The blue luan bird of Nuwa's family

Chapter 495: The Great Alignment of Ghosts and Gods!

There are three hundred meetings in the almanac.

In the western suburbs of the capital city of the human race, there is the auspicious scene of Jingyun, and Emperor Xi, after sending the great Xiangfeng, camped on the platform of Xuanyuan, surrounded by four dragons.

Standing on Xuanyuan Terrace, the twelve-faced divine mirror shines on the nine heavens above, observes the nine secluded places below, and integrates all kinds of things.

The gods panic.

Therefore, the emperor went to the stage to pay homage to the general, and gathered all the ministers to conquer the world!
Before taking the oath, Xuanyuan discussed with Fenghou and delineated the battle zone.

They teamed up to make the Gaitian instrument, measure the mysterious phenomena, and deduce the degree of stars. Using the 28 constellations above the nine heavens as a comparison, they divided the human world into twelve star regions.

Jiao and Kang are next to Shou Xing; Fang and Xin are next to Great Fire; Wei and Kei are next to Ximu;
Dou and Nu are next to Xingji; Xu and Wei are next to Xuanzang; Room and Wall are next to Suzi;
Kui and Lou are next to Jianglou; Pleiades and Bi are next to Daliang; Zi and Shen are next to Shi Shen;
Wells and ghosts are next to quail heads; Xing and Zhang are next to quail fires; Yi and Zhen are next to quail tails.

The task of searching for gods in the twelve theaters was completed by the four cloud officials, the five parties and five Zhengs, the general Li Mu, the second minister Cang Jie, and Chi You, who was aliased as Huanlongshi.

Xuanyuan and Fenghou sit at the center to respond to all parties.

The ten witches also played a cameo role as an army doctor.

As for whose army to follow and where to go for treatment, it all depends on their will.

"Why did I agree to him at that time? I'm not the ghost emperor of the Nether world, so I have to come to the human world to suffer this crime?"

On the high platform, Xuanyuan is majestic.

Under the high platform, Chi You's heart twisted.

He always felt that he was obsessed with ghosts, and he would actually agree to Xuanyuan's invitation and even serve as his general!

Chi You, oh no, the current Huanlong family thought angrily: "He Xuanyuan dares to let me be a general today, and tomorrow he will dare to let me be his entourage! The day after tomorrow he will dare"

Suddenly, a Lang Yi's voice disrupted his thoughts.

"Everything is for the human race!"

Xuanyuan held up the Human Emperor Sword and issued a declaration that shook the world.

The officials were excited, and the human monks were full of fighting spirit, and they roared loudly.

"Everything is for the human race!"

"Everything is for the human race!"

Such a military appearance, magnificent momentum, magnificent.

Huanlong seems to be gradually infected by this emotion, only feeling the blood in his chest is boiling.

He who was lamenting just now, now his mind is full of these six words.

Finally, Huanlong raised his fists to the sky and shouted loudly.

"Everything is for the human race!"

He shouted at the top of his voice, causing Wan Jun to look sideways.

On the high platform, Xuanyuan praised with great satisfaction: "The leader of Huanlong is indeed the pillar of our human race!"

Hearing this, Huanlong straightened his waist unconsciously, bursting out with high fighting spirit.

On Xuanyuan's side, Feng Hou suppressed a smile.

He looked at Chi You who was already experiencing the identity of the Huanlong clan in an immersive way, and said silently in his heart: "It is not for nothing that Xuanyuan can become an excellent leader of the human race."

With this PUA ability, it is comparable to the halo of reducing intelligence!
"All generals obey orders!"

Following Xuanyuan's order, the twelve armies shouted in unison.


With a wave of Xuanyuan's big hand, the divine sword pointed to the sky: "Let's go!"

The void vibrates, and the celestial light shines.

The mirror light shoots the stars, and the blood rushes to the sky.

The twelve heaven-watching mirrors are arranged in twelve directions, and the human army is heading for the twelve-star war zone.

Heavenly Court, Lingxiao Palace.

The Queen Mother of the Jade Emperor called the officials to discuss matters.

On the left side of the Jade Emperor, there is an empty throne.

The Emperor Changsheng went on vacation and has not returned yet.

The Queen Mother of Yaochi looked at the mighty human army, especially the twelve heaven-watching mirrors, and felt a headache.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, the Human Sovereign is searching for gods in the world, and we are at a loss as to what to do?"

Among the officials, there was an immortal who came out and said in a panic.

This is the real Hua Ye from the Xuling Cave, a Taiyi casual cultivator, his ashram is in the human world, and he has not moved to the heavens and worlds.

After he came to work in the Heavenly Court, he was very proud of himself and looked down on those sent by the heavenly generals and commanders.

But with his luck, it is not enough to bear a high-ranking job.

So he took an idle position from the Jade Emperor, returned to the world to enjoy the blessings, and seldom came to the heaven to do his work.

