Chapter 341 Kisaragi
Hearing Lin Qing's question, the alchemy shop owner who didn't recognize Lin Qing gave Lin Qing a strange look, and then said: "Then you have been away for a long time, it seems that there was a long period of time a few years ago. The door has not been opened in time, but it was opened later, and there was an extra child, it has been about three or four years now, and it is open every day."

"Hiss!" Lin Qing took a breath, but asked again, "It seems that the business is not very good."

"That's right, I'm also surprised. Sometimes no one buys it for a day, and I don't know what the people in it do for a living. Maybe they just want to practice and live here."

"I see."

Lin Qing nodded, and said goodbye to Danpu.

When I came to the door of the talisman shop, there were a few first-order talismans scattered here and there, which were not attractive, except for the talismans, there was no one inside.

Lin Qing wanted to knock on the door to attract attention, but after another thought, she quietly walked to the back.

"Mother, I have already written thirty characters today, look!"

"Let my mother read it, it's really well written." Before reaching the back, I heard the voice of a little girl and a woman.

"Nannan's writing is really good, but this word is spelled wrong, it should be."

The two voices were still communicating, but Lin Qing stayed where he was. In front of him, a gentle and elegant woman was teaching the girl how to write. Although he had only seen the appearance of this gentle and elegant woman on the beach once before, but But he recognized it at once, it was undoubtedly the master of bag breaking.

Looking at the mother-in-law, and the friendly bag-breaking master who called her nannie, Lin Qing couldn't react for a while.

"Mom, who is he?"

Suddenly, the little girl looked at Lin Qing and asked strangely, and the bag-breaking master also raised his head at this time.

Speaking of which, she had already discovered Lin Qing, but she just pretended not to.

"Could this child be...?" Lin Qing looked at the master of the broken bag, and couldn't help asking, he wanted to hear the identity of the little girl from the master of the broken bag.

Unexpectedly, Master Pobag treated him coldly, and even said coldly: "Fellow Daoist, if you want to buy a talisman, please go to the front."

Lin Qing was not annoyed at all when he heard this. At this moment, he looked at Master Po Bag, and then made a move that Master Po Bag had never expected.

Excited, Lin Qing suddenly stepped forward and hugged Master Pobag tightly.

"What are you doing!"

Master Broken Bag exclaimed a little unresponsively, but then stretched out his hand to push Lin Qing away.

But the more she pushed, the tighter Lin Qing hugged him. He knew that there were too many misunderstandings between him and Master Broken Bag, but it didn't matter. Master Broken Bag was willing to give birth to this child and opened the door to wait for him. Qing didn't want to let go.

"You let go."

The Bagbreaker tried to break free, but she didn't use any spells, so how could she break free.

The little girl on the side was a little overwhelmed. Seeing her mother being hugged, she wanted to cry for a moment but tried not to cry.

The girl didn't cry, but after Breaking Bag Master broke free a couple of times, tears burst out, soaking Lin Qing's shoulders for a while, and the tears came out along with the slightest choking.

Although she is a Golden Core cultivator, she is also human.

When she found out that she had Lin Qing's flesh and blood, Master Pobag couldn't accept it for a while, after all, she had never thought about it.But after that, she resolutely decided to give birth to this child.One of the important factors was Lin Qing's three-month visit, which made her feel that Lin Qing was sincere.

But after that, Lin Qing never came again, which made her very disappointed.

Later, he kept the shop door open, just waiting for Lin Qing to come, but he didn't expect to wait until now, when the child was so old, that Lin Qing could afford to come.


Suddenly, upon hearing the child's cry, the broken bag master stopped crying, and Lin Qing let her go.

"Mother is fine, don't worry."

Master Bag Breaker said to the little girl, and then reached out and hugged the little girl.

Seeing Master Pobag holding the little girl, Lin Qing's eyes filled with tenderness, but then he felt a little ashamed.

"It's really my fault. I didn't know we had children. I just came here today. I hope you forgive me." Lin Qing said.

Master Broken Bag hugged the little girl, and asked coldly at this moment: "Is Linjiaji very far away? You seem to have never been out of Linjiashan in the past few years. I think you missed it on purpose."

"Absolutely not!"

Lin Qing immediately denied it, "I have been practicing in seclusion for the past few years, and I only got out of the seclusion recently because of the [-]th birthday banquet, and that's when I found out about it."

The broken bag master didn't say anything, Lin Qing said at this time: "Can you let me hug the baby? It's so big, it's the first time I see it as a father."

Master Broken Bag looked at the child, shook his head and said, "The child is scared by you, let's do it later."

Hearing this, Lin Qing was not only not disappointed, but even more joyful.

However, after showing joy, Lin Qing didn't know what to say or what to do for a while. He stood in Master Pobag's house, walking back and forth, staring at one place and another.

After a long time, Lin Qing sat down on a chair in the room and began to meditate.

Without this child, he and Master Broken Bag probably would not have had any relationship, but having a child is different, which makes the two people change from a dewy relationship to a relationship that is deeply connected by bonds.

Lin Qing is very happy with Master Broken Bag, if she can marry herself, that would be great.But what does Master Broken Bag think? To be honest, Lin Qing is not sure.

Looking at the two of them, Lin Qing thought in her heart that she could only make up for it later.

From this day on, Lin Qing came to this shop every day. Master Pobag neither welcomed nor disapproved his arrival, but after a long time, he would show a smile when he saw him.

In this way, a year has passed in the blink of an eye, and the relationship between Lin Qing and Master Po Bag has also become closer. After all, there is a child, and the two have too many topics in common.

And Lin Qing also knew the real name of Master Bag Breaker: Ruyue.

A name that sounds a bit dreamy. According to herself, she was an orphan at the beginning, and later joined the Xiuxian sect. Although the teacher also named her, she gave herself the name Ruyue. Now that the teacher is no longer there, it is still It's good to call Kisaragi.

Not only Ruyue, but the child's name is also known, the nickname is Yu'er, and the first name is Lin Xuyu.

As for aptitude, it is even more amazing. Ruyue itself is a heavenly root, needless to say Lin Qing's aptitude, not only is he both a heavenly root, but also a body of Tianshui, the aptitude of the two children is also an astonishing heavenly root, If there are no accidents in the future, there is a great possibility to reach the golden elixir realm, and even Ruyue and Lin Qing will form a golden elixir.

And this year has passed, the misunderstanding between the two has been resolved, and Lin Qing treats her tenderly, Ruyue gradually accepts Lin Qing.

This night, Lin Qing didn't go back as usual, but stayed in the shop.

(End of this chapter)

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