I have made the Cultivation Clan by myself

Chapter 335?Exterminate the demon

Chapter 335?Exterminate the demon
Master Broken Bag showed a wry smile, and said angrily: "You treat me as a method that can be used indefinitely. If it is possible, wouldn't it mean that even the monsters in the late Jindan stage are not my opponents? Besides, why don't you use your water polo? No, it's still Can it only be used once?"

Hearing what Master Pobag said, Lin Qing's heart skipped a beat. He has played water polo more than once, but it just takes time.

But since Master Broken Bag said so, Lin Qing has no plans to use it anymore, and just relies on the bead of good water to attack.

At this moment, Master Pobag looked at Lin Qing with flickering eyes, and it was nothing more than a bead of good water, but the Yuqian Shield in front of Lin Qing was extremely extraordinary in his opinion, not an ordinary magic weapon.

"This shield of yours, I'm afraid you didn't refine it yourself." Obviously during the battle, Master Pobag talked about Yuqian Shield to Lin Qing.

Lin Qing didn't want to hide it either: "That's right, it's a treasure I got. Let alone you, it will take some time to break it, even in the late stage of Jindan."

Lin Qing is not talking big. As the magic weapon of Master Qiongshan, although it is not ranked high, it is not comparable to the ordinary Jindan junior and middle stages. Its defense is really good, much stronger than Lin Qing's good water beads. This is a magic weapon dedicated to defense.

"You don't need to tell me, I can see it."

Master Broken Bag said coldly, but at this moment he was thinking that if he had this treasure, he might not have been so embarrassed back then.

But seeing Lin Qing's cautious look, he also knew that he had nothing to take advantage of, so he looked at the crab monster in front of him.

This crab monster became more and more irritable, and its originally green body had turned red, as if it had been cooked, but this is a golden core monster. With such a change, not only was it not cooked, but its strength had skyrocketed again.

"Okay, Fellow Daoist Lin, it's not good to find that monster, but this tricky monster."

Seeing that the crab demon was about to get out of trouble, the broken bag master said to Lin Qing angrily.

Lin Qing showed a helpless smile. If he could find a monster in the early stage of Jindan, he could deal with it by himself, then he would have to master the broken bag.Of course, if this crab demon in the middle stage of golden core is killed, the demon core in the body will only help more in setting up restrictions, and the restrictions will be stronger in the future.

"Master Broken Bag, hurry up, don't let it get away." Seeing that the crab monster was about to get out of trouble, Lin Qing reminded immediately.

Master Broken Bag didn't answer, and quickly formed a few seals with both hands, and then the brocade handkerchief flashed white light, and it became solid again, and the crab demon was tightly trapped again.

"It seems that there is some blood today." Seeing that Lin Qing kept attacking with good water beads, Master Bag Breaker thought helplessly.

In his opinion, only he can really kill this monster.

What made him helpless at the moment was that he still couldn't loosen the handkerchief. If he did, relying on the strength of the crab demon, his handkerchief might be damaged, and even he himself might be injured.

"go with!"

Thinking of this in his heart, some masters who were unable to get off the tiger poured their spiritual power into the Qingyun hairpin again. Seeing that the master broke the bag again, Lin Qing also urged the good water beads to the maximum.

Not long after, a water sword of more than three feet was formed, which was as powerful as an ordinary golden core attack magic weapon.

Qing Yunzan flew towards the crab demon immediately after the blue light flourished, followed by Lin Qing's water sword, which was about to kill the crab demon.

And the crab monster, who had been ambushed from the very beginning and couldn't show his strength, also knew that life and death were at stake at this moment. It stimulated the spiritual power in his body, and a burst of red energy radiated from his body.

The redness covered the sky and the sun after a short while, Lin Qing and Master Pobag needed to hold their breath because they wanted to control the magic weapon, fortunately it was not a serious problem.

But as soon as Lin Qing's water sword and Master Pobag Master's Qingyun hairpin came into contact with the red energy, their speed slowed down, and it became slower and slower.

Seeing this, Master Pobag spit out another hairpin similar to Qingyun's hairpin from his mouth, and then combined with Qingyun's hairpin, which was originally composed of two hairpins, and the blue light suddenly reappeared, and the speed became faster.

Lin Qing was startled when he saw it, but he didn't expect that the bag-breaking master still had a hand.

There won't be a fourth one, Lin Qing thought so, and couldn't help but glance at Master Pobag.

Seeing Lin Qing looking at him, Master Pobag turned Lin Qing aside, and said as if he knew what Lin Qing was thinking: "My Qingyun hairpin is only three hairpins in one, but there are no more."

Lin Qing smiled noncommittally, and looked at the crab demon, only to see the Qingyun hairpin with three hairpins in one, coming to the crab demon at a speed that seemed to escape, and then the blue light flickered, shuttled back and forth five or six times .

Not long after, the crab demon's huge body loosened, and all parts of its body fell to the ground, making a muffled sound.

"Thank you, Master."

Seeing the death of the crab demon at this time, Lin Qing said with a smile.

"Hmph, I have put in a lot of effort in this trip, and the original elixir will be increased by [-]%!" Master Broken Bag said.

Lin Qing nodded, and didn't talk much with Master Pobag in this regard. Seeing Lin Qing's interest, Master Pobag also relaxed, and recalled the brocade handkerchief and Qingyun hairpin.

"Okay, then you will get the crab's ingredients. I'll take [-]% of the agreed amount, but if you give me the demon pill, I don't need all the ingredients." Master Broken Bag said again.

Lin Qing shook his head: "That's not acceptable, I can't give in to the demon pill."

"Hmph, I knew you came here for the demon pill." Master Pobag smiled, but didn't say any more.

Lin Qing didn't care either. It's not surprising to be able to guess this point. After all, the material on this crab monster's body is not bad, but for Lin Qing who already has a magic weapon, it's somewhat tasteless. If it wasn't for the demon pill, how could he It's a risk to deal with this mid-Gold Core crab monster.

When he came to the crab demon, seeing the huge figure, Lin Qing sacrificed Yu Qiandun worriedly.

"Don't worry, it's already dead and can't die any more." Master Broken Bag said, seeming to be amused by Lin Qing's caution.

Lin Qing didn't speak. He had heard that although not all Jindan monsters could escape from their souls after they died, there were still quite a few of them. Die with the body and dissolve.

The red mist just now made Lin Qing more wary of the crab monster.

Just at this time, from the body of Nuo Da's crab demon, a ball of blue light appeared, which was still wrapped with a demon pill. It was undoubtedly the original spirit of the crab demon. It not only wanted to escape, but also left with the demon pill. After all, the demon pill is also of great benefit for future cultivation, saving a lot of effort.

The Yuanshen was so fast that Lin Qing was shocked for a moment, but he couldn't let him run away. Fortunately, the Yuanshen said that if the Yao Pill disappeared, today's effort would be wasted.

Before he had time to think about it, Lin Qing directly controlled Shan Shuizhu to chase after it, and the bag-breaking master was also a little surprised by this, and came in front of the crab demon.

(End of this chapter)

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