Now, in the face of the massive God-searching activities, real Hua Ye is afraid of being affected by Chiyu, so he runs back to the Heavenly Court.

Although there are not many people who are in the same situation as him, there are more than ten people.

The Jade Emperor ignored it as usual, and tried his best to be a good clay and wooden body, and everything was decided by the Queen Mother.

Yaochi was not angry and arrogant, a pair of phoenix eyes swept over these people one by one.

Immortal Hua Ye and other immortals were terrified.

Only the Queen Mother said lightly: "Your family, don't worry, although you will stay in the human world for a long time, but after all, you belong to my heavenly court. As long as you don't cause trouble in the human world, the emperor will definitely not destroy your orthodoxy!"

Cut off morality? !
Hua Ye waited for a group of gods to reply hurriedly: "Since I took up the post, I have been loyal to my duties in the world. Although I dare not claim credit, I have never caused any misfortune. Please be careful."

The queen mother was noncommittal about this.

"Everything in the human world is still undecided. Since you and your family have returned to the Heavenly Palace, they are not in a hurry to go down to the lower realm."

"What the lady said is very true."

The current human world is in dire straits for the immortal gods. After finally sneaking back to the heaven ahead of time, who would dare to go down?
Don't you die?

At the same time, Immortal Hua Ye and other immortal gods thought in their hearts that it was fortunate that they joined the Heavenly Court and became an orthodox immortal family.

Otherwise, if you are beaten into a wild god and evil god who refuses to be disciplined by the emperor, there is no place to cry!
As soon as they thought of this, they immediately thought of all the good things in heaven.

In the past, my brain was really broken, so I stayed in the lower realm every day.

How wonderful is heaven!
"I would like to report to my lord, now that everything in the human world is still uncertain, we are unable to perform our duties, and we feel ashamed in our hearts. Thanks to the grace of my lord, who allows me to change positions and serve in the heavenly court for a long time, I will be determined and willing to do so!"

Immortal Hua Ye took the lead, and more than a dozen gods bowed down.

"With the grace of the empress, I will be so heartbroken that I will die!"

The human world is too dangerous, whoever wants to go will go, from now on we will perform our duties in the heavenly world, acting as the loyal dog of the empress!

Master Hua Ye has already thought about it, even if he stays in the heavenly realm to guard the four heavenly gates, it is better than returning to the human realm where right and wrong are complicated.

"Do you want to change jobs to the heaven?" the Queen Mother asked.

"Please give me your grace."

They looked at the Queen Mother eagerly, waiting for the next step.

The Queen Mother looked at Taibai Jinxing and asked, "Are there still suitable positions?"

Taibai Jinxing took out the jade book, flipped through it for a while, and then replied: "Mistress Qizuo, there are no vacancies in the various ministries of today's court, but there is still a lack of the post of Bi Mawen for the Imperial Horse Supervisor, and there is a vacancy of ten heavenly soldiers in the Tianhe Navy."

Horse Supervisor?Tianhe Navy?

More than a dozen Taiyi Golden Immortals were stunned.

They couldn't help asking: "Dare to ask Jin Xing, are you sure you didn't miss it? Only these gaps?"

Taibai Jinxing glanced at them a few times, checked them again and again, closed the jade book, and said, "There are only these."

The queen mother could only regretfully say: "It's not that this palace is ruthless, but the current positions in the heaven are full, and it is difficult to vacate suitable positions for the ministers in a short time. If the ministers are willing to make up for it, they can each take the post. If If there are other dispatches in the future, I will transfer them for Zhuqing."

Hua Ye and the others looked at each other, but in the end they had no choice but to thank: "Thank you, ma'am."

The Queen Mother nodded: "In that case, wait and go."

"Follow the order!"

More than ten immortals resigned.

All the gods and gods of the Heavenly Court watched this with cold eyes.

Want to report back to work now?
Why did you go early?
Two words, late!

This episode did not affect the mood of the Queen Mother.

Her eyes looked in the direction of the immortals in Shenxiao Mansion, and finally fixed on Chen Xing.

Today's Chen Xing has cleared the way forward and is marching in the direction of Shuiguan.

As long as he can break through, there will be an extra emperor who is in charge of solving disasters under the command of the Emperor Changsheng!

"When will the emperor return to heaven?" asked the queen mother.

Chen Xing replied respectfully: "The great emperor travels around the world, and his body exists in thousands of worlds. His stalwart is unpredictable. I really don't know the great emperor's movements. I hope the empress will forgive me."

The Queen Mother nodded slightly.

She also only knew that the Emperor Changsheng had left the heavens, but she had no way of knowing where he was going and when he would return.

I was just asking casually.

At this time, Nine Heavens Xuannv stepped forward and suggested: "Qizou Your Majesty, Your Majesty, the Human Sovereign is searching for the gods, and the momentum is huge. I believe that my heavenly court can send troops to help them, to respond to humanity and to promote the power of heaven!"

