I have made the Cultivation Clan by myself

Chapter 299 Ling Lie's Means and Treasures

Chapter 299 Ling Lie's Means and Treasures

"Fellow Daoist Tianyan's 'Zhu Yuluo' is really unstoppable under the golden core. Killing these monks is like mowing grass. I'm afraid that the sum of Shangyun Prefecture is not enough for fellow daoists to kill."

When Tianyanzi showed his might, Taoist Xingyue fell from the sky and said it out of jealousy or sarcasm.

"Don't rush to make sarcastic remarks. I did this to prevent the Baibao Taoist from taking the opportunity to escape. If he escaped by taking advantage of the troubled waters of a group of low-level monks, I'm afraid you and I will be in trouble in the future." Tian Yanzi said solemnly.

Hearing this, Taoist Xingyue didn't want to say anything more, Tian Yanzi glanced at him again, and said, "Don't take out your Tianluo Umbrella, your Tianluo Umbrella is more defensive now, I'm afraid it's golden Dan mid-term is extremely difficult to break."

"Hey, after incorporating a piece of copper essence a few years ago, the power has increased a lot."

Taoist Xingyue chuckled, and then spat out a small, pitch-black umbrella from his mouth, and then the small umbrella continued to enlarge, and at the same time, it continued to revolve around Taoist Xingyue automatically.

Looking at this scene, Tian Yanzi felt unhappy.

The reason why Taoist Xingyue refines such magic weapons has only one purpose in his opinion, which is to guard against him.

But after Xingyue Taoist has such a magic weapon with strong defensive power, and has been cultivating it in his body for a hundred years, even he will find it difficult to take down Xingyue Taoist for a while.

And looking at these two magic weapons and listening to the exchange of the two golden elixirs, the rest of the Zifu kept what they saw and heard firmly in their hearts.

This is not seen on weekdays.

After Taoist Xingyue sacrificed the Tianluo Umbrella, Tianyanzi looked at Baibaolou strangely. He thought that Taoist Baibao should have come out a long time ago. Could it be that he wants to watch himself kill all the monks of Baibaolou? dead?

"He didn't hide on purpose, he didn't know what kind of trap he had planted, and he wanted to wait for us to come." Taoist Xingyue said jokingly, without any sense of worry in his heart.

Ever since Tian Luosan became so powerful, Tian Yanzi couldn't easily deal with him, let alone Taoist Baibao who was also a fake pill.

"Don't come out, good!"

Tian Yanzi seemed a little angry, and swung the abacus in his hand even more.

After seeing these methods, all the Zifu felt a little too tragic. This is not dealing with Baibaolou, it is like a massacre, and they can't help being a little more afraid of Tianyanzi.

And at this moment, Taoist Baibao finally came out.

But to everyone's surprise, after he came out, he fled towards the distance immediately, without the slightest thought of fighting.

"Hey, I knew you wouldn't fail to come out."

Tian Yanzi smiled, glanced at Xingyue Taoist, and then the two chased after him.

The two golden pills were extremely fast, and their figures became blurred at once, but when they couldn't see the figure clearly, a sentence floated over: "All kinds of fellow Taoists who come to help out, you can take whatever you want in Baibao Building Take it as a reward for this trip. But I can make it clear that it is only after the two of us come back, and if you wait for the two of us to come back, you will not be allowed to take anything."

The voice came and went quickly, upon hearing this, all the purple mansions rushed into the Super Hundred Treasure Building.

Lin Qing thought in her heart that the real treasures are probably in the hands of the Taoist Baibao. That is what the two golden elixirs are looking for. There are not many good things left for them here, even though this is the main building of Baibaolou.

But Lin Qing just thought about it lightly, and flew down with Lin Yuanwu, searching around.

For Jin Dan, the things in the main building may be looked down upon, leaving them as benefits, but for them, there is no such thing as looking down upon.

Before flying away, Lin Qing had an idea and put away the storage bag of a Zifu monk who had just fallen to the ground, and then walked with Lin Yuanwu.

Thinking of Tianyanzi's strength and Taoist Xingyue's Tianluo Umbrella, Lin Qing felt that Taoist Baibao couldn't last long, so he and Lin Yuanwu grabbed a surviving monk of Baibaolou, asked the location of the treasure house of Baibaolou, and went straight to and go.

When the time came, some monks from the Purple Mansion had already arrived first.

After all, unlike Lin Qing who still needs to ask questions, some of these Zifu monks are local monks in Chu State. They know a lot about Baibaolou on weekdays, so they naturally know where the treasure is.

But at this moment, what makes many Zifu troublesome is that all the precious things in the treasure house of this Baibaolou are protected by formations.

It's not impossible to break it, but if you break a few, Tian Yanzi and the others will come back.

"A third-order magic weapon."

"A third-order formation."

"The fine foundation-building pill refined from the thousand-year-old foundation-building grass."

"The Bone Grass is almost extinct in the world of cultivating immortals."

"The elixir that increases Zifu's cultivation base."


Looking at the soul-stirring treasures, although they are useless to Lin Qing, they are all treasures for the family and the middle and middle stages of Zifu.

Due to time constraints, Lin Qing and Lin Yuanwu worked together to break several formations, and took away the elixir and a few elixir formulas that increased Zifu's cultivation base.

After all, for the Lin family, only these pills are the most useful.

Although Lin Xuqing has already reached the level of a third-tier alchemist, the most difficult thing about these pills is how to obtain the elixir. The Lin family's background is still relatively shallow, not only is it difficult to obtain the elixir, but there are only a few third-tier pills , so there are not many third-order pills that can be refined.Even if it is refined, there are only a few bottles, and the improvement of cultivation is very limited. Now that I have these, it is not a small help.

As for looking at other things, it is not so tempting, not to mention being competed by many monks.

The rare high-quality foundation building pill has also been taken away by a late Zifu, Lin Qing didn't want to conflict, so he gave up.


Lin Qing said to Lin Yuanwu.

This place is just a treasure. There is another scripture pavilion in Baibaolou, which is set up for the monks who joined Baibaolou. There can be various exercises and classics in it.

Speaking of which, after Lin Qing established his family, he paid special attention to all kinds of exercises and classics, and such things held a high place in his heart.

Next, go with Lin Yuanwu, because Lin Qing's cultivation is top-notch in the Baibaolou without the golden elixir, so he took away nearly half of the exercise books in the Sutra Pavilion, which are all Baibaolou The thousands of years of collection made some later Zifu a little unhappy.

Counting the time, Lin Qing felt that Tian Yanzi was probably coming back soon, so he didn't miss it any more, and flew away with Lin Yuanwu.

He didn't want to wait for Tianyanzi and Taoist Xingyue to come back, after all, that's what he said, if they were reluctant and asked everyone to hand over the treasures, then it would be up to them or not, so it's better to leave as soon as possible.

Not long after Lin Qing and Lin Yuanwu left, two figures galloped from outside the sky.

"Fellow Tianyan, your golden abacus magic weapon is really powerful. The Taoist Baibao just ascended to the golden core, but he didn't know where he got the magic weapon, and he even refined it. The strength is beyond imagination, but in the end he still did it. Desperate ghosts under the abacus of friends." It was the two of Tian Yanzi who seemed to have returned with a big victory, Taoist Xingyue said with a smile on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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