Chapter 378 Xu Qing Failure
However, although his aptitude is not enough now, his desire for cultivation has never stopped. His breakthrough this time is not reconciled to passing his life like this. The Golden Core is right in front of him, so he wants to touch this cultivation even if he touches it.

As for the fake pill and the real pill, he didn't care at all, as long as he could break through the golden pill.

Taking a long breath to relax, Lin Xuqing didn't feel any tension in his heart, instead he smiled slightly, reached out and picked up the June flower on the ground, and began to refine it.

Time passed day by day, and seven days passed without knowing it.

To be honest, if Lin Xuqing's aura was not felt with his spiritual sense, Lin Qing who was outside might rush in. After all, whoever breaks through can break through for seven days in a row. Although Jindan is powerful, it basically only takes three or four days. sufficient.

But Lin Xuqing's situation made Lin Qing uncertain, all he could do was wait, maybe there would be a miracle.

In this way, ten days passed before the door of the secret room was opened from the inside.

During this period, there was no phenomenon of heaven and earth, needless to say it was a failure. Lin Qing looked at Lin Xuqing. At this time, Lin Xuqing had lost a whole circle of weight compared to before entering, and his eyes were dull.

"Xuqing, it's extremely difficult to make a breakthrough. If you fail, you have to learn to accept it calmly." Seeing Lin Xuqing like this, Lin Qing comforted her.

Lin Xuqing nodded, but his heart was filled with ashes.

At the beginning of the breakthrough, he was still happy, and he felt that he had a high chance of breaking through, but when he really broke through, his dream was completely shattered. The difficulty of the golden core was beyond his imagination. Didn't touch the door.

As for why it took ten days, it was because he was unwilling to go on like this after the first breakthrough failed, so he mobilized his essence and blood to force another breakthrough.

Needless to say, breaking through again was unsuccessful.

"Xuqing, go back and have a rest, you are too tired." Seeing that Lin Xuqing didn't want to say more, Lin Qing just said so.

"It's dad."

Lin Xuqing hugged Lin Qing, then turned and left.

Lin Qing couldn't bear to see the extremely handsome young master Pian Pian in his family back then, now so desolate, but he also thought at the same time that if he stepped into the cultivation of immortals, there would be more monks who couldn't even practice Qi Breakthrough.

Suddenly thinking of something, Lin Qing looked behind her: "Don't worry, your father is in a bad mood now, so don't affect you."

"It's the ancestor."

Lin Zhidan replied that after Lin Xuqing started to break through, he also came to the secret room and waited with Lin Qing. If the breakthrough was successful, he could celebrate in time, and if it failed, he would be comforted.

But just now when Lin Xuqing came out, he didn't look at him at all, which undoubtedly made Lin Zhidan a little disappointed, so Lin Qing said.

"Zhi Dan, your cultivation seems to be able to break through."

Lin Qing looked at Lin Zhidan and said.

Lin Zhidan is Lin Xuqing's first son. He is now more than 200 years old. He has dual spiritual roots and has good aptitude. Today, he has also reached the completion of the Zifu, and can break through to the Golden Core.Not only him, but Lin Yuanwu has also reached the ninth floor of the Purple Mansion, and the Purple Mansion will soon be consummated.

Hearing what Lin Qing said at this time, Lin Zhidan, who originally wanted to try to break through as soon as possible, hesitated at this moment: "Old Ancestor, I can indeed break through, but I still want to wait a few more years. It's better to make preparations early, besides, my father just used the materials in the family treasure house, and now he needs time to collect them again."

Hearing what Lin Zhidan said, Lin Qing nodded, it seems that Lin Xuqing's failure also affected him a little.

After Lin Zhidan left, Lin Qing thought about Lin Xuqing again, and finally shook his head helplessly.

He retreated again.

As for Lin Xuqing, he returned to his residence in a depressed and hopeless state of mind. After adjusting for a few days, although he got rid of the feeling of failure, he could not return to the state of his body no matter what. This was only him. Only then can I get out.

After retreating, the purple jade peaches matured within a few years, and the ripe purple jade peaches are still the object of competition for many monks of the Lin family.

But Lin Qing still didn't swallow it, he would only consider this point when he was really short of lifespan.

However, after picking all the purple jade peaches, Lin Qing took Ling Xueqing and Ruyue to enjoy the scenery under the peach tree together, and the taste made Lin Qing have some aftertaste after half a month.

After 15 years of continuous retreat, Lin Qing not only broke through to the eighth level of Jindan, but also finally integrated the thunder water into the bead of good water.

When he first got Leiming Water, Lin Qing discovered that the effect of this water was stronger than he imagined, and after merging, even more than Lin Qing expected, this water and the original cold water were strangely fused together. Together, they got a kind of water that Lin Qing couldn't name.

This water is not only extremely cold and heavy, but also has a greater restraint effect on spiritual consciousness, and at the same time has a greater restraint effect on demon energy.

Lin Qing experimented a bit, and found that with the good water beads fused with thundering water, all kinds of magic tools transformed into them now almost have the power of golden alchemy magic weapons, which are really incomparable before.

If it was placed in the time when Chiyang Immortal City was facing those three Demon Dao Golden Cores, maybe he could take them all with just one good water bead.

Playing around with the powerful benevolent water beads, Lin Qing collected them into his dantian, but there was one more thing that made him worry a lot. The magic mirror was much more difficult than he imagined, even though he had reached the late stage of golden elixir. , but it would take at least a hundred years to get rid of the evil energy inside, which was beyond his expectation.

To be honest, Lin Qing was somewhat unwilling to spend a hundred years of effort, but the power of this mirror left Lin Qing a lot of influence, and he was also unwilling to give up on it.


Lin Qing's heart suddenly moved. The benevolent water beads he fused now have a certain restraint effect on the evil energy. Why not try the benevolent water beads, which is better than using his spiritual power to drive them away little by little.

Thinking of this, Lin Qing spat out the benevolent water drops, and began to try to get rid of the magic energy of the Gushen Mirror.

What he didn't expect was that this was more than ten times faster than using his spiritual power. Lin Qing was overjoyed for a moment. It seemed that with the help of Shan Shuizhu, he would be able to master this powerful magic weapon in a short time.

Speaking of which, after breaking through the late stage of Jindan, his spiritual consciousness has skyrocketed, and he has not been idle during these years of retreat. Relying on the gold finger spiritual consciousness to increase even more, Lin Qing feels that he can manipulate five magic weapons No, it's really not comparable to ordinary Jindan monks.

After discovering that using good water beads could expel the evil energy faster, Lin Qing planned to clean it up in one go.

But at this time, Lin Zhidan sent a message to him, saying that he wanted to try to break through Jindan.

Regarding this, Lin Qing did not dare to be sloppy, and did not rush to retreat again, but began to guide Lin Zhidan.

Lin Qing is strong now, but what he thinks more in his heart is that if a descendant of his family comes out with another golden core, it doesn't matter if he is strong alone. Only when the whole family becomes stronger, then his Lin family will be truly powerful.

(End of this chapter)

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