The blue luan bird of Nuwa's family

Chapter 496 Humanitarian Commendation, Junior Sister Wheel Chapter

Xuanyuan's great search for gods is essentially a targeted selection of gods within the territory of the human race.

To win over kind, reliable, gods who know the overall situation, and to resolutely attack those who have ulterior motives and schemes!
He needs to create a harmonious era where humans and gods live together and respect without profanity, so these unstable factors have to be eliminated.

In fact, Xuanyuan is not the first co-lord of the human race to do this. Fuxi and Shennong have also done similar things.

Fuxi's east tour and Shennong's prestige in the world are essentially promoting martial arts and deterring Xiaoxiao.

It's just that during the period of the emperor and the emperor of the earth, the background of the human race was relatively weak, and it was not suitable to expand the scope of the attack and use the current momentum of plowing the court to sweep holes.

Today, the human race has experienced the development of the three hundred associations, especially after the battle for the deer, the human race has achieved further integration, and both the luck of the race and the top powerhouses have climbed to unprecedented heights.

Coupled with the emperor Fuxi and the emperor Shennong suppressing the luck of the human race, Xuanyuan also has the confidence to do big things, and he doesn't have to worry about capsizing.

With the emperor's holy sword in hand, the point of the sword's edge is the direction of the general trend of humanity!
As the son of destiny in this era, Xuanyuan represents the will of the human race, the will of humanity!

Obedient, we have a happy cooperation.

If you are not obedient, then let you try the Holy Sword of Humanity, is it good or bad? !

On Xuanyuan Terrace, Emperor Xuanyuan stood by his sword, quietly watching the changes in the prehistoric situation. ,

Fenghou is also sitting quietly.

He concentrated and calmed down, his soul was too empty.

The way of heaven is in line with the way of nature, and the way of humanity is in harmony.

After the wind, I seem to see the eastern sky light up slightly, a little dawn tears the night, and the purple air and the clouds are born together.The clouds are very light, and the purple air is very thin. At first, there are only wisps, and then gradually converge, like a sea of ​​waves, extremely vast.

The purple air comes to the instrument, and the stars are bright.

On the Xuanyuan Terrace, Jingyun is auspicious.

The human race marches from the twelve directions, and luck gathers from the twelve directions.

These twelve torrents of luck converged on Xuanyuan Terrace and formed a crown of luck hanging on twelve prongs.

And with the successive victories of the human army, the crown of luck became more and more solid.

This is the coronation of humanity!

With Xuanyuan's move, he obeyed the heavens!
The honor of the emperor, you should enjoy it infinitely!
As Xuanyuan's chancellor and the actual commander of the twelve coalition armies, Feng Hou also received a humanitarian award.

Zhou Tian's cloud image slowly changed, and he was actually deducing the eight formations of Qimen.

Within Jingmen, tempered by thunder and fire, engraved with mysterious stars, Qian Jiangjing, Kun Yingling, sun and moon image, Yuedu shape!
A sword embryo is taking shape.

Jing Zhenjian!
The treasure of luck, the object of auspiciousness, is also a sharp weapon for killing!
Fenghou looked towards the void, surprised but at the same time dumbfounded.

His vest identity was obviously identified by humanity.

Otherwise, even if he had Xuanyuan's favor, he wouldn't be able to give him special rewards to buy him off.

"Is this to see that the deity has not left for a long time, and is afraid that he will miss the appointment?"

Feng Hou smiled softly, but he did not refuse, and let Jing Zhen's sword fetus fall into his own sea of ​​luck.

Seeing him accepting the reward, humanity seemed to let go, and the clouds in the sky changed again and again, colorful and spectacular.

Feng Hou looked at the upside-down mountain at the mouth of the river, and asked with a smile, "He is so enthusiastic, why don't you show it?"

On the upside-down mountain, the sun and the moon hang high, the auspicious clouds surround half-covered, the spiritual light gathers, and the endless vitality cleans away the dust and dirt of the world, making the four directions pure and clean.

At the end of the avenue of life, a sacred tree reflects the mysterious yellow light, and there are countless heavens ups and downs among the thousands of branches, and the canopy of merit supports 24 high heavens.

Nowadays, these 24 merits and virtues seem to be increasing, and the mysterious and mysterious aura is constantly falling and merging into the sea of ​​merits and virtues.

In the endless void, on the eternal avenue, three figures are walking towards the other side step by step.

Two of them are dressed in imperial costumes, with a crown of flat sky on the left side of their heads, black clothes and black robes, calm breath, and solemn expressions.

