I have made the Cultivation Clan by myself

Chapter 296 Ablation of 5 Lines

Chapter 296 Melting the Five Elements
After Tianyanzi finished what everyone had been waiting for, the surrounding Zifu became more lively than before:

"It is Sansheng's fortune to see Senior Tianyan."

"Senior Tianyan worked hard all the way."

"Senior Tian Yan."

When these purple mansions complimented him, Tian Yanzi approached Taoist Xingyue with a smile, and the two greeted each other, and all the purple mansions immediately stopped talking and dared not say any more.

After all, compared with Xingyue Taoist who sometimes shows up, Tianyanzi is more mysterious, and it is the first time for many Zifu in Dali to see Tianyanzi.

The words of Tianyanzi and Taoist Xingyue were not heard by the rest of the Zifu. After they said a few words, they smiled at each other, and then sat down together, and all the Zifu also quickly sat in their seats.

As if they had received some order, all the disciples of the Hehuan Sect retreated one by one at this moment, and then only Lin Qing, the Zifu, and Tianyanzi Xingyue Taoist two golden pills were left behind.

Unexpectedly, Taoist Xingyue spoke first:
"Fellow daoists, you all know about Baibaolou, right? In fact, everyone's thinking is not bad. This five-nation conference is to discuss how to deal with Baibaolou. As for the exchange of cultivation bases, I also heard that Well, you guys have communicated in the past few days, so I don't think there is any need to mention this matter. If that Zifu makes great contributions in the future, it's not impossible for me and Fellow Daoist Tianyan to mention it, but let's let it go today. "

"Everyone is the purple mansion of the Five Kingdoms of Shangyunzhou. I don't think I need to say how familiar you are with Baibaolou. This building started as a shop, but it has allowed them to achieve such a scale. I think it is our The failure of the Five Kingdoms of Shangyunzhou."

"This Baibao Building was okay at the beginning, but because of its power, it did a lot of things that angered heaven and man. For example, 200 years ago, there was a branch of Baibao Building in Dali."

To Lin Qing's surprise, the Xingyue Taoist first told all the disgraceful deeds of Baibaolou, and he told them in great detail for half an hour.Attracting the support of many Zifu, the five-nation conference seemed to be a meeting to complain about Baibaolou.

After saying this, Xingyue Taoist even said: "Not to mention, just a few decades ago, Zhao Guo, which belongs to our Shangyun Prefecture, was affected by the tide, and the Baibao Building was the first to evacuate. According to my knowledge When Zhizhi retreated, he deliberately suppressed Zhao’s local forces, this kind of intention is not bad.”

Lin Qing and Lin Yuanwu glanced at each other, but said nothing.

"Five years ago, the Taoist Baibao in Baibaolou became a fake alchemy. Do you know what he wanted to do first? He wanted to buy several markets in our Chu State. You said that this Baibaolou How much did you think about it?"

"That's right, that's right, that Baibaolou is uneasy and kind."

"Baibaolou didn't even think about taking us to Yunzhou as their home. They were just looking for profit."

Some Zifu monks immediately agreed.

Even the monks of Zifu boldly said: "The Baibaolou is probably a spy of Zhongyun Prefecture, and it will be beneficial for us to go to Shangyun Prefecture to eradicate it as soon as possible."

Hearing this, Xingyue Taoist and Tian Yanzi took a look, and there was a smile in their eyes.

At this moment, Tian Yanzi said: "The Baibao Building really shouldn't exist, but after we did it before, we didn't expect that the Baibao Building would have the Rongdu Five Elements array arranged by Master Qiongshan back then. It can be said that it is not so easy. deal with."

"Senior Tianyan, what kind of formation is the Rongduan Five Elements formation? Could it be that the strength of the seniors can't break it?" Zifu asked again.

Tian Yanzi stroked his beard and said:

"Fellow daoists, the five-element restriction in Baibaolou, as its name suggests, can dissolve the spells of the five elements. As long as your spells belong to the five elements, they will not be able to cause harm to them. Only in this point, it is not comparable to other formations."


As soon as he said a word, many Zifu were extremely surprised.

Melting the five elements?This is something I have never heard of before. You must know that the five-element spells are very common. From the fireball technique in the Qi training period to some powerful spells in the Zifu period, they can all be attributed to the five-element spells. The medium is so powerful that there is simply nowhere to start.

Hearing Tian Yanzi's words, Taoist Xingyue on the side also felt distressed and unable to speak.

This ability to dissolve the five elements of magic is too powerful, not to mention all the monks of the Zifu, even he and Tian Yanzi were helpless at the beginning, so that a Baibaolou was dragged from five years ago to Now.

"However, don't worry everyone. After five years of research, I found that the five-element restriction is still flawed, and it's not impossible to break it. As long as..."

Tian Yanzi said again, and now he explained.

A quarter of an hour later, Lin Qing nodded in her heart.

It turns out that Tianyanzi's name is not just a title, he is also proficient in divination. After the ban on Baibaolou was frustrated, Tianyanzi did not ask for other help, but found a solution by himself, and within a few months Beforehand, it really made him find a way to use a large amount of pure spiritual power to impact until the restraint couldn't bear it.This method has a 64% chance of being able to break the five-element restriction of Baibaolou, but the only requirement is the help of monks above the Zifu, and at least [-] people. The more the better, the less is absolutely impossible.

And so many Zifu, with the strength of their Dali and Chu, can only be taken out regardless of everything, but that means that the defense is empty, so he convened the Five Kingdoms Conference and invited the monks of the Zifu of the Five Kingdoms to come together .

Originally, they were the only ones to deal with it together with the forces of Dali and Chu, but now that the Zifu of the other three countries also participated, Tian Yanzi promised that after breaking the Baibaolou, they would all have a corresponding benefit.

While talking, some monks were also puzzled, saying that now that the Purple Mansions of the Five Kingdoms are here, what should we do if the Baibaolou man takes the opportunity to escape.

Tian Yanzi didn't care about it. According to him, he had studied the five-element restriction of Rongju a lot over the years. He found that this restriction was powerful in defense, but it also had many shortcomings. One of them was that when he wanted to close it, there were no two There is no need to think about the time of day, and as long as it is not closed, people inside them will not be able to get out, so everyone can rest assured.

However, in order to prevent accidents, Tian Yanzi said that it is best for everyone to go together now to break this restriction.

Naturally, no one objected.

Following Tian Yanzi and Taoist Xingyue to the main building of Baibao Building, Lin Qing felt a little disdainful.

If I knew this was the case, why didn't I choose the address of the Five Nations Conference at the main building of Baibao Building, but now it is such a toss.

Could it be that the location was decided at will?

What Lin Qing didn't know was that it was really the case. The reason why the Five Nations Conference chose Taohezhuang next to Hehuanzong Taohefang was really decided by Tian Yanzi himself.

But whether it is to show strength, or has ulterior motives, no one else can know.

As the Supreme Elder of Jindan of the Hehuan Sect, who is also proficient in divination, Tian Yanzi often makes many unexpected actions. strangeness.

(End of this chapter)

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