I have made the Cultivation Clan by myself

Chapter 334 Destroying the Demon

Chapter 334 Destroying the Demon

On the second day, Lin Qing flew away with Master Broken Bag, and there were only two of them on this trip, even Lin Zhiqi and Lin Qing didn't let him go, after all, the golden core monster was so powerful that a Zifu couldn't stop it no matter what of.

In order to speed up the journey, Lin Qing sacrificed the Yuqian Shield, which turned into a huge shield. Lin Qing stood on it and flew extremely fast.

Originally, he used Shanshui Orb to travel, but later found that the Yuqian Shield was not bad, so he used the Yuqian Shield. After all, this shield has an excellent defensive effect.

Seeing Lin Qing's shield, Master Poker opened his mouth, and a small pale white brocade brocade appeared in front of him, and then it grew bigger and took him away.

This made Lin Qing take a second look. This brocade handkerchief is undoubtedly a magic weapon, but in his mind, the magic weapon of the master of the bag, it should be extraordinary. Now it seems that it is so small and exquisite, it is really different from the master of the bag. image does not match.

But thinking of the changing power of the magic weapon, Lin Qing didn't care.

Seeing that Lin Qing was paying attention to his magic weapon, Master Broken Bag sneered, and urged Jinpa to fly away faster than Lin Qing.

Seeing this, Lin Qing shook her head and hurriedly followed.

Both of them were golden cores, and they flew very fast, and they arrived outside the beach in a few hours. At this time, there was still some time before the crab demon came here. Lin Qing told Master Pobag the exact location, Then I talked about the cultivation base of the crab.

Hearing that it was a mid-Golden Core monster, Master Broken Bag had to leave on the spot. After all, he always thought that Lin Qing's cultivation base would dare to deal with monsters in the early Golden Core stage. I still stayed, after all, the success rate is still very high because it is intentional versus unintentional.

Afterwards, each arranged their own means, and the two concealed themselves and waited.

In the past hour, the sea water near the beach began to darken, and then a huge crab crawled out. It was undoubtedly the golden core crab monster, and it was walking into the trap set by Lin Qing and Master Pobag without realizing it.

Speaking of which, after becoming a golden core monster, the monster can indeed change shape, but under normal circumstances, many monsters still like to keep their original appearance.

After all, there are still many defects in the transformation of the Golden Core stage, and it cannot be exactly like a human being. Either there is an extra horn on the head, or the skin on the body is difficult to remove.Moreover, after taking shape, it also has a great impact on strength and will be restrained.Except for special circumstances, most of the golden core monsters keep their original shape.But when it comes to Yuanying, it is no different from human beings.

Just like this [-]-foot-long crab, it was asking for trouble for him to transform into a shape, so after it became a golden pill, it still maintained its own shape.

At this moment, seeing that the crab monster is about to climb into the trap it set, it is also the place where it likes to bask in the sun a few times before.The crab demon remained motionless, as if he had noticed something was wrong. Seeing this scene, Lin Qing and the master of the broken bag did not wait long, and immediately activated the trap they had set.

Among them, the magic weapon of Broken Bag Master turned into a huge white net to cover the crab monster, and the secondary condensation water ball hidden deep in the ground also went towards the crab monster.

As soon as it sensed the danger, the crab demon ran extremely fast.

The two huge pincers are both working at this moment, and with a simple movement, the body can leap hundreds of feet away.

As soon as it was about to fall into the sea, Master Broken Bag's brocade handkerchief covered it, and Lin Qing's subsequent water ball also hit its pincers.


With a crisp sound, half of the claw of the crab demon was broken by Lin Qing.

This time, the crab monster was completely enraged, and it came towards Lin Qing and Master Pobag with its handkerchief. Although the Jinpa of Master Breaker covered the crab monster, it only restricted it and did not let him Can't move at all.

Seeing the crab monster approaching aggressively, Lin Qing immediately used the Yuqian Shield to protect his body, and then used good water beads, which turned into many third-order magic weapons to attack it.

When we dealt with the octopus demon back then, the magic weapons turned into were only low-grade third-tier, but now, although the number has not changed, they have all reached middle-tier third-tier, and they have the functions of cold air and restricting consciousness, and Not so easy to deal with.

Although the crab monster withstood the attack with its hard body, there were some white cold spots on its body, which made it feel a little stinging.

Seeing this, Lin Qing flew away with more hydration artifacts.

This time he used a newly figured out method, after seven or eight magic weapons flew away, they combined one by one in the air, turning into a huge water sword, far surpassing the level of a third-order magic weapon.


There was another loud noise, and the crab monster was in pain.

"Master Broken Bag, don't tell me this is the only way you can do it. I alone can't kill this monster." Lin Qing said to Master Broken Bag who didn't care about it after releasing the brocade handkerchief.

If it was a monster in the early stage of Jindan, he would probably kill it if he continued to grind it down.

But this crab demon is in the middle stage of Jindan, and its defense is super strong. Lin Qing doesn't think he can kill like this.

Hearing what Lin Qing said, Master Pobag smiled: "Hey, I'm just looking at your methods, don't worry, I will make a move."

While speaking, Master Broken Bag did not open his mouth, but took a hairpin from the bun he was holding.

"What is this for?" Lin Qing was a little surprised, if it was a magic weapon, why didn't it be kept warm in the dantian.

However, Master Pobag took down the hairpin, and then spit out another hairpin from his mouth. The two hairpins merged into one, and turned into a powerful magic weapon.

Lin Qing heaved a sigh of relief, he knew that it would not be so simple as a broken bag master who came across the sea as a mid-Gold Core.

"My Qingyun hairpin hasn't been touched for a long time, and I'm a bit unfamiliar with it."

Looking at the magic weapon in front of him, the broken bag master sighed first and said.

"Master, it's important to destroy the demon." Seeing this, Lin Qing couldn't help reminding.

The bag-breaking master glanced at Lin Qing, and then looked at the crab demon. Since the bag-breaking master released the Qingyun hairpin, the crab monster felt a huge threat and tried to escape.

But the white brocade handkerchief was really powerful, and it couldn't break free for a while.

"go with!"

After a magic decision, Master Po Bag controlled Qingyun Hairpin to fly towards the crab demon, and then a blue light flashed, and a crab claw that was half shot down by Lin Qing was immediately cut off by Qingyun Hairpin to the ground.

"Okay." Lin Qing was overjoyed, this bag-breaking master was more powerful than he imagined.

But thinking of this person living in his Lin family, Lin Qing immediately became a little worried.

The strength of the crab demon who lost a crab claw was greatly reduced. Lin Qing then controlled the good water beads to attack continuously, and the Qingyun hairpin of the bag-breaking master stopped moving after one attack, and the bag-breaking master also seemed a little Tired, I don't know if it takes time, or because the injury can't activate it.

"Master Broken Bag, if you do it again, you must be able to take it down." Lin Qing said.

(End of this chapter)

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