The figure on the right is majestic, with the auspicious light above his head reflecting the sky, and thunder can be seen rolling between his hands and feet.

The one in the middle is formless and looks down on his face, as if he exists in endless time and space at the same time, he exists in the past and the future.

When the whispers from behind the wind came, the three phantoms who were marching towards the other side stopped at the same time.

The one in the middle looked back and said with a smile: "No hurry, no rush, I will send you a female emperor first."

The figure of the emperor on the left nodded slightly, obviously expressing his approval.

After saying this, the three moved forward again.

Only this time, their figures seem to overlap more and more, and they are heading towards the only one.

In the Jiange, the boundless Qingyun began to disperse, and Mingyu woke up from the mysterious realm.

He looked outside the hall, and the little phoenix seemed to be connected with him, appearing in the inverted mountain almost at the same time.

Today, she has a fluttering neon dress, a red silk cinched around her waist, black ink like a waterfall, and dancing like silk.She held a gun in one hand, held it behind her back, and held her head high. She was really a phoenix in nine heavens, standing between the sky and the earth, so beautiful that people dare not look directly at her.

"Brother send me?"

Little Phoenix smiled like a crescent moon.

"Of course!"

Mingyu Langyi's face softened, and he said softly.

"Let's go then!"

Little Fenghuang stepped forward, holding his senior brother's arm gracefully, and the two left the Jiange together.

They entered the nether world together, crossed the gate of hell together, walked on Huangquan Road together, stepped on the Naihe Bridge together, and met Granny Meng together.

"I can only send you here." Mingyu ordered a bowl of Meng Po soup for her, waved and pressed the Sansheng Stone, and then personally sent the junior sister to the Wangxiang Terrace.

Xiao Fenghuang took Po Meng's soup from him, hesitated again and again but still did not drink it in one sip, she raised her head and asked Mingyu: "Senior Brother, I remember you said before that Sister Meng's soup is not suitable for drinking."

You Meng on the Naihe Bridge heard these words clearly, her face turned dark at that moment, and she stared at the two people on the Wangxiang Terrace with an unkind expression.

She always felt that this joke seemed familiar!
Mingyu laughed and said, "Hurry up and drink it, anyway you will forget what it tastes like after drinking it!"

"Makes sense!"

Little Phoenix also laughed.

The agile phoenix eyes stared at the pitch-black Meng Po Tang, and when they closed their eyes, they raised their heads and breathed a sigh of relief.

The six paths of reincarnation are opened, and a bright stream of fire-like light is submerged in it, extremely free and easy.

Mingyu did not leave immediately.

He stopped at the Wangxiang Terrace, stretched out his hand, and saw another true spirit blessed by the heavens descend into the world.

His expression suddenly became indescribable: "I sent a female emperor down, and you brought the emperor here? Was it intentional, or was it accidental?"

This whisper echoed in the depths of samsara for a long time.

Unfortunately, no one could answer him.

On the other hand, Youmeng looked at the lonely figure on the lookout platform, and thought maliciously: "Every time I see you asking for soup for others, if this goes on, one day the soup will be used on yourself! At that time I'll add more ingredients for you, so you don't have to go around telling others that my soup tastes bad!"

"Sister Meng, don't think about things that are not conducive to unity!"

Mingyu turned around and looked at her with a half-smile.

Youmeng was also a little embarrassed to be caught, but the pride of the ancestor did not allow him to show weakness.

She forced her back and said: "Reincarnation is the destination of all living beings. Some people are destined to drink this bowl of past and present soup, and they cannot escape!"

At the same time, Youmeng also sighed in her heart, the young man who used to roam the netherworld has now walked in front of her.

In front of the gate of the avenue is the sacrificial field, and there are many bone piles on the Wuji road.

How many people in the world can walk through this infinite way?

"I really don't know if after you, we saints who have been sitting for countless years can have a chance to truly transcend!"

You Meng looked a little lonely.

As an ancestor who was at the same time as Hongjun, now that Mingyu, the disciple of the Taoist ancestor, will also walk the road to the other side, she is inevitably a little depressed.

"There will be!"

Mingyu said firmly: "What I represent is not the end of an era, but the opening of another great world!"

He stood in the shadows, his eyes were extremely chaotic, and he seemed to see a few figures who were working hard.

"Sister Meng, believe me, Honghuang will continue to move forward and become the only real world in the infinite time and space, the eternal universe."

"This is the fate that God Pangu cut out with his axe. Even if there are twists and turns, we will bring everything back on track!" (End of this chapter)

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