Chapter 342
Lin Xuyu had already fallen asleep, leaving Lin Qing and Ruyue sitting and talking in the room alone, the two of them were talking here and there, saying they were chatting, but in fact no one knew what they were talking about.

Under the lone men and widows, the night gradually darkened, and the atmosphere gradually became ambiguous.

Seeing Ruyue close in front of his eyes, Lin Qing felt a little throbbing, and wanted to do something several times, but stopped his thoughts at the last moment, and he was also hesitating in his heart.

After all, Ruyue is a golden core monk, and he is nearly [-] years old now. Lin Qing doesn't know if he can win Ruyue's heart in such a short period of time.If they act rashly, the relationship between the two will gradually become better and then worsen, but Lin Qing is unwilling.

Glancing at Ruyue again, Lin Qing found that she seemed to be more hesitant than herself. For a while, Lin Qing knew that it was time for her to make a decision.

If it goes on like this, maybe ten years will pass between the two, and the relationship will not be able to go any further, so they can only stop here.

Thinking of this, Lin Qing glanced at Lin Xuyu who was sleeping in the side room, and then moved closer to Ruyue.

Seeing that Ruyue did not resist, Lin Qing was overjoyed, and without waiting any longer, with a movement of both hands, she hugged Ruyue from the chair.

Ruyue not only did not resist, but hugged him tightly.

This made Lin Qing more confident, and then he blew out the oil lamp, and for a while, you and I started talking, and there was a strange wind in the house for a while.

[Congratulations to the host, feel the harmony of heaven once, ban experience +3]

[Forbidden Master: Low Level (389/1000)]

Looking at his golden finger, Lin Qing's joy at the moment was beyond words. The change of the golden finger made him happy. What was really happy was that he had Ruyue's sincerity, which was much more important than the golden finger.

"Yue'er, you are so beautiful." Lin Qing couldn't help saying again.

Kisaragi was a little shy, but soon this shyness changed, and Lin Qing was caught off guard for a while.

Thirty is like a lang and forty is like a hu. This is a saying that many people know, but three hundred years old. But few people can know it. If Lin Qing were to say it, he would only sigh with emotion. This love came too much. A little more violent.

When everything subsided, it was almost dawn outside, and the two of them didn't stop last night.

But at this moment, Lin Qing and Ruyue are still sleepless, chatting non-stop.

"Husband, when you saw me for the first time, who was the Taoist Tiansa you mentioned? How could you recognize me as Taoist Tiansa?" Ruyue thought of the day when Lin Qing first came to her. Sprinkling the name of the Taoist, lying in Lin Qing's arms, he asked curiously.

"Taoist Tiansa? That could be an enemy of mine, and his strength is still in the early stage of Jindan. At that time, I thought you were him, and sneaked into my Linjiashan, so that's why." Lin Qing felt like a moon in her arms. With gentleness, he opened his mouth to explain.

"So that's the case, is it resolved now?" Ruyue asked again.

Lin Qing shook his head. To be honest, he has been guarding against Taoist Tiansa all these years, but Taoist Tiansa did not come, and he doesn't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing.

Kisaragi smiled: "It doesn't matter if it's not resolved, now that you and I are here, even if he comes, don't worry."

Lin Qing also nodded and smiled when thinking of Ruyue's method of dealing with the crab demon at that time. Now it is not only Ruyue, but also has the prohibition of pulling souls and defending against enemies. Regarding Taoist Tiansa, Lin Qing has long since lost the worry she had at the beginning.

When asked by Ruyue, Lin Qing also curiously asked about Ruyue's affairs in Lanzhou.

Regarding Lin Qing's curiosity, Ruyue explained in detail about their battle between righteousness and demons in Lanzhou. Lin Qing heard that monks from all major sects in Lanzhou were involved in it, causing countless casualties, and couldn't help thinking of what happened at that time They are the beast tide of Zhao country.But at that time, it was humans and monsters who were fighting, but in Lanzhou, it was the battle between good and evil.Although this battle between good and evil is a battle between people, it is much more intense than that between people and monsters.

As Yue talked, she didn't know what came to her mind, and suddenly she said worriedly: "Husband, the struggle between good and evil in Lanzhou this time may not be that simple in my opinion."

"Oh?" Lin Qing was a little puzzled, and waited quietly for Kisaragi to continue.

Ruyue thought for a while, and then said: "The dispute between the righteous way and the evil way in Lanzhou has been going on for countless years, maybe tens of thousands of years, but before that, no one could do anything to anyone, and these years Our orthodox way is getting bigger and bigger, and the strength of the demonic way is far from enough. This time, the demonic way suddenly launched an attack on our righteous way, and the attack was fierce. For a while, many righteous sects could hardly resist. I think there are other people behind the demonic way. Shadow, otherwise it would never be like this."

"Are you saying that there are people behind your back who are interfering in your battle in Lanzhou?" Lin Qing asked.

Kisaragi nodded: "That's right, when the magic way started to change, I noticed that there seemed to be shadows of other forces, and the only one that can affect our Lanzhou, I think, is probably only Zhongzhou."


Lin Qing was shocked. This is the most prestigious continent in the world of cultivating immortals, but it is said to be a holy place for people to cultivate. There are countless high-level monks and various forces are intricate. Not to mention Yunzhou and Lanzhou, it is the other eight states in the world of cultivating immortals. In addition, it is estimated that it is not as good as a Zhongzhou.

"Yes, I don't know what happened in Zhongzhou. Some sects may have intervened. The sects over there are not comparable to our other states. After they intervene, our Lanzhou will naturally be unable to resist."

Speaking of this, Kisaragi changed the topic and talked about Yunzhou: "No matter whether it is the forces of Zhongzhou intervening or not, anyway, when I escaped from Lanzhou, our Lanzhou Zhengdao sect was gone. Even if someone is still fighting, it can't be decided General trend. What I actually think about is whether after the Demonic Dao completely takes our Lanzhou into its pocket, it will attack Yunzhou next, which is not impossible."

Lin Qing was startled when he heard this, but then he thought of something and said: "I'm afraid it's not easy. After all, there is an endless sea between us, which is a natural obstacle. The only thing they can come to is Jindan. The Demon Dao Gold Core will be stronger than our Yunzhou, but our Yunzhou has the right time and place, how can it be so easy to attack our Yunzhou, and can we still eat two states in one go."

But Ruyue shook her head: "Husband, you don't know, this endless sea can stop low-level monks, but it is not an unsolvable problem for our Lanzhou magic way. As far as I know, there are several low-level cultivators. There are ways for monks to come in large numbers, and I even think that the easiest way is that they can build a large teleportation array, and they only need to spend some materials, and others don’t need to spend too much effort at all, so that a large number of monks can come.”

"Teleportation Array!"

Hearing this name, Lin Qing was even more surprised. Although the teleportation formation is also a type of formation, it is definitely the most unique.

(End of this chapter)

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