Chapter 360

Seeing Lin Qing start to resort to tricks, Taoist Tiansa smiled, and suddenly took out a bracelet of dark gold all over.

The bracelet was no more than the size of a palm, but the moment Lin Qing took it out, he felt a great threat. It seemed to be some kind of fatal treasure.

"This is the treasure you got from that person last time?"

It was not difficult for Lin Qing to think of this. This should be the magic weapon obtained by Taoist Tiansa after pestering the golden pill who got the third treasure.

Hearing what Lin Qing said, Taoist Tiansa revealed a trace of joy but also a trace of helplessness.

This vajra bracelet was exactly the magic weapon that he obtained by entangled that person at the beginning, and then took it out of hand, and it was extremely powerful.But what made him helpless was that that day, relying on his strength, he forcibly took this treasure, but after that golden core found someone to confront him, he could only hide around.At the same time, refining this magic weapon was extremely troublesome. In order to exert its greatest power, he had to refine it as a magic weapon of his own destiny.This is also the reason why he hasn't come to find Lin Qing all these years, and later, with the attack of the devil, he has no time.

Now that the magic path is stagnant, he took this opportunity to come to Lin Qing.

Speaking of what he said at the beginning, he was sincere. After all, he had some fears about Lin Qing, and he didn't want conflicts. He was most willing to resolve him peacefully.

But now that he already knew Lin Qing's thoughts, he didn't have any hope of it.

"I hope you won't regret it." Taoist Tiansa said inexplicably after taking out the diamond bracelet.

Lin Qing was startled. Don't think about it, this magic weapon is probably extremely powerful, and from the looks of it, it seems to imprison spiritual power or something.Although Lin Qing had confidence in his own strength, he was not arrogant, so he immediately took out a white brocade handkerchief from his sleeve.

It was the brocade handkerchief that Ruyue lent him. Ruyue couldn't come because she wanted to guard Linjiashan to prevent accidents, but before Lin Qing set off, she lent him the brocade handkerchief.This magic weapon can trap the enemy and defend it, it is not weaker than Yuqian Shield.


Daoist Tiansa was startled, he didn't expect Lin Qing to take out three magic weapons in a row.

Not to mention how Lin Qing obtained these, even if he controlled a mid-term Jindan, he probably wouldn't be able to control it.After all, although magic weapons are powerful, they all need to be controlled with spiritual consciousness, and the more powerful magic weapons require more spiritual consciousness.

Generally speaking, at the early stage of golden elixir, most of them can only control one magic weapon, and in the middle stage of golden elixir, they can control one more magic weapon, and only at the late stage of golden elixir can they control three or more.Lin Qing was only in the middle stage of the golden core, but he took out three magic weapons in one breath, and they all looked not weak.

Taoist Tiansa naturally didn't know that this was due to Lin Qing's strong spiritual consciousness. After his spiritual consciousness was strong, he had a lot of benefits, and he had more magic weapons than other Jindan monks.

At this moment, using the imperial shield and the white brocade handkerchief as defenses, Lin Qing focused on urging the Shanshui beads, and soon the flying needles as thin as a cow's hair came out of the Shanshui beads.These flying needles are made by changing the cold water in the good water beads. Although due to the size, they are only at the level of a third-order high-grade magic weapon, ordinary golden cores dare not take it by force.

Not to mention, there is another one among them, which is Lin Qing's special method.

The cold water that had already condensed in the good water beads was condensed once again to obtain the second cold water, and then transformed into it. The power is even stronger, comparable to the magic weapon of the flying needle, but because it requires too much consciousness, Lin Qing can only Being able to transform this one for attacking is not as good as the real flying needle magic weapon, but it is still very powerful.

"go with!"

After the flying needles were formed, Lin Qing pointed, and many flying needles flew away at a high speed, almost invisible in the air.

Rao Tiansa Taoist didn't dare to catch these flying needles by force. At this time, the spiritual force was activated, and the diamond bracelet in his hand suddenly became three feet in size, and it also emitted golden and red rays of light towards the front.

This Xiaguang is really powerful, as soon as Lin Qing's flying needle arrives, it seems to be frozen, unable to move forward at all.

"Hmph, you think my vajra bracelet is so easy to break through."

Taoist Tiansa smiled, and then conjured up a dharma seal in his hand and hit it on the diamond bracelet. The diamond bracelet suddenly spun at a high speed, and Lin Qing's flying needles were all thrown aside.

At this time, the size of the diamond bracelet began to change. Like a balloon that was constantly inflating and shrinking, the diamond bracelet itself was constantly getting bigger and smaller. It seemed that there was some astonishing means.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Lin Qing gave up continuing to attack, but pulled away directly.

In his mind, this kind of imprisoning magic weapon should have a distance limit. It's better for him to stay far away. After all, no matter how you look at it, this weapon is not easy to deal with.


Seeing that Lin Qing couldn't hit him with one blow, he immediately ran away, Taoist Tiansa showed a strange look, he didn't expect Lin Qing to be so alert.

But it doesn't matter, the power of his diamond bracelet is far beyond imagination.

After the vajra bracelet contracted for an unknown number of times, a dim red light suddenly lit up. This red light covered the vajra bracelet itself, and it seemed to be just a mist from a distance.

Seeing such a change in the vajra bracelet, Taoist Tiansa smiled, and then directly threw the vajra bracelet at Lin Qing.

This vajra bracelet is extremely psychic, and it flies towards Lin Qing by itself in mid-air, and the speed is extremely fast.

Lin Qing, who was ready to deal with it, first used the benevolent water beads to release many hydration instruments to deal with it, but the diamond bracelet regarded these instruments as nothing, and went around directly.Lin Qing quickly controlled Yu Qiandun to resist again. Yu Qiandun was also a psychic thing, and it spun quickly to prevent the vajra bracelet from approaching Lin Qing.

But the vajra bracelet was obviously much faster, and Yu Qiandun gradually couldn't resist it. While releasing many magic weapons, Lin Qing drilled the flying needle that was going to attack Taoist Tiansa towards the vajra bracelet.

You must know that this flying needle was formed after secondary condensation of water, and its power is almost the same as that of a flying needle magic weapon, but what I didn't expect was that after the flying needle hit the diamond bracelet, it just stopped the diamond bracelet At the same place, the misty red light on the bracelet is also dimmed.

Lin Qing was a little disappointed. He originally thought that he could cause a lot of damage to the diamond bracelet, or even destroy it directly like last time.

But the flying needle completely dissipated after this attack.

Unlike Lin Qing, who was disappointed, Taoist Tiansa was extremely shocked. He had tested the ability of the diamond bracelet countless times. Not only could he take the initiative to defend against the enemy, but he could also imprison the enemy. With spiritual power, he can do whatever he wants at that time.And the diamond bracelet itself is extremely hard, and ordinary magic weapons can't pose a threat at all.

And Lin Qing not only stopped the vajra bracelet, but also cut off a lot of the protective light, which reminded him of Lin Qing's method of destroying his Huoyuncha last time.

Lin Qing is not willing to let Taoist Tiansa continue to use the diamond bracelet at this moment. After all, after his flying needle dissipates, it will take a lot of effort to condense it, and it will not condense for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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