The blue luan bird of Nuwa's family

Chapter 497 I, Feng Xi, have broken my heart for Demon Ancestor Luohu!

The realms of demons and gods.

Taoist Feng Xi brought 120 demon kings to the infinite world.

In the pure land of Moke, the demonic energy is overwhelming.

Taoist Ami and Subhuti looked at Feng Xi blankly.

They didn't recover from the shock until the entire immeasurable world was reduced to demonic soil, and all the Buddha images of all living beings were transformed into immeasurable demonic images.

Feng Xi nodded to the two of them, and then Da Ma sat on a lotus platform with a golden knife.

The 120 demon kings each found a lotus platform, either sitting or lying down, comfortable and peaceful.

Daoist Ami couldn't laugh or cry: "Fengxi Daoist, what are you doing? My junior brother and I have worked hard to save sentient beings, and you will lead the creatures in my world astray when you come, what should I do?"

Subhuti looked deeply at the demon kings behind Feng Xi, and said with a little envy in his eyes: "Fellow Taoist Feng Xi is still letting go, but my brother and I are shrinking."

Feng Xi lazily said: "The world of demon gods is all about being unscrupulous, and all kinds of Taoism are not as good as a volume of magic scriptures. Let me tell you two, don't hide it, it's time to show your housekeeping skills."

Daoist Ami is thin-skinned and reluctant to admit it, he said with a laugh: "Fellow Daoist, you are joking, what shameful housekeeping skills do my junior brother and I have?"


I can't even believe this!

Daoist Feng Xi stretched his body, and simply said: "Except for my sister Nuwa and fellow Taoist Houtu who didn't get the inheritance, among the few people I waited for, the two fellow Taoists got the most, right? At this point Now, I think even the Heavenly Demon and others who later took over the power of the Demon Realm will not be able to compare with you."

Aside from other things, Taoist Feng Xi would not believe that the Way of Nirvana that Jieyin practiced said that there is no shadow of the Demon Way.

'What are you talking nonsense about? '

'That person passed it on, we haven't practiced it! '

Taoist Ami seldom slandered, but he finally nodded his head, which is considered to be a confession.

There is no way, when it comes to this point, the vest has already been broken to the ground, there is nothing to struggle.

"Different from the new magic path opened by Mingyu, what we get is the fundamental inheritance that belongs to that person after all. Daoist friends can use it unscrupulously, but my senior brother and I dare not do so." Compared with Taoist Ami, Subhuti seemed much calmer. , He took the initiative to talk about the care in his heart.

Taoist Feng Xi nodded after hearing this, expressing his understanding.

He chose to use the real magic book to preach instead of the demon ancestor's inheritance. In addition to the fact that the real magic book is too easy to use and the inheritance he got is incomplete, it is because the inheritance of the demon ancestor represents the unknown and variables.

"That would be a little troublesome." Feng Xi sighed endlessly.

Originally, he thought that the two of them had almost two calamities in the inheritance, even if they could not completely restrain the hidden dangers, it would not be too bad, but now it seems that it is still a bit tricky.

"What does Fellow Daoist Feng Xi intend to do?" Taoist Ami asked curiously.

Feng Xi said calmly: "I didn't think about what to do, I just thought about whether I could use the characteristics of the Demon God World to resurrect the Demon Ancestor."

"Resurrect the Demon Ancestor?!"

The two Taoists couldn't calm down, they were dumbfounded and looked at Feng Xi in disbelief.

What is your name?
"Why are you so surprised?" Feng Xi waved his hands, with a bit of regret in his tone.

"It seems that Mingyu is good at doing such big things. We have to find an opportunity to pull him over. The replacement big devil is not as good as the real big devil after all. If you want to do this, he, the new master of the devil world, can't be absent. .”

"Friend Feng Xi, are you serious?!" Taoist Ami still couldn't believe it.

"Do you think I'm joking?"

Taoist Feng Xi asked back: "Don't you guys think this matter is very interesting?"

