Chapter 379

After Lin Zhidan witnessed Lin Xuqing's failure last time, it was obvious that he had prepared for a long time for this breakthrough attempt.

Not only collected various materials, but also selected a specific day.

"Put it in the day after tomorrow? Is there something special about it?" Lin Qing was surprised. When he heard Lin Zhidan say that he must break through the day after tomorrow, he didn't understand the meaning at all. In his opinion, there was nothing special about the day after tomorrow. of.

Lin Zhidan smiled embarrassedly at this:

"Old Ancestor, this is also the case of Zhi Dan's illness. Zhi Dan knows that his success rate is not high, and he seems to be perfect in other aspects. I calculated that the day after tomorrow should be a rainy day. Xiaoyi feels calm when it rains, so I want to use this to increase my chances."

"I see."

Lin Qing nodded, but he felt relieved when he heard Lin Zhidan say that.

To be honest, he was really afraid that Lin Zhidan, like Lin Xuchang back then, would get someone who didn't know about it, and in that case, he was extremely worried.

But now it's just because of Yu Tian's peace of mind, Lin Qing can fully understand this, and sometimes he will do the same.

After cultivators become stronger, changes in the weather don't have much of an impact on them. It's not like ordinary people who can't go out when it rains.But suitable weather still has many benefits, especially for breakthroughs.

Afterwards, the day after tomorrow, not only Linjiashan, but also the entire Zhao country began to rain densely.

The rain fell from the sky and hit the Lin family mountain, making a series of dense sounds. At this time, Lin Zhidan was about to retreat and break through.

"Old Ancestor, Dad, I'll just go in."

Lin Zhidan bowed his hands to Lin Qing and Lin Xuqing, and then walked out of the secret room.

When the door of the secret room was closed, Lin Qing looked at Lin Xuqing. After these years, Lin Xuqing recovered, but Lin Qing could still see a trace of worry from his expression.

"Xuqing, have you ever heard such a saying in the world." Lin Qing said suddenly.

Lin Xuqing looked at Lin Qing, and Lin Qing said: "Everyone says the roads are uneven. When others ride horses, I ride donkeys. I look back at the man pushing the cart. You have to learn to be content. Father knows you I'm disappointed that I didn't break through the Golden Core, but many monks didn't even break through the Foundation Establishment, and even if they break through the Golden Core, there will still be a Nascent Soul, so if they can't break through by then, it's another disappointment."

"Also, think about how happy you were when you first broke through the Purple Mansion, but now that the Purple Mansion is complete, you are not happy at all."

Hearing Lin Qing's words, Lin Xuqing suddenly thought of the scene when he broke through the Purple Mansion. At that time, just as his father said, he was so happy, as if everything was in his hands, and he felt that this life was enough.But now, it is obvious that the Zifu is consummated, but it seems so worried and disappointed, it seems that it is really greedy.

But Lin Xuqing thought of something, and soon lowered his head and said: "Father, I understand what you said, and I understand, but no matter how I think about it, I can't convince myself. It's like eating. From the beginning, our family ate only next to nothing." Waiting for lingmi, then it became medium, and then I can eat the top-grade rice casually, but I always feel that it is not enough, and I always want better ones, because I always think, since I have eaten the top-grade rice, why can’t I eat it again Better."

Hearing Lin Xuqing's words, Lin Qing shook his head: "That's why we say that the ocean of desire has no limit, and if you only want to seek shore, you will only harm yourself."

Lin Xuqing didn't say any more, looking at the closed door of the secret room, he didn't know what was thinking in his eyes.

Lin Qing didn't say anything more.

The door of the secret room was closed for three days in a row, and on the fourth day, there was a booming sound in the sky above the Lin Family Mountain, and then the dark clouds gathered around it.

The rain during the retreat is still falling, but at this time the rain is no longer rain, it is more like water being splashed from the sky.

For a moment, the sky over Lin Family Mountain was as dark as ink, and the rain was like hemp. Accompanied by the rumbling sound, all the monks looked up in surprise, wondering what kind of omen this is.

Seeing this scene, Lin Qing was very happy, and then flew to the highest peak of Lin Family Mountain.

If he thinks right, this should be Jindan's Thunder Tribulation. He encountered this situation when he first broke through, but after his original Thunder Tribulation, he melted away by himself, but now Lin Zhidan's Thunder Tribulation, It seems that it will not be easily melted away.

In this case, as the head of the Lin family, Lin Qing must lend a helping hand.

Speaking of which, when breaking through the golden core, most monks will encounter thunder calamity, but not many die directly under the thunder calamity, but what is certain is that after surviving the thunder calamity, they will be much weaker, and some will need several years to recover.

Lin Qing naturally didn't want Lin Zhidan to carry it alone, besides, he wanted to try the power of his magic weapon.


With a loud noise, a bolt of lightning as thick as an arm was shot down from the air.

"go with!"

Lin Qing released good water beads, forming a water shield in a very short time, and then the water shield went straight to meet the lightning.


The two collided with a crackling sound, and both the lightning and the water shield disappeared into the air.

Seeing this scene, Lin Qing nodded. The power of this bolt of lightning is similar to that of an early golden core shot, but his water shield only used [-]% of its power. It has become extremely powerful.

Lin Zhidan's lightning calamity this time was not very powerful. It took a long time after the first bolt of lightning to strike the second bolt.

Needless to say, it was also easily broken by Lin Qing.

After the second lightning burst, Lin Zhidan had already flown out of the secret room.

Seeing this, the third Lin Qing decided to keep it for Lin Zhidan, but for safety, Lin Qing lent Lin Zhidan his Yuqian Shield.

At this moment, Lin Zhidan's face was full of joy, after receiving Lin Qing's Yu Qiandun, he immediately mobilized, and the moment the third lightning came down, he commanded Yu Qiandun to meet him.

With a sound of "Bang!", Lin Zhidan easily resisted the third bolt of lightning with the help of Lin Qing's Yuqian Shield.

And after the third bolt of lightning passed, the dark clouds in the sky gradually dissipated, and the rain that had just fallen also slowly receded at this time.

Not long after, a ray of the sun emerged from the clouds.

"Thank you, ancestor, for your help." Lin Zhidan saluted Lin Qing after returning Yu Qiandun to Lin Qing.

Lin Qing looked at Lin Zhidan, who was already a Jindan, and nodded with satisfaction. At this time, everyone below also reacted, and all kinds of noises came out.

"Zhi Dan, go down, I'm much better and I'm waiting to congratulate you."

Lin Qing smiled and said, Lin Zhidan also smiled, and then flew down.

Looking at Lin Zhidan who was surrounded by everyone as soon as he fell below, Lin Qing showed a gratified smile.

To be honest, he didn't expect Lin Zhidan to be successful, after all Jindan is really not easy.

But now there is no need to talk about these things. Once the golden core is broken, the sky will be high and the earth will be wide, and it will have a place in the entire Yunzhou.

(End of this chapter)

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