I have made the Cultivation Clan by myself

Chapter 375 Mubai's Breakthrough

Chapter 375 Mubai's Breakthrough

Daoist Mu Bai thought briefly, then stopped thinking about it, and devoted himself to the breakthrough again.

Lin Qing and the others kept setting off the pill fire. Apart from the sound of the pill fire, the secret room was extremely silent. As soon as Lin Qing and the others felt the lack of spiritual power, they immediately used spirit stones to replenish it. The pill fire burned for a whole day and night. .

At this time, even though Lin Qing and the others were powerful, they all felt extremely tired.

At this time, with a gesture from Taoist Mu Bai, Lin Qing and the others finally stopped. What is miraculous is that Taoist Mu Bai was burned like this, but he still seemed to be a normal person. I opened my mouth.

Lin Qing looked closely, and he slowly spat out the golden core in Daoist Mu Bai's body.

The golden elixir was about the size of a thumb, and its entire body had turned scorched black, which made Lin Qing think thoughtfully that maybe their elixir fire seemed to be burning on the body of Taoist Mu Bai, but it was actually burning on the golden elixir.

At this time, when the golden elixir was spit out, Taoist Mu Bai became tense, carefully watching the golden elixir, holding a magic spell in his hand.

"go with!"

With a low shout, an astonishing spiritual power burst out from his hands, and he went straight to the golden core.

Lin Qing and the others on one side were also not idle. They each held their spells and hit Jindan. The majestic spiritual power in it was beyond the imagination of low-level monks.

And Lin Qing also gradually understood that it is more appropriate to say that this breakthrough method is a method of ripening.

This is completely through the external force to forcibly break through the bottleneck of the golden core, and then break the core into a baby, without the body baptism of the natural baby, of course there will be no increase in lifespan, and the strength it possesses, I am afraid it will not be too strong. There is no chance of winning against the ordinary Nascent Soul.

Even so, once the breakthrough is successful, it still has an absolute advantage over Jindan, and it shouldn't be a problem to drive away from Lanzhou Demon Dao.

Thinking of this, the spiritual power in Lin Qing's hands increased by one point, and Taoist Mu Bai gave Lin Qing a grateful look, and then he stared closely at Jin Dan.

After absorbing so much spiritual power, his golden elixir has already emitted a few gleams of white light from the scorched black, thinking about the records in the jade slips in his heart, Taoist priest Mubai dare not be careless in the slightest.

This is the same as what Lin Qing thought, it is indeed a method of ripening, and this method must be properly heated, if there is too little spiritual power, all previous efforts will be wasted, if there is too much spiritual power, it will blow up, and one's own cultivation will drop purple The government can be said to be sloppy.

After infusing for a quarter of an hour, Taoist Mu Bai's handprint changed, and Lin Qing and the others immediately withdrew their spiritual power.

I saw Daoist Mu Bai alone controlling the golden core and slowly flying towards his mouth. The process was extremely meticulous. This is the most critical time. resist.

But Lin Qing and the others had benefited from Taoist Mu Bai, who would do such a thing, so they all just watched.

As for the magic way, now that they have been expelled to Xiayunzhou, it is even more impossible to come here. This is probably the reason why Taoist priest Mubai chose Dali to make a breakthrough.

Not long after, the somewhat unstable golden core was successfully taken back by Taoist Mu Bai.

It was visible to the naked eye that he relaxed a lot, and then he glanced at Lin Qing and the others. Lin Qing and the others performed part of the spell at the same time, and then they all rested on Taoist Mubai.

Breaking through is not an easy task, there are quite a lot of procedures, but if you can break through successfully, everything is worth it.

For the next three days, Lin Qing and the others used spells from time to time, output spiritual power from time to time, and helped Taoist Master Mu Bai adjust from time to time. Everyone was so tired that they didn't even have a single bit of rest.

On the fifth day, the affairs of Lin Qing and the others were considered to be over, and then it was up to Taoist Mu Bai himself.

At this time, Daoist Mubai already had a baby-like texture all over his body, and also exuded a faint fragrance, which made Lin Qing remember it in his heart. This may be the vision that will occur when breaking through the Nascent Soul.

Taoist Mubai closed his eyes tightly, put his hands in front of his abdomen, motionless, he didn't even breathe, his whole body was like a sculpture.

After holding back for several days, Lin Qing and the others wanted to say something, but at this most critical moment, no one dared to say a word. If Daoist Mu Bai failed because of his own words, it would not be easy An apology can make it back.

After about half an hour, the scent became more and more intense, and the whole secret room was filled with this scent.

However, when the fragrance reached its strongest point, it suddenly disappeared. Lin Qing and the others looked at Daoist Mu Bai in surprise, only to see that he had slowly opened his eyes. On the ground, a little man appeared.

Just like Taoist Mu Bai, this villain is completely naked and exudes a hazy white light.

This villain would still look at Lin Qing and the others. For some reason, he smiled when he saw Lin Qing and the others, as if there was no hostility.

Although Daoist Mubai couldn't see the villain above his head, he felt something and showed a hint of joy. This joy became stronger and stronger, and soon he was full of smiles.

"Congratulations to Taoist Priest for successfully breaking through Nascent Soul!" Master Sanku said, the villain on top of Taoist Master Mubai is naturally Nascent Soul, and with the birth of Nascent Soul, the success or failure of breaking through is self-evident.

"Congratulations, Daoist Master Mu Bai, congratulations, hey, it's time for me to call Daoist Master Senior, congratulations to Senior Mu Bai." Lei Jianzi said at the side, and in the middle of speaking, he suddenly changed his name to senior.

"No, it's better to call me Taoist priest." Taoist priest Mu Bai spoke with joy.

"Mubai, I didn't expect you to break through to Nascent Soul before me. Congratulations." Fellow Daoist Hua also said.

"Congratulations to Taoist Priest for breaking through." Lin Qing and others congratulated, and also congratulated.

Daoist Mu Bai was about to answer, when he suddenly looked over his head with a feeling, Lin Qing and the others also looked.The Nascent Soul who was still alive and kicking and watching Lin Qing and the others just now looked exhausted, and was about to get into the head of Taoist Mubai.

Daoist Mubai showed a trace of surprise, but Nascent Soul went back.

"It seems to be a newborn, a little tired." Daoist Mu Bai said.

Lin Qing and the others naturally agreed, but in Lin Qing's mind, I am afraid that the Nascent Soul that was broken through this way is not strong enough. After all, he has only come out for a while and will go back, but it is no different from the rumored powerful Nascent Soul. .

Daoist Mubai obviously also thought of this, but he stood up at this moment, and said indifferently: "No matter what, this time is a successful breakthrough, thank you for your help, I will do what I promised, Yu Jane, I have already copied four copies, and sent someone to put them in the rooms of several people, and they will be able to pick them up when the time comes."

"Thank you, Daoist Mu Bai."

Lin Qing and the others said again.

Suddenly, Fellow Daoist Hua chuckled, and said, "Fellow Daoist Mubai, how long are you going to be naked, with so many fellow Daoists watching?"

(End of this chapter)

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