Chapter 353 Elder Feng

"Never mind the materials. What are the supplies? The elders of the sect don't know how to send some good things. These are the same every time." The elder Feng looked at it twice, and said angrily. He glanced at the late foundation establishment stage.

In the late stage of foundation establishment, he immediately retracted his gaze, and dared not say a word at this time.

Fortunately, Elder Feng didn't mean to embarrass the monk, and he didn't care about his peeking, so he waved his hand and said, "Okay, you can go."

"Yes, elder."

In the later stage of foundation establishment, he left respectfully.

But after he left, Elder Feng picked up the list and looked at it again. This time he was very serious, which made the concubine in his arms a little curious.

"Elder, what's so interesting about this list? I still want grapes, why don't you continue peeling them for me." The concubine said coquettishly.

When Elder Feng heard this, he didn't peel the grapes with his big idle hand, but got busy on the concubine, causing the concubine to exclaim, but his eyes kept staring at the list without saying a word.Seeing him like this, while the concubine in her arms was dodging and frolicking, a strange look flashed in her eyes.

"Okay, today the old man will let you experience the earth-shattering things that the old man has learned."

I don't know what he saw, Elder Feng seemed very interested, he put the list aside, and started playing with the concubine.

There was no soundproof formation in this room, and after a while, the disciples stationed outside all looked a little unnatural.

An hour later, Elder Feng walked out of the house with a smug look on his face.

"I have seen the elders!"

"I have seen the elders!"

Some disciples outside hurriedly greeted them. Elder Feng looked at these disciples, nodded slightly, and walked outside without saying anything.

He wanted to go to the warehouse to take a look. It was in charge of distributing all kinds of materials that Qijuemen provided for Gulangfang. As a Jindan monk stationed in Gulangfang, he attached great importance to it.

And before he had gone far, he suddenly noticed something, and the smile on his face became even bigger.

Others don't know, but he knows that his so-called "little concubine" actually turned over the list he left at this time. It seems that his previous guess was correct.

"I don't know what they gave you to make you like this."

Elder Feng, although he didn't stop smiling on his face, there was a flash of coldness in his heart.Although this little concubine is not very powerful, he is very lovable. He has been with him for more than thirty years. He did not expect that even she would be bribed and turned into a demon.

"But that's fine, I'll do whatever I can."

Elder Feng didn't know what to think of, and even his face gradually became colder, which made the surrounding monks dare not take a second look when they saw it.

When they arrived at the warehouse, many monks were busy and stopped to say hello when they saw Elder Feng. Elder Feng nodded. One of the monks from the Zifu knew why Elder Feng came, and hurried forward and said: "Elder, the materials and The collection is almost done, and in another month, the last batch of materials will be delivered, and the layout can begin then."

"Well, you are busy enough to set up this new prohibition formation, but remember to be more careful at the end, and don't be taken advantage of by the magic way." Elder Feng reminded with kindness.

"Yes, elder, please rest assured." The Zifu nodded and answered yes.

Elder Feng glanced at the monks in the warehouse, nodded, and left with a smile.

But when he walked outside, his expression changed again. Looking at the bustling Gulangfang, he thought to himself that a big storm was coming soon.

"It's still thanks to the magic mirror made by Zongmen. If it weren't for this mirror, I wouldn't know that this magic way would have taken my Gulangfang as the top priority and infiltrated so many people secretly. If they really got their way I'm afraid that going to Yunzhou will be really dangerous, but it's okay, everything is still in time."

Elder Feng was thinking non-stop at this moment, sometimes he was happy, and sometimes he was a little rejoicing.

Speaking of which, since the failure of Lanzhou Demonic Dao's invasion, the little tricks have not stopped, but with Gulangfang where he is stationed, there has been no problem.After all, out of the [-] cities, only three have golden pills, and these magical ways must be picked and squeezed.But what he didn't expect was that half a year ago, the Zongmen accidentally refined a magic mirror, and he was surprised to find that the entire Gulangfang had been infiltrated by dozens of monks of the magic way. His concubine was also bought by the Demon Dao, and he almost didn't scare him out of his soul at that time, but afterwards he discussed with the Zongmen and came up with a plan.

Since the Demonic Dao's thieves are not dead, then they will use their tactics and not catch these people for the time being, but a big trap.Presumably, Mo Dao will have another failure similar to last time, even Mo Dao will feel pain in his flesh.

As for the specific trap, it was rumored that the various sects in Xia Yunzhou would set up another large-scale restriction near Gulangfang, and it would also be specifically aimed at the magic way, so that the monks of the magic way could be sensed.Those demons will certainly not see the completion of this restriction arrangement, they will definitely make trouble at that time, and then wipe out the hidden demons and the infiltrated disciples.

The last batch of prohibited materials will be collected and sent in a month, and they will definitely sell them at that time.

Thinking of this, Elder Feng looked at the monks around him, and walked casually with a smile on his face.

In the blink of an eye, it is a month later.
Escorting the materials for this time were the elite disciples of the Qijue Sect, including the Foundation Establishment and the Purple Mansion, a total of more than [-] people.They flew from Qijuemen, and they were careful all the way. After all, these materials are extremely precious and cannot be lost.

However, there was no danger along the way, and the materials were successfully sent to the warehouse in Gulangfang, and then the list was sent to Elder Feng again.

It was also a coincidence that Elder Feng was still holding the concubine in his arms. After reading the list, he nodded and said indifferently: "Well, it seems that everything is in place. I don't need to wait for the restriction to be arranged. So busy."

The little concubine in his arms didn't say a word, just stared at the list in Elder Feng's hand from time to time, thinking about something in his heart.

These materials will only stay in the warehouse for one night, and will be sent to the monks who are in charge of setting up the formation the next day. As for why they are placed in the warehouse, Elder Feng, the Jindan, cannot keep them in person, because the warehouse is safer than Elder Feng. There are many, Gulangfang's prohibition can protect the warehouse at any time, and it is not good to hand over the sect's things to individuals for safekeeping, and besides, this is an important step in this trap.

This night, it was rare for Elder Feng not to sleep with his concubine, but to guard the warehouse in person. With him around, the warehouse would only be safer.

While he was away, his concubine took out an unknown magic weapon and started to communicate. For a while, there was an undercurrent in Gulangfang, and outside Gulangfang, three golden elixirs flew from nowhere. , all veiled, extremely mysterious.

(End of this chapter)

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