"I don't think so." The two Taoists smiled.

It is interesting?
It's scary!

Except for Hongjun, no one in the entire prehistoric world knew Luo Hu's horror better than them.

Even Daozu had to find someone to beat him up. Now you say you want to resurrect him, or is it in this unknown world of demon gods?

From the bottom of their hearts, the two Taoists felt that this matter was not reliable.

Taoist Feng Xi said: "I have been in the Demon God World for so long, I don't believe that you haven't discovered the characteristics of this place, the devil is in front, and the god is in the back! If we plan properly, we are very likely to call that person back."

"Why does Fellow Daoist insist on reviving the Demon Ancestor?" Subhuti couldn't help asking.

"Why else? We don't have much time left."

Daoist Feng Xi sighed, looking at the gradually converging and evolving worlds of demon gods, with deep worry in his eyes.

The transition to the world of demon gods has accelerated!

The demon gods of the various worlds are not stupid.

After the death of the Lord of Longevity, they knew that Honghuang must have a big plan.

Therefore, the chaos led by the eight-party demon gods is gradually subsiding.

At the same time, while guarding against Nuwa and others, they tried their best to promote the world transition.

As long as it can make the demon gods go further, the fall of the Hunyuan Daluo, the lord of the longevity realm, is nothing.

Because they will have more top demon gods who will complete the ultimate leap with the leap of the world!
Therefore, in order to advance this matter, the demon gods of the various worlds even took the initiative to give up some worlds and let Taoist Feng Xi destroy them.

They are also racing against time!
Honghuang took the lead, but the dominance of the world has not changed.

At this point, Feng Xi and the others can only watch.

"There are too many opponents!" Daoist Ami said with emotion.

In the world where more than half of the three thousand demon gods gather, can there be fewer strong people born?

"So we need a helping hand, we need fellow daoists!"

Taoist Feng Xi said solemnly: "You and I both know that the root of the magic path cultivated by the demon ancestor Luohu is destruction! This represents the end of everything, and his destructive power is much stronger than ours."

The two Taoists could not refute.

Because their true self is still trying to fix the western world.

The trauma caused by the demon ancestor to the west has made the starting point of all living beings in the west behind the east by a whole calamity!
Although the standard for distinguishing the two camps of immortals and demons in ancient times was the different methods of proving the Tao, but if you look at the leaders of the two camps, the difference lies in: the immortal way is precious, and the way of the devil is at the end!

If the Demon Ancestor blew himself up in the end and wiped out the entire prehistoric world, maybe he could prove the way in place!

"We can't let the Demon Ancestor destroy the Great Desolation, but we can support him in ending the Demon God World!"

Daoist Feng Xi said playfully: "I think the returned Demon Ancestor should be happy to destroy this real world that has climbed to the top without losing to the prehistoric."

At this time, his words revealed endless cold-bloodedness and cruelty, as if he had played the role of the big devil for a long time, and he really became a devil!
But his suggestion made the minds of the two Taoists come alive.

Amitao resisted the temptation and said rationally: "According to the current situation, even if the demon ancestor recovers, he will not be able to destroy the world against the obstruction of a group of demon gods."

"Of course he can't rely on him alone." Taoist Feng Xi laughed.

"But don't we still have us?"

"With more strength, there is more hope. We can't just watch this world complete the promotion, right? If so, wouldn't it be a waste of time?"

Except for Nuwa and Houtu, the task of Sanqing, Ersheng and Fuxi is to destroy!

You can make as much noise as you can, and you can't strike too lightly if you can give the demon god a ruthless blow.

Weaken the opponent's strength a lot and strengthen our own.

This is their core strategy.

And this is a rare opportunity, they still have a certain initiative at this time.

If you miss this opportunity, when the demon gods free up their hands, basically don't even think about a second engraving.

"I've said so much, I don't know what the two fellow Taoists are thinking about? Do you want to join?" Feng Xi did not urge her after speaking, but waited quietly.

He believes that the two will give the expected answer. (end of this chapter)

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