I have made the Cultivation Clan by myself

Chapter 297 Long Banner and Jade Plate

Chapter 297 Long Banner and Jade Plate

A day later, with everyone flying at full speed, they arrived outside the main building of Baibao Building.

Lin Qing and Lin Yuanwu had seen Baibaolou once before, but when they saw it again, they couldn't help being shocked by the size of the main building of Baibaolou.

Tianyanzi and Taoist Xingyue, who led them here, glanced at each other at this moment. Tianyanzi's expression was normal, but Taoist Xingyue's eyes were a little fiery.

Thinking about it, once the Baibao Building is broken, there will be many good things revealed inside, even if it is a golden core, it is inevitable that it will be tempted.

Tian Yanzi glanced at the Zifu behind him at this moment, and said: "You guys recover first, recover your own state, and listen to my instructions later."

All the Zifu quickly answered yes, they had traveled for a day, and each of them wanted to recover some spiritual power.

As for Tianyanzi and Taoist Xingyue, they don't need it, it doesn't matter to them, even Lin Qing doesn't care, after all, he is the perfect Zifu, but Lin Qing still meditates, he doesn't want to be the first bird.

But while meditating, Lin Qing was also paying attention to Tian Yanzi, to see what methods he would have.

At this moment, when Tian Yanzi saw Baibaolou, his eyes moved, and then he turned his hands, and took out nine long flags nearly ten feet long, each of which had a different color, with five main colors of yellow, green, black, red, and gold. , and other mixed colors, each of which is comparable to a third-order magic weapon.

Taking out these nine long flags, Tian Yanzi flew around from time to time, planting one on the ground for a while, and planting one on the hillside of Baibaolou for a while.

Speaking of which, the ban on tolerance and five elements in Baibaolou is still being opened, but the long flags are not mortal things, one by one is directly set outside the ban, which looks a bit mysterious.

After placing all the nine long flags in the expected position, Tian Yanzi paused, and took out more white jade plates.

These jade plates were less than one foot long, mainly white in color, and there were dozens of them in number. They were taken out and placed in their hands.

In the past half an hour, most of the Zifu has recovered, Tian Yanzi said, also explaining his actions:

"The flag I planted just now and the jade plate I'm holding in my hand are the key to breaking the formation. Fellow Taoist Xingyue and I will preside over two of the main flags later, and the seven sub-flags will be handled by the late Zifu The monk presides. These jade plates will be presided over by other Taoist friends. At that time, everyone will try their best to infuse spiritual power. According to my estimation, as long as there is enough spiritual power, this restriction will not be able to bear it. when."

Hearing this, Lin Qing nodded in his heart.

Based on his understanding of formations, it can be said that any formation has an upper limit, and when this limit is reached, no matter what kind of formation it is, it will be damaged.But prohibition is a more sophisticated formation, and this seemingly barbaric method is of course applicable.

However, if it is only this point, how can it be delayed for five years.

Looking at the nine long flags planted by Tianyanzi outside the main building of Baibao Building at this time, Lin Qing's eyes moved slightly. This must be the most important thing, and it is also the reason why Tianyanzi spent five years.

It is not difficult to insert the flag, but it is difficult to insert it there.

The main building of Baibaolou is more than a thousand feet high, and the nine flags are distributed on it, but they are very particular, if they are placed randomly, it may not have any effect.

Lin Qing couldn't understand it now, but she still remembered it in her heart.

After Tian Yanzi finished explaining the reason, he stretched out his hand and pointed out seven people from all the Zifu, the lowest of which was the late Zifu, and Lin Qing, as a Zifu, was naturally among them.

Lin Qing was not surprised by this.

Facing Lin Qing and the others, Tian Yanzi's first sentence was somewhat unexpected: "What kind of exercises do you practice?"

Lin Qing's seven purple mansions glanced at each other, but no one answered. Tian Yanzi smiled and explained: "I just want to distribute the corresponding flags to you, although you can distribute them at will, but according to each person's cultivation method. , would be better."

Hearing this, Zifu later said, "Senior, what I practice is the fire element technique."

There was one opening, and the next seven purple mansions said it all. Lin Qing only said that he practiced the water system, and didn't say much.

After finishing speaking, Tian Yanzi nodded, and assigned different flags to the seven Lin Qing.

Lin Qing is a black flag, looking around, it was planted by Tian Yanzi at a height of about a hundred feet.

"Okay, you go to your own flags. Later, the spiritual power of the rest of the Purple Mansion will be poured into this restriction through the big flags in your hands. Remember, you must be steady no matter what, and at the same time pour your own spiritual power into it." Among them, you must not relax, if you relax, it will have a negative impact on you." Tian Yanzi said with a condensed expression.

Hearing this, Lin Qing and the others complained in their hearts. It seems that this is not a good job.

If one can cultivate to the later stage of the Zifu, one will naturally have a greater desire for the Golden Elixir. Hearing Tian Yanzi's words, one will cause damage to oneself if one is not serious. This is not something to rush to do.But Tian Yanzi had already pointed it out, and Lin Qing and the others didn't have the nerve to go back, so they all nodded and flew towards their respective flags.

After Lin Qing and the others left, Tian Yanzi distributed the white jade plate in his hand to other Zifu. At this time, the words were much simpler.

"Fellow daoists, remember not to slacken the infusion of spiritual power, otherwise the restriction will not be broken."

"It's senior."

"Please don't worry, senior."


From all the Purple Mansions came a voice that satisfied Tian Yanzi.

At this time, Lin Qing and the others settled down. Tianyanzi glanced at Taoist Xingyue, and both of them became solemn, and then flew towards a big flag. Tianyanzi was at the lowest end, and Taoist Xingyue is at the top.

Not long after, on the high mountain of more than a thousand feet, the nine banners had corresponding monks.

If viewed from a distance, the positions of the nine people are a bit like the distribution of the Big Dipper, but there are two more long flags up and down.

As for the other purple mansions, they are all sitting cross-legged under the high mountain at the moment, spreading out, each with a white jade plate in their hands, waiting for Tian Yanzi's order.


Tian Yanzi saw that everything was ready at this moment, and his spiritual power came out majesticly. After passing the flag and colliding with the restriction, there was a substantive sound, which immediately surprised everyone.

Needless to say at this time, all the cultivators of the Purple Mansion poured their spiritual power into them.

Lin Qing clings to the black banner and slowly pours his spiritual energy into it. He will not try his best to put all his spiritual energy into the banner. No matter what time it is, he has to keep some trump cards for himself.

After infusion, it was okay at first, but after a while, Lin Qing felt that the black banner of persistence became thicker, and there was a gradually increasing attraction on it, but in Lin Qingzi Mansion's perfect cultivation It's okay to resist slightly.

Glancing down, Lin Qing knew that the spiritual power of the Zifu period had already been poured into the banner through the jade plate.

Thinking of this, Lin Qing gathered his energy and stopped thinking about it.

(End of this chapter)

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