Chapter 367
"Sloppy? I don't think so. We've been wasting time for a long time. Could it be that we're going to be wiped out all at once? Although it's just a golden core consciousness, I never want to take any more risks. It's good to succeed in the mission, but failure is also expected." Among them, it’s fine to continue next time. If we lose here, it will be extremely bad. Don’t you know that we can’t lose any more things in the Lanzhou family.”

Hearing this, the other mid-term Jindan didn't say anything, but said angrily: "The Nascent Soul cultivator in Lanzhou is simply too cunning, not only secretly dragged our Nascent Soul, but someone went to Zhongzhou to ask for help. As a result, once the Zhengdao sect of Zhongzhou intervened, we in Lanzhou were a little overwhelmed. Now in Yunzhou, there is no way to invest more power. In other words, we really can't lose any more. That's okay, let's leave, and we can do it later Conspiracy, as long as there are people, this Yunzhou will be ours sooner or later."

Speaking of the matter of Lanzhou, the faces of the three golden elixirs were a little gloomy.

This is still their problem in Lanzhou. If everything went well in Lanzhou, Yunzhou would have been taken by them long ago, but the righteous way of Lanzhou is not so easy to solve. After decades, it has been a wave of unrest. Together, it makes it difficult for them in Lanzhou Demon Dao to deal with it.

Speaking of which, if they hadn't won most of Yunzhou, they would have been transferred back to Lanzhou.

After deciding to leave at this time, the three of them had nothing to deal with, and immediately took back the various formations they had arranged, and then the three of them left the inn pretending to be nothing.

Originally, the fastest way was to fly away directly from Chiyang Immortal City. With their cultivation base, as long as they leave quickly, basically no one can catch up.

But they thought a little bit more, after all, what if this consciousness was just an accident, if they left in a big way, they would be really exposed at that time, so let's leave as they came here.

The three came to the outside of the inn and searched the surrounding monks. Lin Qing had hidden himself early on. Although he didn't know why the three of them came down at the same time, he knew that he must not be exposed.

After the three of them searched and found that there were no suspicious monks, they looked at each other with a hint of doubt.

But the three of them had already decided to leave, so they stopped hesitating and walked out along the streets of Chiyang Xiancheng, while Lin Qing followed behind, quietly following.The three of them were really cautious, and their spiritual sense never stopped walking all the way, which made Lin Qing dare not get too close, and did not dare to use his spiritual sense to investigate.

After all, the three of them had two middle-stage Golden Cores, so he couldn't guarantee that he wouldn't be discovered.

After following all the way, Lin Qing was a little happy when he saw that he was about to leave the city. Maybe it was just as he had thought before, the three of them were just taking advantage of the road, and they came to Chiyang Immortal City to purchase certain things.If this is the case, Lin Qing is extremely happy. After all, he doesn't want to be alone with the three of them. It is best to let the three of them leave.

But when they were about to leave the city for a while, the three of them somehow turned around and walked away.
Lin Qing, who was puzzled, also followed, but after walking for a while, Lin Qing realized that something was wrong, and the three of them were heading directly towards the center of Xiancheng.

He was shocked for a moment.

There is Lin Zhidan in the center of Xiancheng. Although Lin Zhidan is now in the late stage of Zifu, he has no chance of winning against the Jindan trio.

But with the strength of these three people, Lin Qing thought that only Lin Zhidan could attract their attention.

Thinking of this, Lin Qing couldn't care less about getting up, took out a talisman and wrote something, and then the talisman ignited in his sleeve, this was the talisman for summoning Lin Zhidan.

Although Lin Qing didn't tell Lin Zhidan of his plan when he first entered Chiyang Immortal City, but now he has to say it. After all, if he is targeting Lin Zhidan, his reminder can somewhat take the lead.

Lin Qing thought well, the goal of these three people is actually Lin Zhidan.

Originally, the three of them were about to leave the city, but seeing that there was no movement along the way, the three of them would be somewhat unwilling to leave like this.So they discussed secretly, and decided to capture Lin Zhidan, and then threatened Lin Qing with Lin Zhidan. Nothing serious.As for whether there will be any accidents in the capture of Lin Zhidan, they are not afraid. The three golden pills want to leave, but it is not so easy to keep them.Besides, there was an accident, didn't it confirm their previous conjecture, and it would be easy to explain when they went back.

Walking towards the center of Xiancheng at this time, Lin Qingyue and his heart became more and more gloomy. It seemed that these three people really wanted to deal with Lin Zhidan.

This made Lin Qing feel a little contemptuous. There was a Taoist Tiansa in the past, but these three golden elixirs, each of them a powerful monk, only dealt with a junior.

This is really hard for Lin Zhidan.

But Lin Qing was not too worried at this time, one was that he had already reminded Lin Zhidan, and the other was that he had already arranged the means in advance.

After killing Taoist Tiansa and saving Lin Zhidan, Lin Qing wondered what to do if this kind of thing happened a second time. This time it was Lin Zhidan, and next time it might be him and other members of the Lin family who suffered severely.

So Lin Qing arranged several third-order formations in Chiyang Immortal City, which originally belonged to Chiyang Daoist Priest, later belonged to Brother Hua, and then belonged to the Lin family's luxurious mansion.

With Lin Qing's current cultivation base, it is simple to arrange a third-tier formation.

Moreover, Lin Qing has integrated these three kinds of third-order formations accordingly. Although it is not as good as the restriction, it will take a lot of effort to crack the ordinary golden elixir, so he can help in time or take the opportunity run away.

Lin Qing didn't expect that it would be needed so soon.

If he thinks right, after he reminds Lin Zhidan, Lin Zhidan will go into hiding. As long as the three golden elixirs come to the mansion in the center of Xiancheng, they will activate the third-order magic circle, at least to trap them for a while .

At that time, Lin Qing will come forward to take Lin Zhidan away, or take the opportunity to deal with these three people, it is all right.

The three demons didn't know so much, so they walked quickly towards the mansion in the center of Xiancheng, and soon arrived in front of the mansion.

There were only two qi-training juniors of the Lin family at the gate of the mansion. The three demon cultivators broke in without looking, and then searched for it with their spiritual sense.

In their hearts, a Zifu late stage should be simple.

The same was true after searching. In a room in the center of the mansion, they immediately found Lin Zhidan's trace, and what made them a little funny was that Lin Zhidan was sleeping soundly at this time.

"Okay, it seems that there is no accident here, let's catch him and leave." The cautious middle-stage Golden Core Demon Cultivator relaxed and said.

"Let me go." Jindan early demon cultivator said proactively.

(End of this chapter)

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