Chapter 361

With a movement of the hand, the moon-like white brocade handkerchief flew towards Taoist Sa.

This brocade handkerchief can be regarded as a magic weapon for trapping the enemy. Lin Qing had already seen its power when dealing with the crab monster, and later found out that this brocade handkerchief was made by Kisaragi with a kind of cold cicada silk unique to Lanzhou mixed with various precious silk. The material is refined, not only can be used to trap people, but also can be used to trap magic weapons.

Although it wasn't used by Ruyue himself, if Lin Qing used it, it would be enough to trap Taoist Tiansa.

Lin Qing didn't think about trapping the vajra bracelet. After all, in his opinion, this vajra bracelet is much more powerful than Taoist Tiansa, and it is not so easy to be trapped.

Seeing the Jinpa magic weapon flying towards him, Taoist Tiansa naturally did not dare to be ambiguous. As soon as his consciousness moved, he controlled the vajra bracelet and flew back to protect him.

Lin Qing was a little strange, because he knew that Taoist Tiansa had more than this one magic weapon, so why didn't he use other magic weapons.

What Lin Qing didn't know was that this vajra bracelet required too much spiritual consciousness. It was a magic weapon of Master Qiongshan back then, and it was only necessary to control the spiritual consciousness of the late Jindan stage.Although Taoist Tiansa has mastered this thing through difficult refining, he is somewhat reluctant to control it. He has used all his spiritual consciousness on this diamond bracelet, so he has no energy to control other magic weapons.Besides, his other magic weapons were destroyed in the last magic war, so it is useless to use them now.

It was the golden and red rays of light just now, and as soon as it was released, Lin Qing's brocade handkerchief stopped moving.

Seeing that the golden handkerchief was easily blocked by the diamond bracelet, Taoist Tiansa showed a slight smile, and then controlled the golden handkerchief to fly back slowly towards him. The golden handkerchief was still wrapped in two colors of light in mid-air, as if he wanted to take back the handkerchief together.

Seeing him like this, of course Lin Qing couldn't let him do what he wanted, with a move of his consciousness, the Yuqian shield that was originally surrounding him flew away.

In mid-air, the Yuqian Shield had already become two feet in size, and it was extremely powerful when it flew away.

With a "bang", the Yuqian Shield collided with the two-color glow of the vajra bracelet, shaking the body of the vajra bracelet uncontrollably. Taking this opportunity, Lin Qing also took back the brocade handkerchief.

Yu Qiandun wound around his body again, Jinpa also floated in front of him.

But Taoist Tiansa was not disappointed. After all, his move to take back the Jinpa was a whim. He didn't think he could take back a magic weapon so easily, but the performance of the diamond bracelet just now made him happy, although I don't know what that brocade handkerchief was made of, but it looked quite extraordinary, and it was immediately restrained by the vajra bracelet, which showed the strength of the vajra bracelet.

When he advances to the later stage of Jindan, he will have a stronger spiritual sense, and he will be able to control another magic weapon on the basis of the vajra bracelet.

At that time, the vajra bracelet easily imprisoned the enemy's magic weapon, and he took advantage of the attack. Thinking about it, he felt that the future was promising.

But thinking about it this way, Taoist Tiansa didn't want to fight Lin Qing anymore. After all, although his diamond bracelet is extremely powerful, Lin Qing actually has three magic weapons. Without the opponent, there is no point in fighting any longer.

"Lin Daoyou, I'm not a person who is good at fighting. You and I will stop here. If you agree to the conditions I raised earlier, I think it's okay to pretend that this has never happened. I will also make a concession. How about your Lin family taking [-]%? Others Yes, let us divide it, I don’t know if it’s feasible?”

Hearing what Taoist Tiansa said, Lin Qing's face was calm and he didn't rush to answer.

This vajra bracelet is indeed too powerful, he needs two magic weapons to counter it, and in this way, it will not pose any threat to Taoist Tiansa, is it possible that he really wants to let this person go today?
Of course, Lin Qing would never agree to the condition.

Suddenly, Lin Qing's ear moved slightly, and after a while he looked at Taoist Tiansa again, and directed Yu Qiandun to fly away.

"Fellow Daoist Tiansa, I just got there. You want to leave today, but it's not that easy."

"Okay, okay, since you are toasting and not eating fine wine, I will take you down even if my spiritual consciousness is damaged today. I think your magic weapons are enough to make up for me." Taoist Tiansa didn't notice Lin Qing After being provoked by Lin Qing, he controlled the vajra bracelet and activated it.

After Lin Qing's Yuqian Shield flew over the Vajra Bracelet, the Vajra Bracelet released two colors of light again, and Yuqian Shield was immediately covered and motionless.

However, unlike last time, Lin Qing didn't think about saving Yu Qiandun.

After the Yuqian Shield and the Vajra Bracelet restrained each other, he issued a brocade handkerchief, which became three feet in size in mid-air, covering the Vajra Bracelet at once.

"What do you mean, do you think that the vajra bracelet that traps me can deal with me?"

It was not difficult for Taoist Tiansa to guess Lin Qing's intentions, a smile appeared on his face, and then a layer of red light with a faint black aura emanated around his body, which was actually some kind of body protection secret technique.

This time, not to mention Lin Qing's benevolent water beads, even if he condenses that kind of flying needle again, I'm afraid it won't be able to do anything to Taoist Tiansha.

As for the trapped vajra bracelet, it seemed that it was trying to break free, and it seemed that the two magic weapons, Jinpa and Yuqian Shield, couldn't stop it.

At this moment, a cyan shadow flew from the sky, the speed was as fast as lightning.

The cyan shadow went straight to Taoist Tiansa. Taoist Tiansa didn't notice it for a while, but the diamond bracelet seemed to be aware of the danger, and he tried his best to go to the Savior for a while.Under the brocade handkerchief, magnify the body shape, propping the brocade handkerchief out of the shape of a vajra bracelet.

But Lin Qing was also trying his best to control the magic weapon at this time, and added a water shield in addition to the Jinpa. It was not so easy to break free from the diamond bracelet.

Taoist Tiansa seemed to realize something when he saw the abnormality of the vajra bracelet, and turned his head to his side.

And that cyan shadow had already arrived in front of him, passed through his body protection secret technique like entering no one's land, and then passed through his head.

Although the Jindan cultivator is powerful, he cannot do without his physical body, and death of the physical body is real death.

And now that Taoist Sa's head was penetrated today, he was already dead and could not die anymore, but there was still a hint of incomprehension in his eyes.

Seeing this, Lin Qing immediately stepped forward, and while Taoist Tiansa's soul had not dissipated, he used the secret soul search technique. After all, Lin Zhidan had been captured by him, and Lin Qing urgently needed to know Lin Zhidan's whereabouts.

When Lin Qing searched for the soul, the figure controlling the cyan shadow also appeared, and it was exactly like the moon.

After Lin Qing left, she felt that there might be an accident, so she started the family restraint, and later helped Lin Qing.At that time, seeing that Lin Qing and Taoist Tiansa could not do anything to each other, she sent a message to Lin Qing, asking Lin Qing to restrain the diamond bracelet, and she took the opportunity to strike again.

The result was obvious. Facing two monks of the same rank, Taoist Tiansa had no power to resist at all.

(End of this chapter)

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