips of tea, but all the Zifu became more respectful. This is a Golden Core cultivator.

Although it is only a fake pill, it is also an unattainable state for all the purple mansions on the field.

The disciples of the Hehuan Sect who were pouring tea did not dare to speak out, and their steps were a little more careful than before.


Lin Qing's heart moved, and at this moment there was another powerful aura, which should be Tian Yanzi.

Looking at Taoist Xingyue, Taoist Xingyue sat up straight at some point, and put down the tea in his hand.And the rest of Zifu, who had reacted, became excited again at this moment.

Tian Yanzi is much stronger than Taoist Xingyue.

"Keep fellow daoists waiting for a long time!"

The breath came very quickly, and after a while, a voice came from the door, and suddenly a person walked in, needless to say it was Tian Yanzi.

Lin Qing looked, and saw a medium-sized monk with a long beard and a benevolent face came in. Compared with Taoist Xingyue, he was a little short in stature, but Taoist Xingyue also stood up at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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