Chapter 362

It is estimated that he was still wondering who this other golden elixir was before he died.

If he had known that the Lin family had two golden pills before, he would never have come.

As for the blue shadow, it is naturally Ruyue's hairpin magic weapon, which is Ruyue's natal magic weapon. After more than a hundred years of nurturing, if it is a diamond bracelet, it can resist one or two, but it cannot be resisted by body protection alone.

At this time, Ruyue saw Lin Qing was busy searching for the soul, and she took the vajra bracelet that had lost its master and remained motionless in mid-air.

Ruyue is also a little curious about this magic weapon, after all, this magic weapon seems to be extremely powerful.

While Ruyue was still studying the magic weapon, Lin Qing had already finished searching for the soul. After taking off Taoist Tiansa's storage bag, he raised his hand, and a fireball spell covered Taoist Tiansa's whole body. After a while, Taoist Tiansa Dissipated into the sky and the earth.

"Let's go, let's save Zhidan first."

Lin Qing said, and then Ruyue followed Lin Qing.

On the way, thinking of the results of the soul search just now, Lin Qing never thought that Taoist Tiansa would be so bold. Lin Zhidan was not elsewhere, but in Chiyang Immortal City, which saved him a lot of effort.

As for other things, such as who invited Taoist Tiansa to come, because the soul dissipated too quickly, it is impossible to know, which is a bit regrettable.

"Husband, this bracelet is really powerful. It is actually made of extremely rare fine gold. This fine gold is not something that can be refined from ordinary gold, but the original thing of heaven and earth. It is extremely difficult to find it. It is inconceivable that so much pure gold could be smelted into a single bracelet."

After studying for a while, Kisaragi discovered the material of the diamond bracelet, and said in amazement.

Lin Qing smiled: "I'm not surprised. This is the number one prohibition master in Yunzhou back then, and the strength is owned by Master Qiongshan in the late Jindan period. It's not surprising that he is strong, but it is strange that he is not strong."

Kisaragi nodded, and then said: "However, this bracelet also has flaws, because it is made of pure gold. Generally speaking, pure gold is only added when refining magic weapons. After all, although this thing has many benefits, it is extremely hindering. Consciousness, it takes more spiritual consciousness to control it. This is a vajra bracelet made of fine gold, and I am afraid that it can only be fully controlled in the late stage of Jindan. I tried to control it just now, and it took a lot of spiritual consciousness It's just too big."


Lin Qing took the vajra bracelet thoughtfully, and then glanced at her golden finger panel.

【Prime Spirit: 1878.2】

[The Body of Heavenly Water: Top Grade (23/50000)]

[Forbidden Master: Intermediate (9804/10000)]

His primordial spirit has not only improved with the improvement of his cultivation, but also his golden fingers have helped him a lot. Now he is no less than the late Jindan stage, so he should be able to control this bracelet.

Lin Qing released his consciousness, and then tried to control it, but he easily made the diamond bracelet emit golden and red rays of light.

"I didn't expect my husband's spiritual sense to be so powerful, and he could control this thing so easily. It seems that he will be able to refine this thing in a short time." Ruyue said with some surprise on the side.

Lin Qing was also happy in her heart. For a monk with a strong spiritual sense like him, having more magic weapons is not a drag, but can make him stronger.

"Ruyue, this is Taoist Tiansa's storage bag, take it and have a look, feel free to take it if you want."

After Lin Qing took the vajra bracelet, he handed Taoist Tiansa's storage bag to Ruyue to see what Ruyue wanted.

Kisaragi smiled, took the storage bag and looked.

Needless to say, Daoist Sa is a mid-Golden Core, and there are many good things in the storage bag, among which a bottle of elixir that can improve the cultivation of the Golden Core is the most precious.After all, in the golden elixir stage, any elixir that can improve one's cultivation requires at least 500 years of elixir. It is extremely difficult to refine a furnace, which can be said to be extremely precious.

Opening the pill and looking, there are still seven pills inside. It seems that even Taoist Tiansa is reluctant to eat it on weekdays, probably because he wants to use it to break through the bottleneck in the future.

For this pill, Ruyue naturally accepted it with a smile. She is now at the sixth level of Golden Core, and is trying her best to break through to the later stage of Golden Core. Having these pills can save a lot of effort.As for Lin Qing, Jin Dan only needs time for him in the later stage.

In addition to pills, there are hundreds of thousands of spirit stones, including several high-level spirit stones.There are also a lot of magic tools of various materials, because there are too many, you will not be able to see them clearly for a while, and you can only wait until you go back to see them.

But even though I didn't read the whole thing, the gains from this trip are already too great. This is the mid-term savings of a Golden Core.

Then he flew to Chiyang Immortal City, Taoist Tiansa seemed to want to use Lin Zhidan as a weight, and he didn't do any harm, but just made him unconscious.

Lin Qing woke up easily, and Lin Zhidan looked extremely ashamed when he woke up, but Lin Qing patted him on the shoulder and told him not to worry.

After all, there are only a few people in Yunzhou who are as cultivated as Taoist Tiansa. This is really not something Lin Zhidan can resist.

After Lin Zhidan was fine, Lin Qing and Ruyue were not in a hurry to go back. They walked around the Chiyang Immortal City. Lin Qing had lived in Chiyang Immortal City before, and now seeing the changed Chiyang Immortal City, he naturally felt a lot of emotion in his heart .And Ruyue was also a little surprised to see such a prosperous fairy city. In her opinion, there are not many such fairy cities in her Lanzhou, let alone Yunzhou.

"This magic way is a good thing in some respects." Kisaragi said with a smile.

Lin Qing nodded, but he was a little worried: "I'm afraid the Lanzhou Demon Dao will not go on like this. Over time, it will be bad for them. After all, Yunzhou is not that simple, but I don't know what will happen to them next."

"Husband, who can know this." Ru Yue was also a little silent for a moment.

"Sect Master Qin is dead, eh."

A few days after returning to Linjiashan, the news of the death of Qingfengzong's original suzerain, Qin Zongzhu, came, and Lin Qing was deeply moved when he heard it.

"Although he is not the suzerain now, the funeral should be held according to the scale of the suzerain, so don't make any mistakes." Lin Qing instructed his younger generation.

"Yes, old man."

After the younger generation left, Lin Qing thought about the scene with Sect Master Qin, and fell into deep thought for a while.

Then, on the day of Sect Master Qin's burial, Lin Qing went there in person. Afterwards, he devoted himself to refining the vajra bracelet.This magic weapon is extremely powerful, and Lin Qing also wants to refine it as soon as possible and use it for his own use.

Now it would take him a long time to break through to the later stage of Jindan. During this period, refining the vajra bracelet would greatly enhance his strength.

Although the spiritual consciousness is stronger than Taoist Tiansa, it will take a lot of time to refine this treasure, so Lin Qing went into seclusion.

In the blink of an eye, another five years have passed.

Now that the Lin family has occupied most of the Zhao country, they have made overall arrangements for various resources. Although there are many spiritual stone veins they occupy, they have not mined them all in one go, but used them on demand.After all, nowadays, the Lin family doesn't need to worry about resources just relying on the rents in various places.

(End of this chapter)

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