I have made the Cultivation Clan by myself

Chapter 352 Xiayunzhou Gulangfang

Chapter 352 Xiayunzhou Gulangfang
However, Lin Qing was a little strange, because in his memory, the pair of brothers Lin Xuqian and Lin Xusi didn't seem to have a good relationship. Whether it was the establishment of the foundation or the Zifu later, they were always a bit tit for tat the taste of.I don't know what happened, the relationship has become so bad.

Of course, Lin Qing did not delve into this point.

Time will make the family estranged, but it will also eliminate the estrangement. Although they were tit for tat at the beginning, brothers are brothers after all, and one of the family ties cannot be erased.

After burying Lin Xuqian, Lin Qing summoned all the descendants of the Lin family who established the foundation together.

There are now two Jindan monks in the Lin family, Lin Qing and Ruyue.The eight monks in the Purple Mansion are Lin Xuqing, Ling Xueqing, Li Daner, Lin Xusi, Lin Xutai, Lin Zhidanlin, and Qilin Yuanwu.There are more foundation-building monks, 170 or three.

So many people gathered together, needless to say, it is also a big event.

However, Lin Qing did not disclose in advance that all the younger generations of the Lin family were talking about it after they arrived, not knowing why they came.

After everyone came together, Lin Qing said: "I called you today just for one thing. Our Lin family is getting bigger and bigger, and there are more and more industries. After my understanding during this period, many places The management is a bit chaotic, so the specific management rules will be determined today, of course the most important thing in management is people, so I will select various people with everyone."

Glancing at the many juniors, Lin Qing said again: "Before, in our Lin family, we had always sorted by generation, but I found that this was not perfect, so I decided to add several positions in the family, such as elders, deacons, and stewards. After taking these positions, it will be more convenient for family management, do you have any opinions?"

Hearing what Lin Qing said, who can have any opinion, besides, this is a good thing.

Although everyone had specific tasks before, their positions were relatively casual. Now that they have these specific positions, many aspects are much more convenient.

Lin Qing nodded, but when he summoned these people today, he just wanted to identify elders, such as the position of deacon, and then he would decide in detail later.

Originally, Lin Qing wanted to arrange for Ruyue to be a great elder, but Ruyue was resolutely unwilling, so Lin Qing had no choice but to arrange for him to be an elder. Now Ling Xueqing, who is in the later period of Zifu, is also an elder.

Both of these two are elders, and no one will object. As for the other elders, it doesn't mean that they can become Zifu.

Lin Qing only appointed four people, Lin Xuqing, Lin Xusi, Lin Zhidan, and Lin Yuanwu. As for Lin Xutai and Lin Zhiqi, although they are also in the Purple Mansion, they are still close to the elders.

After speaking of these elders, the younger generations of the Lin family had no intention of objecting.

Afterwards, apart from Lin Xutai and Lin Zhiqi being identified as the chief deacon, Lin Qing did not confirm the candidates. For other small deacons, big and small, it was left to Lin Xuqing and the others to determine.

At this time, Lin Qing talked about the Lanzhou magic way, and the younger generations of the Lin family were very serious about this:
"You all know that Lanzhou Demon Dao attacked Xiayunzhou earlier. Although it was defeated by the monks of Zhongyunzhou in Xiayunzhou, it has been 15 years and there is no more news, but everyone should not take this lightly. The magic power in Lanzhou is huge, and we will not let go so easily. Although we are in Yunzhou, we must pay attention to precautions. The inspections arranged before must be more careful. As for yourselves, you must be careful whether you are outside or inside If you get any news, you must pass it back home in time, and remember not to ignore this matter."

Hearing what Lin Qing said, all the juniors were a little surprised. After all, 15 years had passed before they wanted to come, and this magic way should have been given up long ago. Why did the ancestor say this, it seems that there are still waves.

Looking at the expressions of the juniors, Lin Qing felt heavy in his heart.

He knows more than these juniors. During the past 15 years, although the Lanzhou Demon Dao did not attack on a large scale, but in Xiayunzhou, they often found the spies they left behind last time, resulting in many minor conflicts. This matter will never be so simple.

After talking a lot, Lin Qing dismissed everyone in the Lin family.

This time, it was Ruyue who went to Zijin Mountain to practice. He guarded the family and looked at the bustling Lin Family Mountain. Lin Qing showed a firm look.

In Xiayunzhou, Gulangshan, which is only a hundred miles away from the Endless Sea, has a city called Gulangfang, which belongs to the Qijue sect, the largest sect in Xiayunzhou.

Before the invasion of the Lanzhou Demon Dao, this market was considered to be a rather depressed market. Although it was located above the second-order high-grade spiritual veins, there were not many monks gathered, and there were only 300 to [-] people all year round.

Since Lanzhou Demon Dao tried to invade Xiayunzhou, the Gulangfang under Gulang Mountain here has suddenly become lively.

Although the deceitful intentions of the Lanzhou Demon Dao were discovered in advance, and at the same time, the Zongmen of Zhongyun Prefecture dealt a heavy blow to the Lanzhou Demon Dao in one fell swoop, but the Qijue Sect did not think that the Demon Dao would give up so easily.It is true that their Qijue sect is the largest sect in Xiayunzhou, and their location is closer to the endless sea. If the evil way invades again, they will be the first to suffer.

So after defeating the Demon Dao, the elders of the Zongmen decided to send a large number of disciples to patrol day after day, hoping to discover the traces of the Demon Dao in advance.And this Gulangfang, as a resident specifically for the magic way, has already set up restrictions, and there are even Jindan monks stationed there.After this, whether it is to support the patrolling disciples or as a fortress to resist the evil way, it will be very effective. There are [-] such stations in Xiayun Prefecture, seven of which were rebuilt and built by Qijuemen themselves, and others Eleven places were built together by other sects in Xiayun Prefecture.

After Gulangfang was turned into a resident against the evil way, monks gathered for a while, and the construction was extremely strong.In just 15 years, thousands of disciples have gathered. Although the restrictions are low-level defense restrictions, if they are mobilized with all their strength, three or two Golden Cores will not be broken for a while.

"Elder Feng, a new batch of materials and supplies have been delivered, and they have been counted. Please check the list." In one of the most luxurious buildings in Gulangfang, a monk in the late stage of Foundation Establishment held a list in his hand. Hall foreign exchange reports.

"Well, send it in."

A lazy voice came from inside, as if he had just woken up.


The late foundation-establishment monk outside didn't dare to delay, walked in immediately, lowered his head and handed over the list on his hand.Although he lowered his head, he sneaked several glances forward out of the corner of his eye.

On the grand teacher's chair in the house, a red-haired old man with a thick body, hugging a petite and lovely beauty, took the list without paying attention, and looked at it casually.The beauty in her arms also looked at the list curiously.

Although this list cannot be handed over to outsiders for inspection at will, but this late foundation establishment stage dares to say more, no one knows that this is Elder Feng's favorite concubine.

(End of this chapter)

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