Chapter 298
From the beginning of Qi training, the monk absorbs the external spiritual power into the body. When the foundation is established, the absorbed spiritual power has become liquid in the body, and the liquid becomes viscous in the Zifu. It can be said that every Zifu body The aura is an astonishing amount.

Now more than [-] people from the Purple Mansion poured their own spiritual power into them. Although there are many people who have fished, the spiritual energy in them is still too amazing.

Not to mention that there are two golden elixir who instilled their own spiritual power without reservation, and the big banner was inserted at the key point, which made it possible for the five elements to change after a short period of time.

From the translucent state at the beginning, it gradually turned white, as if the water had started to freeze.

Seeing this scene, Tian Yanzi was overjoyed, and this situation showed that his prediction was correct.

"Increase spiritual power!"

Tian Yanzi said aloud to many Zifu.

For a while, the spiritual power was more abundant, and the prohibition turned white faster. After a while, the entire restriction turned into a snow-white color. Once this color appeared, it completely covered the scene inside the restriction.

But at this moment, the restriction changed again, and I saw rows of tiny lines emerging from the white, and soon there were more and more of these lines, and all kinds of whites were also divided into pieces. Some of the whites are starting to fade.

"Increase your spiritual power!"

Tian Yanzi said again, the five-element restriction is really powerful, otherwise it can melt the five-element spells, and so much spiritual power of Zifu can be gradually divided and absorbed, even his Acacia sect's restriction can't reach this level.

Seeing this change in the restriction, each of the Purple Mansions naturally did not dare to slack off, and continued to increase the input of spiritual power in their bodies.

Fortunately, this transformation slowly stopped under the continuous instillation of spiritual power. After a while, the lines were covered by white again, and the white became thicker and thicker. If people who didn't know saw this mountain, they would think it was a big What about snow mountains?


Suddenly, the nine people in charge of the banner heard a strange sound, like a bubble bursting.

As soon as the first sound came out, more sounds came out. At this moment, a series of sounds sounded like boiling water.

"Cuckoo, cluck, cluck~~~"

The sound came one after another, which made people feel uncomfortable, as if some unknown risk was gestating.

"go with!"

Tian Yanzi also noticed this change. He opened his mouth at this moment, and an abacus-shaped thing flew out of his mouth. At first, it was only half the size of a palm, but when it flew into the air, it was already two feet long.

"magic weapon?"

A monk from Zifu said in disbelief, even Lin Qing was shocked, this was the first time he saw a real magic weapon, it is said that each magic weapon is extremely powerful and has incredible functions.

Thinking of this, Lin Qing turned his attention to the magic weapon. As for holding the banner, it is not so difficult for him.

Tian Yanzi released the magic weapon in the shape of an abacus, and with a movement of his consciousness, the magic weapon of the abacus went directly to the formation, and more than ten beads were separated from the top on the way.

"Puff puff puff!!!"

These abacus beads were stuck on the prohibition one by one. As for the abacus magic weapon itself, it flew above the high mountain, emitting three-color rays of light covering the main building of Baibaolou.

After this move, the ban no longer made a sound, as if it was suppressed.

"Everyone, don't leave any room, the breaking of the ban is now!"

Tian Yanzi said again.

Knowing that the matter was urgent, Yanzi even released the magic weapon this day, and all the purple mansions dared not slack off even more, even those who fished would infuse their spiritual power even more vigorously.

At this moment, Lin Qing had poured [-]% of his spiritual power into his body. Hearing this, he was a little faster. As long as his spiritual power remained above [-]%, he would not be afraid of danger.

With the infusion of more spiritual power, even the powerful Tolerance and Five Elements Restriction can't hold it anymore. In other words, no matter how many spells Zifu uses, he can absorb and tolerate it without being affected at all, but at this moment it is To break it completely with a kind of brute force has already exceeded the upper limit of the restriction.

If Master Qiongshan knew that a hundred years later, there would be such a group of people breaking his restriction, he would have laughed dumbfounded.

After all, in Master Qiongshan's opinion, this restriction is not bad, but it's not that strong. As long as the method is proper, one or two golden pills can break it.But now everyone in Shangyun Prefecture can only do so.

The distance from the ban began to shake, as if the sky was shaking. With the shaking, the white ban itself expanded and then shrunk, undulating like the waves, but Lin Qing, who was in charge of the banner, ate it up. some pain.

Accompanied by expansion and contraction, the main building of Baibao Building within the restriction gradually became clear again.

Lin Qing glanced inside, and many people inside had prepared all kinds of magic weapons, of course, flying magic weapons were the most. It seemed that they wanted to escape as soon as the restriction was broken.


With a loud bang, after the restriction expanded again, it finally did not retract, but exploded completely, and the remaining power was so great that it pushed Lin Qing and the rest of the Purple Mansion a hundred feet away.

Tianyanzi and Taoist Xingyue didn't move at all, but when the restraint was broken at this moment, countless figures flew out from the Baibao Building, as if they wanted to take the opportunity to disperse and escape.

Before Lin Qing and the others could move, Tian Yanzi waved his hand, and the magic weapon of the abacus just now returned to him.

Immediately afterwards, Tian Yanzi slapped the magic weapon of the abacus, and more beads flew out of it, and these beads headed towards the fleeing people in Baibaolou. In front of the distant monk.

"Puff puff puff!!!"

There was another series of noises, but at this moment the restriction was not broken. These beads flew in front of the monks of Baibaolou, passing through their bodies as if there was nothing in front of them. The fate of ruining people.

Even the cultivators of the Purple Mansion are the same, they cannot resist at all.

For a moment, the monks of Baibaolou who had fled densely and scattered just now, fell from the sky and fell to the ground under the overwhelming number of beads, like geese falling from the sky, and fell to the ground, forming balls of fleshy paste.


Lin Qing took a breath, the strength of Tian Yanzi and the magic weapon of counting beads was still beyond his imagination.

It seems that without the five-element restriction, Baibaolou is not Tianyanzi's opponent at all. It is estimated that Tianyanzi can solve all Baibaolou by himself.

What everyone didn't expect was that after solving the fleeing monks, Tian Yanzi waved his abacus again, and immediately many abacus went towards the main building of Baibao Building. Lin Qing saw it clearly, many The monks who did not escape, and had knelt down to beg for mercy, all became desperate souls under the abacus.

There was also a familiar figure among them, that is, Elder Meng, who was already the deputy owner of Baibao Building, but he survived for a few breaths before falling to the ground unwillingly, dying without even uttering a word.

(End of this chapter)

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