I have made the Cultivation Clan by myself

Chapter 348 Spirit Vein Island and Repelling

Chapter 348 Spirit Vein Island and Repelling

As for the possible spiritual veins of the crab monster, Lin Qing has lost that thought. In Lin Qing's mind, the crab monster's spiritual veins are probably at the bottom of the sea. After all, if it is on a small island, why should it go to the beach? Some of his thoughts were too simple before.

Sitting on the rock at the moment, Lin Qing took out a piece of animal skin, took out a brush and drew a circle.

Lin Qing is also a caring person. When he was looking for the spiritual vein this time, he was also recording the sea conditions in the sea area adjacent to his Lin family. When he encountered a place where he could stay, he would draw a circle. Now on this animal skin, there are already There are more than 40 circles, large and small.

You never know when it will be available in the future.

After looking at the animal skin, Lin Qing put it away again. At this time, he flew to the sky and continued to search.

"Xiao Jin, don't sleep." Lin Qingxian said to Zijin Chan on his shoulder in a bored manner, wanting to talk to Zijin Chan on his shoulder.

But Zijin Toad was unmoved, except for the aura that still appeared on his body, it seemed to be dormant.Lin Qing was helpless, but he didn't wake him up, since he was going to sleep, let him go.

Looking at the endless sea ahead, Lin Qing's determination became even stronger.

"Two monsters in the early stages of the Purple Mansion, one in the middle stage of the Purple Mansion, and nearly ten foundation-building monsters. The strength is not weak."

Half a month later, Lin Qing was already on the thousands of miles of sea in Yunzhou. At this moment, he concealed his aura more thoroughly, staring at an island in front of him.

This island was discovered by Lin Qing half a day ago. At the beginning, he didn't find anything abnormal. He only thought that the island was more than ten miles long and wide, so it was considered a big island.

But later, seeing several monsters rushing towards the island, Lin Qing felt something was wrong.

After careful investigation, he discovered that there was actually a spiritual vein in the depths of the island, and it was a third-level top-grade spiritual vein. Although it was not enough for the fourth-level spirit vein, it met Lin Qing's psychological expectations.After all, after searching for this period of time, Lin Qing found that the Endless Sea is large and there are many monsters, but there are not many islands that seem to have spiritual veins.If you want a fourth-order spiritual vein, you may have to go thousands of miles, or even tens of thousands of miles.

In that case, not to mention the danger involved, even Lin Qing's teleportation array is not enough.

With his current teleportation array, the distance is only three thousand miles at most, and the teleportation will fail if it is more.

This is a third-tier top-grade island with a relatively small area. If there is no accident, it is the most suitable for Lin Qing.

At this moment, he was counting the monsters on the island. After some calculations, there were three monsters in Zifu, eleven monsters in Foundation Establishment, and more than a hundred monsters in Qi Training.

Lin Qing hesitated for a while.

If he makes a move, needless to say, these monsters are not opponents at all.

But he didn't forget what Ruyue told him before, Lin Qing didn't dare to do this, he knew that if he took such a direct action, even though he killed these monsters, more monsters around would come forward after hearing the news Come, there are many golden pills among them.

In Lin Qing's previous search, he found two golden core monsters in this sea area alone.

Don't think about it, more golden core monsters must be under the sea, and he doesn't think he can deal with them all.

"In that case."

A smile appeared on Lin Qing's face, and at this moment, he slapped Zijin Chan awake.

"Xiao Jin, after sleeping for so long, it's time for you to act." Lin Qing said.

In Lin Qing's thinking, let Zi Jinchan come forward to drive away these monsters, presumably these Jindan monsters will not care about the fight between monsters.

Zijin Chan was still in a daze, and only woke up after being patted twice by Lin Qing.

After hearing Lin Qing's instructions to it, Zijin Chan stared wide-eyed, looking at the island in front of him, he also sensed the aura of monsters on it.

"Master, just drive them away, don't you want to kill them?" Zijin Chan asked with some doubts.

"You don't need to kill them, you just need to drive them away, but be careful not to leave any hidden ones behind." Lin Qing warned.

Zijin Chan blinked, then dropped from Lin Qing's shoulder with a "croak", and ran towards the island in front of him.

Lin Qing concealed himself better at this moment, staring at Zijinchan motionlessly, and if something happened to Zijinchan, he would go to help without hesitation.Even if his figure was exposed, Lin Qing didn't care. After all, Zijin Chan was more important to him than a third-order high-grade spirit vein.

Staring at Zijin Chan, Lin Qing showed a hint of surprise.

Where he was, there was still some distance from the island in front of him. Zijin Toad couldn't fly after jumping off, but once he landed, his body became extremely huge, about three feet long.His two thick and powerful thighs only kicked hard on the sea surface, and his whole body was like a flying swallow, leaping high in mid-air, and then gently falling down.Together and down, there are tens of feet away.

In this way, the seemingly huge but extremely light Zijin Toad came to the island not long after.

After arriving on the island, Zijin Chan exuded the aura of a late-stage monster in the Zifu, which immediately startled the monsters on the island.After that, the three purple mansion monsters on the island all appeared one by one.

Two of them are snake-like monsters, which should be sea snakes, and the other is a huge sea turtle.

Because these three Zifu monsters have not reached the late stage of Zifu, so their spiritual intelligence is still far behind Zijinchan.However, they are much more alert to danger, especially the two sea snakes, seeing the huge Purple Gold Toad, they seemed to have encountered a natural enemy, and hid extremely far away, not daring to approach it.

At this time, after the monsters from the Purple Mansion came out, some of the original foundation-building and energy-training monsters on the island stayed where they were and peeked, while others were scared away.


Zijin Chan yelled again, and the shape of his voice swelled again, reaching more than five feet.

Facing such a huge figure, the two sea snakes finally couldn't hold on anymore, slid away from the island, and then jumped directly into the sea.

But the turtle seemed unwilling to leave.


Zijin Toad jumped towards the sea turtle and made a loud noise as soon as it landed. The sound spread throughout the island, and it was about to fight the sea turtle.

However, the battle between monsters is often not a matter of life and death. Seeing that the Zijin Toad did not give in at all, the turtle also swayed its body and crawled back helplessly.

Unlike the sea snake that left quickly, it didn't seem to be afraid of Zijin Toad's sneak attack from behind.

But the Zijin Toad didn't want it to leave so slowly, and then jumped behind him, hit it with its head, and with the power, the Zijin Toad pushed the sea turtle far away into the sea like a stone, causing a burst of waves.

Lin Qing, who watched this scene from a distance, smiled unconsciously.

And after Zijinchan drove away the three Zifu monsters, the other monsters were very easy to deal with. In less than a quarter of an hour, Zijinchan wiped out all the monsters on this island.

(End of this chapter)

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