Chapter 343
It is more difficult than all the third-order formations, but it is not a restriction, it is very special, and it is rare in the entire Yunzhou. Basically, only Jindan can be arranged.Although Lin Qing also has a method of arranging the teleportation array on the jade slips obtained from Master Qiongshan, the difficulty of it is comparable to the prohibition he arranged to attract the soul and defend against the enemy, and the materials needed are extremely precious. Said that it was a bit painful, so he didn't try it.

However, Lanzhou can arrange a large-scale teleportation formation. Lin Qing thinks it is not difficult. After all, from Ruyue's mouth, Lanzhou's strength is much greater than his Yunzhou.

"If that's the case, it's really dangerous."

For a while, Lin Qing also became a little worried. If Lanzhou's magic way really struck, they in Yunzhou might not be able to stop it.

Ruyue saw that Lin Qing was worried at this moment, but she smiled and said: "Husband, you don't have to worry too much. Generally, the shorter the distance of the teleportation array, the less expensive it is. Even if they arrange the teleportation array, they will only be deployed in Xiayun Prefecture, which is the closest to Lanzhou. The Lin family is now in Shangyunzhou, near the Endless Sea, so it’s the latest place to face. Besides, this is just my guess, maybe they won’t come again after they occupy our Lanzhou It's over."

Even so, the worry in Lin Qing's heart still lingers.

"By the way, do you want to tell other people this news?" Lin Qing thought of something again and asked.

Hearing this, Ruyue hesitated, then shook her head and said: "No need for now, this is just my guess, if I tell other people, it is not good to cause unnecessary panic, besides, even if I want to come, I will not Not so soon."


While Ruyue was still talking, Lin Xuyu had already woken up, seeing her mother and Lin Qing lying together, she cried out strangely.

Ruyue stopped talking about this matter, but hugged Lin Xuyu, smiled, pointed at Lin Qingjiao and said:

"This is your father, your name is father."

Lin Xuyu didn't quite understand, but Lin Qing looked at her expectantly. After a while, Lin Xuyu called softly: "Father."


Lin Qing was immediately elated, and Ru Yue glanced at each other, both showing a hint of joy.

After the relationship between the two changed so much on this day, Ruyue officially moved into the Lin family mountain not long after that. For Ruyue, a powerful monk, all the younger generations of the Lin family were very happy, and Xiao Wei and Ling Xueqing all responded with kindness. He didn't maintain his self-cultivation either, and the family was in harmony for a while.

But Lin Qing became really worried after Ruyue's words.

Although he learned from Yipin Pavilion in the next few days that nothing major happened in Xiayun Prefecture, Lin Qing stepped up his cultivation, after all, he was not afraid of [-] but just in case.

While practicing, Lin Qing thought of the teleportation array, and was extremely concerned.

Although the teleportation array does not belong to the ban, the improvement of the ban experience is also very helpful for arranging the teleportation array, so he often enters Kisaragi's room.

And Goldfinger is also really powerful. In less than half a year, Lin Qing's restraint reached the intermediate level, which saved me a lot of hard work.

[Forbidden Master: Intermediate (2/10000)]

He has just reached the middle-level restraint master, and cannot arrange the teleportation array. Lin Qing can only work harder, and wants to bring the restraint to an advanced level as soon as possible. At that time, he can arrange the teleportation array. Fortunately, there is a way out.

At the same time, Lin Qing continued to condense the good water beads.

He planned to use the water condensing power to condense the cold water he absorbed from the Cold Water Abyss into water balls. If this continues, the power of the good water beads will be even greater.

In this way, Lin Qing began to practice day after day.

Six years later, at the age of [-], he successfully broke through to the mid-stage Golden Core, and his overall strength was greatly enhanced.

As for Ruyue, after receiving the help of the Lin family's full resources, she also completely recovered from her injuries. As for her strength, she was at the fifth level of Golden Core, which was higher than Lin Qing's today.

After reaching the middle stage of Jindan, Lin Qing learned about things in Xiayunzhou from Yipin Pavilion. After learning that there was still no change, he relaxed a lot.

However, Lin Qing had already decided that he would not go out now, and would continue to improve his cultivation in the family. After all, he has no bottlenecks now, and he only needs to continue to practice to improve his cultivation. possible conditions.

There is one more thing, which is trickier.

Spirit veins!

Since Lin Qing was promoted to Jindan, these third-order top-grade spiritual veins can still supply him with cultivation.Afterwards, Ruyue also used this spiritual vein, and it was only enough for a while.But now, after he has been promoted to the middle stage of Jindan, this spiritual vein is not enough.

Sometimes he and Ruyue can't practice at the same time, if they practice at the same time, the spiritual power of the spirit veins is not enough, and it will affect other people's cultivation.

This problem cannot be ignored. In the future, not to mention the possibility of golden pills appearing in the family, this problem will become more and more serious even if Lin Qing and Ruyue's cultivation base is improved a bit.

This spirit vein of the Lin family was found to be only a second-tier high-grade at the beginning, and then it was promoted to the third-tier, and then it was promoted to the third-tier top-grade through the spirit marrow of the Wuji Sect.

And to raise the spirit vein to the fourth level, this cannot be done in a short period of time. If the spiritual stones are continuously filled, although the spiritual energy will increase, but to break through the fourth level, it will take at least hundreds of years, maybe even a thousand years.

After all, the Promise Sect spent so much effort back then, but they didn't even raise their sect's spiritual veins to the fourth level, so one can imagine the difficulty.

It's not that Lin Qing hasn't checked various classics. There is indeed a way to quickly advance the spiritual veins, but all the needs are natural treasures, and some are even more precious than the spiritual veins themselves.

Of course, apart from improving one's own spiritual veins, there is another way, which is to occupy the existing fourth-order spiritual veins.

In Yunzhou, the highest spiritual vein is a fourth-order top-grade spiritual vein located in Zhongyun Prefecture. That spiritual vein is more than enough to support seven or eight golden elixirs for cultivation.But in the same way, this spiritual vein is divided up by several big sects, and there are still golden cores. Although Lin Qing and Ruyue are powerful together, it is not easy to take it.

In Shangyun Prefecture, both Dali and Chu State have low-level spirit veins of the fourth rank, and that kind of spirit veins is also sufficient to support Jindan.

But if there is no reputation, it may be counterproductive to seize the spiritual veins, and what Ruyue told Lin Qing about the Lanzhou Demon Dao has always been a hidden danger in Lin Qing's heart. He doesn't want to blindly expand his family's power to get closer. A place in Yunzhou.

So in this case, Lin Qing wanted to improve his family's spiritual veins even more.

Afterwards, I discussed this matter with Ruyue. Although Ruyue's sect in Lanzhou has a fourth-order middle-grade spirit vein, Ruyue doesn't even know as much as Lin Qing about how to improve the spirit vein. Think of ways to.

(End of this chapter)

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