The Barefoot Immortal also said: "The Human Sovereign uses Zhou Tianxing to divide the field into battle, and ranks twelve. My Heavenly Court may as well push the boat along with the current and order the 28 stars in the lower realm to help out!"

"28 Xingxiu is an old minister of the ancient heavenly court. He has always been only in charge of the rotation of the stars in the sky, and has never been in the lower realm. How can we dispatch them?" A fairy asked.

Taibai Jinxing said with a smile: "This matter is easy!"

"What strategy does Venus have?"

Taibai Jinxing said: "Just convince the Lord of the Big Dipper, and the 28 constellations will follow."

The Big Dipper Star Realm is the former Big Dipper Central Heaven Realm.

Ever since Lord Doumuyuan left the chaos, there is only one master of this world—the God of Si Ye, Xi Ye, the younger brother of the Moon God!

The Queen Mother smiled: "In that case, let Jin Xing take a trip."

"Follow the order!"

A stream of light came out of the Tiangong and went straight to the ancient starry sky.

Not long after, a Taoist walked out of the astral world.

He is dressed in a moon-white robe with a starlight wheel hanging on his back. He is extremely handsome, and his pair of purple pupils are flowing, making him look coquettish.

On his shoulders sat a little girl with pink make-up and jade.

"Yue'er, uncle will take you out to play." The gentle laughter spread, making the stars shine.

Di Shishiyue smiled happily and said, "Yes, yes!"

"It's been a long time since I went to see Uncle Mingyu, I miss him."

The smile on Xi Ye's face froze for a moment, then returned to normal.

He said: "Don't look for him, let's go to the human world for a while."

"But, isn't Uncle Mingyu in the human world?" The little white rabbit was puzzled.

Xi Ye said without changing his face: "He is retreating, we will not disturb him."

"Oh, that's still not going." Emperor Shi Shiyue nodded.

"So cute!"

Xi Ye shaved her little face.

The stars trembled, followed by 28 star gods.

"Meet the Star Lord."

Mr. Jiaomu Jiaoyu Shan is very polite.


Xi Ye nodded slightly, and then said: "Since the Human Sovereign has set twelve star times, if you go to help out, you will definitely be favored by the luck of the human race, and the merits will not be less after the event is completed, so Wan Wang and you will do your best. "

"Please rest assured, Star Master!"

28 Constellations promised.

"Follow me to the lower world!"


The stars are like falling, Xuanyuan feels it.

He laughed loudly: "Human union is determined, and God's help, fortunately!"

Instead, Feng Hou looked at the brightest star and smiled.

"Unexpectedly, this guy also came to join in the fun. I thought he would live forever."

Xuanyuan pretended not to hear the whispers of his Prime Minister, and he turned his attention to all the battlefields.


Dongzheng Taichang met a strong enemy, and he fought a war with a man named Yu Guosheng.

Yuguo's face is like a bird's body, Er's two yellow snakes, and Jian's two yellow snakes are so powerful that the human coalition forces can't take it for a while.

The west.

There was a strange beast making trouble, it was called Mole Cricket, and it was beheaded by Xi Zheng on the spot.


There is a species that feeds on humans, and its name is scorpion.

Although it is an insect, there are those that are as big as sheep and those that are as big as cattle.


Yinglong killed and cut down decisively, frightening the gods into panic.

A fairy rides a white deer to present a white jade ring.

Another god-man came out of the cave, riding a white deer to offer a sword.

There is also the rest symbol of the sacred white ring, so that there is a golden formula.

Chi You came from the amniotic fluid and made great strides all the way.

He didn't kill for no reason, he mainly used threats and lures, and he was very methodical.

Xuanyuan was most satisfied with his journey.

Every time Chiyou subdued a place, every time he subdued a god, Xuanyuan composed a ballad.

Chi You laughed from ear to ear after hearing this.

"Boys, for the sake of the future of the human race, follow me to kill!"

Chi You's spirit was greatly lifted, and he surrendered ten saints in a row.

And Xuanyuan also wrote ten chapters of "The Song of the Drum": the first is "Thunder Shocked", the second is "The Tiger's Shock", the third is "The Bird of Prey Strikes", the fourth is "Dragon Match Bunting", and the fifth is "Ling Kui Roar". ", the sixth is "The Contest of Eagles", the seventh is "Strong Men Fen", the eighth is "Xiong Roar", the ninth is "Stone Dangya", and the tenth is "Wave Danggu".

When the ten chapters of "The Drum" reached Chi You's ears, Chi You was so moved that he almost shed tears.

He looked up to the sky and sighed, and said from the bottom of his heart: "I have such a confidant in this life, what more can I ask for!"

ps: The update on the 23rd is still at night. (end of this chapter)

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