Chapter 349 Occupy
It might be due to the abundance of spiritual veins on the seabed here, more monsters are on the bottom of the sea, and the monsters occupying this island are not strong enough to be easily dealt with by Zijin Chan.

After Zijin Chan drove away the monsters and sent a signal to Lin Qing, Lin Qing quietly came to the island while keeping his concealed figure.

Looking at the empty island, Lin Qing thought, today she is relying on the power of a spirit beast.

After looking around the island, Lin Qing found a cave that the turtle had previously occupied. The deepest part of the cave is the place where the island has the most spiritual veins.

Although it was of the same level as his own spirit veins, the spirit veins here were very concentrated and only supplied to him, so Lin Qing only tried to practice for a while, and felt very satisfied, and then started to get busy.

The first is to arrange the teleportation array. With the previous experience in arranging the teleportation array in his own family, Lin Qing is very handy, and it takes a long time to arrange another one.

Then put in the spirit stone, and the teleportation array was successfully activated.

But Lin Qing did not teleport, but closed the teleportation array again.

He looked at the island here with some hesitation. If that was the case, with the help of the teleportation array in the future, he could practice here even if there was any danger, or even teleport back, but it didn't seem very safe.

With the Purple Golden Toad, it can deter a group of low-cultivation monsters, but what if a golden core monster suddenly comes one day, if he is in the middle of cultivation, wouldn't something accident happen.

Thinking of this, Lin Qing decided to do more.

Fortunately, before going to sea, Lin Qing thought a lot and brought a lot of materials.

Most of these materials are materials for the arrangement of prohibitions, and they are also materials for the arrangement of prohibitions on disappearing traces.

Speaking of which, when he first arranged the restriction for Lin Jiashan, Lin Qing hesitated between the restriction of disappearing traces and the restriction of drawing souls to defend against enemies. After all, both are very good, but in the end he chose the restriction of drawing souls and destroying enemies. The main reason is that the main material, the demon pill, is relatively easy to obtain.

And these years have passed, Lin Qing still hasn't found the main material of the ban on disappearing traces, but relying on the improvement of the ban with the golden finger, he has learned a lot about the ban, and he even boldly modified the ban , although the modified ban is not as powerful as the original ban, and only has one-tenth of the function at most, it also greatly reduces the required materials, allowing Lin Qing to arrange it.

Lin Qing decided at this time to place a diminished ban on disappearing traces on this island. Even if the function is less than [-]% of the original, this ban is originally good at hiding traces. , still can't find him.

Thinking of this, Lin Qing started to get busy again. Compared with arranging the teleportation array, the reduced disappearance and disappearance prohibition is much more complicated.

Moreover, Lin Qing had to consider hiding his own problems during the layout, so the layout was not fast.

After half a month of arrangement, Lin Qing finally completed the arrangement.

But it only covered two-thirds of the island. As for the rest, it couldn't be completely covered for a while.But this is enough, with this restriction in place, at least Lin Qing will not have to worry about being disturbed by the sudden arrival of monsters in his practice in the future.

After the arrangement was completed, Lin Qing decided to return to Linjiashan.

But before leaving, Lin Qing left Zijin Chan on the island.Firstly, the island needs Zijinchan to be stationed to prevent it from being taken over by other monsters during his departure. Secondly, Zijinchan's strength can't help Lin Qing too much now, and he is particularly lethargic. The island here is very suitable for him.

As for the possibility of facing other monsters, Zi Jinchan's strength in the late stage of the Zifu, only Jindan monsters can threaten him.

If there really is a golden core monster, Zijinchan can send a signal to Lin Qing, and Lin Qing can arrive in time, so it's not a big problem.

Zijin Chan didn't care about staying on the island, he shrunk down, lay down on a rock wall in the center of the island, and fell asleep again.

Lin Qing stood in front of the teleportation formation, activated the formation with one hand, and held a teleportation order with the other.

Lin Zhida is Lin Xuqing's descendant, but he is already 150 years old, and his strength is only in the middle stage of foundation establishment. If he works hard, he will still have the opportunity of the Purple Mansion in this life.

But Lin Zhida didn't care about these things at all, and he practiced naturally, and he didn't long for the Purple Mansion.

On the contrary, I love carving very much. I always have wood and a carving knife in my hand. No matter what I carve, it is lifelike, which attracts the envy of all the juniors of the Lin family.

His love for sculpture is really deep in his bones.

At this time, even if he was sent by the family to guard the teleportation formation, he still had a carving knife in one hand and a piece of wood in the other, and a vivid little monkey slowly appeared in his hands.

Of course, Lin Zhida is not an irresponsible person.

But in his opinion, the teleportation array is useless now, and the guards are useless, so it's better to carve it.

With a slight movement of his fingers, the carving knife began to move cautiously, and the little monkey's eyes slowly formed. He stared at it, showing a hint of satisfaction.

At this moment, in this secret room in the hinterland of the Lin family, three colors of light flashed on the teleportation array, but Lin Zhida, who was so devoted to everything, didn't notice it. He narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the little monkey in his hand very carefully.


A sound like a small bell sounded, Lin Zhida was startled and looked up.

It was only then that he discovered the abnormality of the teleportation array, and quickly took out a magic weapon, and then hit a spell on the magic weapon, the magic weapon suddenly lit up, and then the light disappeared.

The three-color light of the teleportation array was even worse, and a figure suddenly appeared in a burst of majestic aura.

This figure stood in the teleportation formation, recalling the teleportation experience just now, nodded involuntarily, and looked at the transmission formation again, with a smile on his face, which seemed to be extremely satisfied.

And this person is Lin Qing.


Lin Zhida saluted Lin Qing respectfully at this moment.

Lin Qing nodded, and put away the transmission order in his hand. At this time, Lin Xuqing had already arrived, seeing that it was Lin Qing, he smiled for a while.

Speaking of which, the reason for doing this is just in case.

After all, no one has used this teleportation array before. If something unexpected happens, the Lin family can't afford it. Now that the teleportation is safe, everyone can rest assured.

Lin Qing, who was teleported back, did not rest, and then called several main members of the family.

For example, Ling Xueqing, Ruyue, Lin Xuqing, Lin Zhidan, and Lin Xusi were all included, and the reason for the convening was naturally the island he discovered.

Hearing Lin Qing said that he had found an island with a third-order high-grade spiritual vein, and arranged a teleportation array and prohibition words, several people were extremely happy.Even if Ruyue was still worried about the possibility of monsters, Lin Qing told Ruyue about Zijinchan, and when she heard that Lin Qing used beasts to control beasts, Ruyue felt relieved.

Then everyone decided to follow Lin Qing to see it.

It is extremely convenient to have a teleportation array.

(End of this chapter)

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