I have made the Cultivation Clan by myself

Chapter 347 In the Endless Sea

Chapter 347 In the Endless Sea
He is now in the middle stage of Golden Core, and he has golden fingers, and his consciousness is comparable to the existence of late Golden Core.At this time, in his spiritual perception, it seems that a monster in the early stage of foundation establishment has discovered him, and it is coming towards him, but the speed is not slow.

Lin Qing was a little surprised, how dare this monster come here, he didn't pretend to be aura, how dare it come to trouble his golden core with its foundation building.

Suddenly, Lin Qing thought of some experience that Ruyue told him before departure.

According to Kisaragi, when she flew from Lanzhou to Yunzhou, she did not fight against the golden core monster in the sea. After she sensed the breath of the golden core monster, she avoided it early, and the golden core monster saw her He was just on his way, and didn't take the initiative to pester her.

But the low-level monsters are different, as long as they find her traces, they will attack her desperately, regardless of the difference in strength between the two sides.It seems that the low-level monsters in the endless sea are extremely hostile to human monks. Although these low-level monsters can't do any harm to her, it took a lot of effort to get rid of them.

According to Ruyue, there are too many low-level monsters, and only Jindan can not be afraid. If it is Zifu, it may fall on the sea just to deal with a group of foundation-building monsters.

Thinking of this, Lin Qing didn't care about this monster, it seemed that it was just a result of natural hostility.

Not long after, Lin Qing saw this early foundation-building bird, which looked like a common Chilling Bird.When the bird saw him, it attacked him directly as if it had met a life-and-death enemy, and opened its mouth to spit out many ice picks, which looked quite powerful.

However, these attacks are not a problem for Lin Qing.

After easily blocking it, Lin Qing stretched out a finger, and a burst of extremely fast white light emerged from it. This white light was transformed by his physical strength and aura. Not to mention the establishment of the foundation, even Zifu could not easily resist it.

The white light came out quickly and disappeared quickly, and in an instant, the pierced Chilling Bird fell headfirst into the sea.

For its corpse, Lin Qing didn't want it, and it was really of little value.

After dealing with this ruthless Chilling Bird, Lin Qing will leave here and continue to search.

Suddenly, Lin Qing frowned.

In his induction, another Chilling Bird in the early stage of foundation establishment came towards him, and within a radius of ten miles, several flying birds of Qi training also came towards him.

"They're all here to die, aren't they?"

Lin Qing muttered to himself, he was a little confused about this kind of behavior of moths jumping into the flame.

However, this may be the reason why human monks cannot step into the endless sea. Although these monsters are low in strength, they are not afraid of death, which is far from being comparable to human monks.Human monks, as long as they are not actively violated, are basically nothing to do with themselves, how can such a thing happen.

If a human monk sees him, no matter if he is practicing Qi and building a foundation or even Zifu, he will run as far as he can, for fear that his legs are not fast enough.

At this time, although Lin Qing didn't care when he noticed these monsters coming, it made him feel a little annoying.

After all, this is in the endless sea, and the monsters also have some meaning of endless.

He repelled one wave, and I'm afraid there are still many waves waiting for him.And he is different from Ruyue. Ruyue left Lanzhou and was on her way all the way. Even if many low-level monsters found her, they couldn't catch up with her.But now, he wants to search for spiritual veins in the endless sea. Not only is he not fast, but sometimes he has to use his consciousness to search repeatedly. These low-level monsters that cannot be defeated or killed are really annoying.

When Lin Qing was thinking, there were already monsters coming. When Lin Qing did the same thing, he solved it easily, but there were more monsters behind.

"It would be great if there was a way to deter these monsters." Lin Qing thought so, his cultivation base is useless to these monsters at all, not deterring them at all, but very attractive, unless there are other means.But to completely restrain the breath, it is necessary to suppress the spiritual consciousness, but there is no guarantee in terms of safety, and it is impossible to search the island.


Lin Qing suddenly thought of something, and looked at Zijin Chan on his shoulder.

Zijin Toad was lying on his shoulder, but it was only the size of a palm, and since he went out to sea, he had been sleeping soundly, very leisurely.

"Xiao Jin, don't sleep, try to let your breath out!"

Lin Qing said to Zijinchan, in his mind, if his aura is not good, Zijinchan should be fine, after all, Zijinchan is a monster.

Hearing Lin Qing's words, Zijin Chan, who was sleeping comfortably, blinked and looked around in confusion, thinking that he was still dreaming.

"You little Jin, you are really sleepy."

Lin Qing said angrily that since Zijinchan reached the late stage of Zifu, he fell in love with sleeping more and more. Of course, this may also be related to his breakthrough. Under normal circumstances, Lin Qing would not bother him.

Zijin Chan only woke up at this time. Although he didn't wake up just now, he heard Lin Qing's words. He shook his head at this moment, letting go of his late stage cultivation in the Zi Mansion.

After a while, Lin Qing's face brightened.

"Sure enough, it's feasible. Since Zijin Chan released his breath, he restrained his breath to Zifu, and these monsters whose strength is not as strong as Zijin Chan's have retreated on their own initiative. It seems that there is always something to restrain each other."

Lin Qing happily thought that this problem could not be solved with his mid-Golden Core cultivation base, but Zijin Chan could easily solve it because he was only in the late Zifu stage.

It is not difficult for Zijin Chan to release his breath, so after Lin Qing restrained his breath in Zifu, he let Zijin Toad continue to release his breath. There will be no interference from low-level monsters for a while, Lin Qing can also relax Come on, let's concentrate on searching for the spiritual pulse.

Speaking of which, in the endless sea, sometimes these spiritual veins are distributed on the bottom of the sea, and sometimes they are distributed on small islands on the surface of the sea.

Lin Qing doesn't need to think about the ones on the bottom of the sea, even if he gets them, he won't be able to stay for a long time. He mainly searches for the spiritual veins on the small island. Anyone with high-level spiritual veins must have sufficient spiritual energy, so it is not difficult to find in theory.

After flying for dozens of miles, Lin Qing saw the first island.

But to his disappointment, the island was more than three miles long and wide, but it didn't have a single spiritual vein. There were only a large number of seabirds nesting on it. After Lin Qing took a look, he left to continue searching.

And Zijin Chan lay on his shoulder, and began to feel drowsy again.

"This is really not an easy job."

Seven days later, on a reef five hundred miles away from Yunzhou, Lin Qing thought so.

After searching for these seven days, I saw many small islands in the sea, but there was no spirit vein that Lin Qing wanted.On the third day, he also accidentally encountered a golden core monster that was good at hiding. Lin Qing's powerful spiritual sense was not noticed at first. If Lin Qing ran fast afterwards, he might have to fight.

(End of this chapter)

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