Chapter 354 "Trap"

And in the warehouse, apart from Elder Feng, who is on the bright side guarding the golden elixir, there are four golden elixir hidden in the dark. wearing something.

In Elder Feng's heart, he has five golden cores on his side, and there are methods arranged in advance. No matter who comes this time, he will be planted here, and then he will slowly deal with the traitors.

Most of the night passed, and the warehouse was extremely quiet, and no one came.

"What's going on here? Didn't you say that you will definitely come tonight? The few of us have been waiting all night." One of the Jindans asked Elder Feng. He was ready for a big battle. As a result, it was still empty.

Although the other three didn't ask, they were equally puzzled.

Elder Feng was also puzzled and said: "It shouldn't be. They arranged all this half a year in advance. They have inquired many times. Why didn't they come? If they don't come tonight, they will have no chance in the future. Our The traps are [-]% true and [-]% false, it’s okay if they come, if they don’t come, our ban will really go on, and then they will have nothing to do, it is impossible not to come.”


Several other Golden Cores were thinking in their hearts, trying to find out the reason.

Elder Feng suddenly thought of something, and said, "Well, I'll call my little concubine, she must know something, this time it's up to her to say or not, I will search for the soul myself."

None of the other golden elixir had any objection.

Elder Feng took out a talisman and said a few words, and then the talisman emitted a red light, and he was about to fly away, but he returned without success after flying less than a hundred feet.

"What's going on here?" Elder Feng looked at the talisman that seemed to be blocked.

Then he seemed to realize something, he showed horror, and the other four golden cores also reacted, and they began to try to leave here, but a transparent mask was placed around them hundreds of meters away, not only could they not leave, And no news can be sent.

"It's broken! They clearly want to trap us here, it seems that we have fallen for it." A golden core exclaimed.

Elder Feng didn't care too much, so he took out his magic weapon and started attacking outside, trying to leave here, but he didn't know what made the mask under this arrangement. Under the attack of the five golden cores, although he began to shake , But obviously supporting it for an hour or two is not a problem.

While attacking the mask, a trace of remorse flashed in his heart. In order not to arouse suspicion, the few of them gathered their consciousness.And if the consciousness is wide open, I am afraid that such methods will not be quietly arranged around, but it is too late to say anything now.

"Hehe, just enjoy it slowly."

When Elder Feng and the others tried their best to get out of trouble, his concubine, together with dozens of monks in Fangshi, left Fangshi and flew towards the distance.

"Senior Sister Li, they are really stupid. Only then did they realize that it must have been done over there, and our task has also been completed." A foundation-building monk said to Elder Feng's concubine in a fawning manner, listening What he meant was that this little concubine seemed to have a fairly high status.

This Senior Sister Li was also in a good mood, she nodded and said: "It should be done. There are three senior Jindans here. Their sect is empty, so they can take it no matter what. They never thought of it anyway, thinking it was a trap aimed at us. , In fact, all of this should be a trap set by us. Whether it is actively revealing flaws or inadvertently seeking information, it is all to lure them into the bait. They think they can catch us all, but in fact what we want is to design and gather them Together, and then sneak attack to take down their sect, this is our purpose."

"Senior Sister Li, this move is absolutely perfect. After trapping them, we can easily take down the Qijue Sect, and then relying on the existing restrictions of his Qijuezong, we can completely resist their next attack. By then , we set up a large teleportation array in their Qijue Gate, but we don't have any worries." The foundation-building cultivator said more happily.

Senior Sister Li smiled and nodded: "That's right, the restriction of their Qijue Sect was arranged by Master Qiongshan, the number one restriction master in Yunzhou back then. Although it is only an intermediate restriction, it is almost close to the advanced restriction. As long as we open it, they will be able to break through it later." , is enough to leave us a lot of time.”

"Speaking of it, there is no other way. If we rebuild the teleportation array, they will be discovered by them the moment the teleportation array is activated, and not many people can be teleported. Now that we have occupied their Seven Absolute Gates, they can only watch helplessly." Looking at it, they must regret that they built their sect so well."

While the two were talking, the other monks showed joyful faces. They are now working for the Demon Dao, so they naturally hope that this plan will be successful.

"Senior Sister Li, in fact, it's really dangerous. If they catch us first, we won't be able to escape." Among these monks, another one, Zhu Ji, said.

Hearing this, Senior Sister Li smiled indifferently and said: "How can you catch a tiger if you don't enter the tiger's lair? Besides, how can they think of us, so they won't arrest us first. After all, they are also afraid of scaring the snake. Thinking about leaving us behind and torturing us slowly."

"In my opinion, they are pretending to be smart." Another monk said, which caused a lot of laughter for a while, and all the demonic monks were very happy.

Senior Sister Li suddenly thought of Elder Feng's appearance, and thought viciously in her heart: "I really thought you were putting on an act, I couldn't see it, and the way you deliberately led me to show your flaws is really disgusting. If it wasn't for the big plan, how could I bear it so far. Thinking of myself With a magic mirror, you will be safe, I am afraid you will never think until your death that the magic mirror was actually made by us on purpose, otherwise it would be a joke based on you."

Thinking about it, the group flew faster.

And their destination is not elsewhere, but Qijuemen.

At this time, the Qijue Sect is normal as usual, but in the case that the Zongmen’s Jindan has been exhausted, it has actually been taken down by the Jindan monks of the Demonic Dao and the spies who have been sent to lurk earlier, and a large teleportation array has already begun to be arranged. .

After Senior Sister Li arrived, the sect's great ban was immediately opened, and the entire sect was shrouded in a ban.

As for Elder Feng and the others, although they broke through the mask that trapped them, two hours had passed, and then they flew away at a high speed. When they arrived at their sect, they were already a step late, but what they saw was the restriction of the flow of rays of light. , and this was originally a defense against foreign enemies.

Elder Feng, who knew more about the power of this restraint than anyone else, showed a gloomy expression.

In the next seven days, although everyone in Xiayun Prefecture and Zhongyun Prefecture knew that the Qijue Sect had changed, the monks were helpless in the face of the restriction of the Qijue Sect's full power.

(End of this chapter)

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