I have made the Cultivation Clan by myself

Chapter 374 Mubai's Breakthrough

Chapter 374 Mubai's Breakthrough

After finishing speaking, he seemed to think of something, and said again: "Several fellow daoists, I have already said it just now, everyone can make a request to me, which fellow daoist should say it first?"

At this time, Master Sanku said first: "I have heard for a long time that Taoist priest Mubai has many treasures, but this time, Taoist priest has to bear the pain and give up his love."

"Hahaha, master just say it."

Daoist Mu Bai smiled indifferently, and then communicated with Master Sanku, the content of which was unknown.

Afterwards, Lin Qing and the others sent voice transmissions one after another, and they all said what they wanted.

"Okay, I will deliver all the things of fellow daoists, but there are two things that will take a little time, so I will wait here first, and I will discuss the specific details with you in the next few days, which is related to the success or failure of the breakthrough. "

Daoist Mu Bai said, and then told Lin Qing and the others where they lived, and Lin Qing and the others left one after another.

Daoist Mu Bai stood at the same spot and watched the few people leave, he thought in puzzlement: "It's normal for Master Sanku to want my scripture, and I don't need it. It's not unusual for Mrs. Hua to want my treasure , these years, she has been coveting for a long time. Lei Jianzi asked me to make a promise, and the heart demon vow was naturally to keep his Lei Jianmen. What does he want this water for, this water is the core treasure of Lei Jianmen, and he has to ask Lei Jianzi for it, it seems that it will take a lot of effort."

When Taoist Mu Bai was thinking, Lin Qing had already arrived at his residence. As for why he asked Taoist Mu Bai to ask for Lei Mingshui for him, Lin Qing thought of it the first time he saw Lei Jianzi.

Of course, this water is to increase the power of his good water beads, and the power of good water beads is also related to the strange water inside, and the most famous one in Yunzhou is Lei Jianmen's thunder water.But this water is the priceless treasure of Lei Jianmen, Lin Qing is really hard to get it, even if he gets it, he will pay a huge price, this time he is going to take this opportunity to ask Taoist Mu Bai to ask him for it, it must be much easier.

As for other treasures, to be honest, Lin Qing couldn't think of them for a while. He already had three magic treasures plus the new magic mirror that hadn't expelled the magic energy, so that would be four pieces. The power of water drops needs to be strengthened.

After saying this request, the next day, Taoist Mubai sent the part that Lin Qing needed to take action in the breakthrough, and Lin Qing began to figure it out.

As for Lei Mingshui, because Lin Qing wanted it a lot, Taoist Mu Bai said it would take a few days.

But Lin Qing didn't want to care about how much Taoist Mubai spent to obtain water from Lei Jianmen.

Four days passed in the blink of an eye. On this day, Daoist Mubai came to Lin Qing, smiled and took out three round beads the size of a fist: "Friend Lin, the thunder water you want has been brought in three water beads. , these three water-gathering beads are all high-quality products, and the thunder water they suck must be enough for fellow daoists to use."

"Thank you Daoist, I will do my best to help Daoist break through this trip." Lin Qing said happily after receiving the three water-gathering beads.

Daoist Mu Bai did not say anything more, and left in a hurry. The breakthrough is tomorrow, and it seems that he has to make other preparations.

After Mubai Taoist priest left, Lin Qing tried to pour thunder water from a polywater drop, Lin Qing took the thunder water with his palm, although it was not much, but to Lin Qing's surprise, not only was the water blue , and there is also a tingling feeling, as if there is really lightning in it.

Such a small amount of Thundering Water has such an effect, Lin Qing showed a gleam of joy when she saw the three water-gathering beads filled with this water.As long as he mixes all the water into the good water beads, the good water beads will definitely be stronger than before, and I heard that the sword of Lei Jianmen can restrain the magic way, maybe it is the power of this water, which made Lin Qing looked forward to it even more.

Putting away the water, Lin Qingpan sat up and prepared for tomorrow.

It is not a simple task to help Taoist Mu Bai break through, and it needs to consume a lot of spiritual power and pill fire, so it is better to adjust yourself first.

On the second day, Daoist Mu Bai, together with Lin Qing and his five golden elixirs, came to a secret room underground in Taohezhuang.

This secret room is several tens of feet in size, and it goes deep into the ground. It seems that it was not built temporarily, but should have existed originally.

There is not enough spiritual power in the secret room, but the breakthrough in this trip is not through the usual method of spiritual energy breakthrough, so the problem is not too big. As for Lin Qing and the others, they all have spiritual stones to replenish their spiritual power at any time.

Sitting down in the center of the secret room, Daoist Mu Bai looked at the four golden pills who were sitting one foot away from him.

"Fellow daoists, I'm counting on everyone to make a breakthrough in this trip. As long as you follow the method I gave, I won't blame anyone even if you fail." It seems that Taoist Master Mubai was still a little worried, so he added another sentence .

"Don't worry, we are all monks above the middle stage of Jindan, and there will be no mistakes." Lei Jianzi said with a smile.

Daoist Mu Bai nodded, and finally took a look at the four people around him, then his body shook, and all the clothes on his body turned into debris and fell out. As for the storage bag and other things, they were prepared in advance and did not carry them.

Lin Qing and the others were not surprised at this. They already knew some key points of this breakthrough, one of which was that the person who broke through did not need to wear clothes.

But despite this, Lin Qing and the others still took a few sneaky glances, and then all of them remained motionless.

Regarding this point, even Jindan people are a little curious.

After shredding all the clothes, Daoist Mubai began to cast the magic spell. After a short while, a blue light appeared on his body. The blue light soon turned into blue light, and it continued to deepen. Lin Qing and the others paid close attention to it. Change, it's all experience.

When this light turned red all over, the four of Lin Qing opened their mouths at the same time without Daoist Mu Bai saying, and each of them spewed out the pill fire.


For a while, the temperature in the secret room rose sharply. Fortunately, several of them were Jindan monks and were not affected.

While continuing to spray the pill fire, Lin Qing was also surprised by this breakthrough method. Although Taoist Mu Bai did not give him all the methods, judging from what he has given, this is not a breakthrough, it is simply refining himself. Cheng Dan.

That's right, whether it's the discoloration that Taoist Priest Mubai started, or Lin Qing's alchemy fire at this time, they are all burning Taoist Priest Mubai.

Of course, Daoist Mubai has other methods to avoid being melted, but this is an extremely painful job. It needs to be burned continuously for a day and a night. You must know that this is the pill fire of the golden core stage, and it must be the golden core stage or The above is also the reason why Lin Qinghui was invited.

Such a violent pill fire burns, to be honest, he is a little hesitant to let Lin Qing try it by himself if he only burns it once.

What Lin Qing and the others didn't know was that Daoist Mu Bai was very happy at this moment.

"The temperature of this pill fire is really enough. It seems that I didn't invite the wrong person. Needless to say, Mrs. Hua, none of the other three are simple people. Although this is really painful, as long as you get through this period of time, wait until Breaking through is all worth it.”

(End of this chapter)

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