I have made the Cultivation Clan by myself

Chapter 368 Formation Shows Power

Chapter 368 Formation Shows Power
Just when Golden Core was about to nod his head in agreement, he suddenly frowned, looked around, and at some point clasped that magic weapon in his hand again.

"Why did it disappear suddenly, it shouldn't be."

This mid-term Jindan said, just now his spiritual consciousness had locked on Lin Zhidan, but suddenly Lin Zhidan seemed to disappear in place.

What he didn't know was that Lin Zhidan, who was pretending to be asleep, immediately activated a third-order concealment formation after he noticed them coming in. At the same time, he also concealed himself with all his strength. found him.

"Is it a trap? I knew I shouldn't have made this extra trip. If I left just now, everything would be fine." Another mid-stage Golden Core said with a bit of complaint.

"No, if it's a trap, I'm afraid Jindan has already arrived. According to my opinion, it should be because our spiritual consciousness was too obvious just now, and he discovered it. Now it's just his own means. Speaking of it, for I have always felt a little uneasy about this monk from the Lin family, their strength seems to exceed our previous understanding, let me search for magic weapons." The cautious middle-stage Jindan monk said.

After finishing speaking, he used the magic mirror to search. After the magic mirror was activated, he quickly found Lin Zhidan's trace.

After finding out, he beamed with joy.

"It seems that it's just a small trick of his own, but it's really amazing. He was able to hide the consciousness of the three golden cores in one fell swoop. If he didn't have a magic weapon today, he really let him hide it."

"This should be some kind of formation. He, a cultivator of the Purple Mansion, can never have magic weapons, and ordinary magic weapons can't hide the function of spiritual consciousness anyway. I knew before coming here that the Lin family is good at formations. , Now it seems that it makes sense." The demon cultivator at the early stage of Jindan said, and in a few sentences, he said it clearly.

"Okay, this formation is probably very advanced. Although it is not a restriction, it is somewhat reluctant for you to go alone. Let's go together."

Another Jindan middle stage said that the Jindan early stage who was going to catch Lin Zhidan naturally didn't have any disagreement.

After finishing speaking, the three of them flew together towards the place where Lin Zhidan was found. At this time, Lin Qing had already arrived in the mansion. Seeing this, he immediately sent a message to Lin Zhidan, asking him to activate other formations.But in order to lure these three people to the center of the formation, Lin Zhidan did not rush to open it, but boldly waited on the spot.

This made Lin Qing a little anxious, but at the same time had some other thoughts.

If these three people were trapped in the center of the formation, he would have a great chance to get rid of one or two of them before they cracked the formation, maybe even kill all three of them.After all, the center of the formation is much more difficult to crack than the edge of the formation, and it can hold them back for a longer period of time. Killing them in the future is also a matter of once and for all.

Jin Dan flew extremely fast, and the three of them came to the center of the mansion in the blink of an eye.

This is a residence with a small garden, where many flowers and trees are planted, and the scenery is excellent. The monks of the Lin family Zifu who come to Chiyang Immortal City to garrison on weekdays will live here.

After the three of them flew here, they were less than [-] feet away from Lin Zhidan who was under the concealment circle. Although the concealment circle has a powerful concealment function, it is extremely weak in other aspects. If these three people join forces , the concealment formation might not last a few breaths, it can be said that Lin Zhidan is already in danger.

At this time, Lin Zhidan didn't wait any longer, and immediately opened the other four third-order magic circles.

In addition to the hidden magic circle that has been activated, the other four third-order magic circles include a phantom formation, two trapping formations, and a killing formation. Under Lin Qing's exquisite combination, the combined power of these four formations is not one plus As simple as that, it will only be multiplied.

As for the three golden elixirs in the center of the formation, after the formation was opened, the surroundings changed from the original garden to a world of ice and snow. There was heavy snow in the sky, and the body was bitingly cold.

Seeing this scene, the extremely cautious Jindan Mid-term actually smiled and said, "Don't worry, this is just a phantom array. It's powerful against Zifu, but it's useless to us Jindan."

Seeing that there was no answer after speaking, he looked around, obviously the other two golden cores were beside him, but they seemed to be unable to hear him at all.

This time, his face changed a little.

The same is true for the other two Golden Cores, they both found out that they were close at hand, but they couldn't communicate at all, as if there was some barrier between the three of them.

"I'm afraid there are other formations nested in it, so it will take a little more effort." Jin Danzhong quickly figured out the reason, said something secretly, and then took out the magic weapon to try to crack it violently.

When he tried to crack it violently, Lin Qing had already flown over the formation, which naturally had no effect on him.

Seeing that all three were trapped, Lin Qing's eyes flickered with a chill.

"Zhi Dan, you leave first, the farther you fly, the better." Lin Qing sent a message to Lin Zhidan. He had already decided to let Lin Zhidan go first, and he would deal with these three people. No matter how many people he could kill, he would always give it a try.

Lin Zhidan also knew that he could not intervene at this time, so he immediately flew out from the concealment formation, gave Lin Qing a salute, and flew away immediately.

After Lin Zhidan left, Lin Qing sat cross-legged, with drops of good water floating in front of him, and a flying needle-shaped hydration magic weapon was quickly formed.

This is a magic weapon formed from secondary condensed water, and its power is comparable to that of an ordinary flying needle magic weapon.

When dealing with Taoist Tiansa last time, it was able to hinder Taoist Tiansa's diamond bracelet, and its power was really extraordinary.At this time, the three people below were trapped in the formation, and it was a good time to use this thing to deal with them.

As for who to deal with, Lin Qingchao took a look below, and aimed the flying needle formed at the early stage golden core demon cultivator.

The persimmon should be picked softly, there are three golden elixirs underneath, Lin Qing naturally wants to get rid of one immediately, otherwise it will be bad if the three of them get out of trouble and join forces, and this golden elixir is better than the other two golden elixirs at the early stage. In the middle stage, it is naturally the softest persimmon.And although the flying needle is powerful, Lin Qing reckons it's not enough for the mid-stage Golden Core, so it can only deal with the early-stage Golden Core.

"go with!"

With a finger of Lin Qing's spiritual sense, the flying needle flew downward at an extremely fast speed. Lin Qing's flying needle was already extremely small and hydrated, and the faster the speed, the more invisible it would be.

The demon cultivator at the early stage of Jindan below is currently offering a magic weapon with a big sword, spitting out hot flames from the tip of the knife, and when he is burned by this flame, the surrounding ice and snow scene is shaken for a while, it seems that it will be over soon. Break the formation.

This golden core demon cultivator was also a little happy, but suddenly an inexplicable feeling of something bad flashed in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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