Guozijian little cook

Chapter 114 Too Little Homework

Chapter 114 Too Little Homework

The masters had a meeting and wanted to listen more to Xiao Siye's opinion.

Xiao Siye was very open about this.

It is normal for young men and women to be ignorant and eager.

The folk customs of Dajin are open, and they are more tolerant of these things.

However, rumors are sometimes out of control, and they cannot react or respond in time every time.

Of course, these views were all prepared by Xiao Siye to tell Xiao Nianzhi after thinking about them.

Sometimes, even with their guidance, rumors cannot be avoided in time.

Therefore, for these rumors, Xiao Nianzhi also had to prepare in advance.

It's just that there is no need to tell the masters these words, so that they don't think that they are not going to take care of it, and they don't care about this matter.

Many students looked at Xiao Siye with hidden eyes.

He acted very calmly, turned his head to look at Yu Jijiu.

Yu Jijiu is a real person, he just frowned on this kind of thing, and then sighed softly: "There are still less homework arrangements."


Okay, I understand, this is the arrangement!
Therefore, students still have too much spare time before they have time to think about things.

The small meeting was very short. After the meeting, the masters went back to their respective classes and prepared to teach.

Yu Jijiu was actually not worried about Xiao Siye. After the other students left, he turned his head and frowned slightly: "You have to enlighten the little girl. The people of Chenzhou are not as open as the capital. If you can’t think about it, it’s not good.”

After finishing speaking, he seemed to think of something again, and nodded quickly: "Speaking of which, Yu Xuezi's knowledge is still good, and his background is a bit poor, but these can also be made up for by personal ability. If you If you like it, you can observe more."

Yu Jijiu knew that Xiao Nianzhi was in the period of filial piety and would not consider the matter of marriage.

However, if you observe in advance and communicate secretly, if everyone is interested, it is not impossible to wait for three years.

Many students in the academy adhere to the idea of ​​starting a career first and then starting a family, so the age of marriage is generally older.

Even after reaching the crown, there are many students who waited for three to five years before getting married.

Xiao Siye understood what the other party meant, and nodded after thinking about it: "I will talk to Xiangxiang, mainly depending on what she wants. This little girl follows her father and has her own ideas. I think that when it comes to marriage, I will at most Come up with an idea, but you can’t be the master, and it’s still Aunt Yu.”

After Yu Jijiu listened to it, he couldn't help laughing: "I can see that she is a good girl with a tough personality, but it's a pity that I don't have anyone under my knees, otherwise I don't want to take advantage of others."

Mentioning that there was no one under his knees, Yu Jijiu's expression was a bit depressed.

Seeing this, Xiao Siye raised his hand and patted the other party's arm lightly. He thought and thought about the words of persuasion, but he still didn't say it in the end.

After taking a nap, Xiao Nianzhi washed his face, then went to look in the garden, saw that Master Fu and the others didn't come out to pick vegetables, so he turned back.

Having nothing to do, Xiao Nianzhi flipped through the Tao Te Ching again.

Just after turning two pages, he heard Xiao Siye calling himself from the outside.

Hearing the voice, Xiao Nianzhi hurriedly patted his clothes, and walked out quickly: "Uncle."

Xiao Siye came here to tell her that she and Yu Mingchao had been rumored to be having an affair.

Xiao Siye said while secretly observing the little girl's reaction.

This determines what he will say next.

After Xiao Nianzhi finished listening, she couldn't help being startled.

Just two words...

Didn't it mean that the folk customs of Dajin are open?

Seemingly seeing Xiao Nianzhi's doubts, Xiao Siye explained helplessly: "Students stay in the academy every day, and they don't have any entertainment except for reading. Occasionally, some gossip news comes out, and they can't help but share it with each other. tell."

Xiao Nianzhi understood after listening.

Still too much time and too little homework.

This idea coincides with Yu Jijiu's.

Xiao Nianzhi herself is fine with this matter, she was just afraid that it would affect Xiao Siye, so she thought about it and asked in a low voice: "Will it affect Uncle?"

Xiao Siye was stunned for a moment after hearing this, and after reacting for a while, he helplessly raised his hand and patted her on the head: "Think about it, you don't have to be so careful in everything, and think about yourself more in everything, uncle is very good , will not be affected by these things.”

Knowing that it would not affect Xiao Siye, Xiao Nianzhi nodded and asked again: "Will that have a great impact on my reputation? For example, will it affect my life and cooking?"

Hearing this, Xiao Siye couldn't laugh or cry, met Xiao Nianzhi's suspicious gaze, and shook his head: "No, everyone said that it was lively for two days, and then they wouldn't care about it, except for some unforgiving people. Student, most of the students have good conduct, and they won't say anything in front of you, let alone make fun of you."

Knowing that it will not affect her daily life, Xiao Nianzhi feels more at ease. She thinks that the folk customs of Jin Dynasty are relatively open.

Not wanting Xiao Siye to be worried, Xiao Nianzhi quickly said: "If it doesn't have much influence, then you don't need to explain it specially. Sometimes, the more you explain, the more fermenting things will be. If you care too much about everything, it's easy Let the students fear me like a flood. In the end, they are afraid that they will not even dare to eat the food I cook.

Not wanting Xiao Siye to think too much, after Xiao Nianzhi finished speaking, he added: "I will try my best to avoid too much communication with the students in the future."

Fame is still important, she thought about it, in the future, unless necessary, she should talk less to the students.

Of course, if a student brought this matter up to her, she would convince others with "reasoning".

Isn't it just a fight, Xiao Nianzhi felt that he couldn't give it a try.

Hearing what she said, Xiao Siye nodded to show that he understood, and then gave a few words of enlightenment, not wanting to burden the little girl with too much thought.

After seeing off Xiao Siye, Xiao Nianzhi went into the delicious kitchen, ate something, and then came out to continue reading.

The rumors with Yu Mingchao didn't affect her, Xiao Nianzhi even felt that the Tao Te Ching, which used to be difficult to read, is quite beautiful after reading it.

In the evening, Yu Mingchao approached Xiao Siye quietly. This was probably the first time this young man had encountered such a thing. He felt very sorry for the things that affected Xiao Nianzhi's reputation.

After finding Xiao Siye, he kept saying sorry.

This made Xiao Siye a little embarrassed: "It's not such an important matter, you are innocent, and you don't need to be afraid of others' rumors."

The atmosphere of the Great Jin Dynasty was indeed open. In a slightly conservative dynasty, young men and women were rumored to be scandalous, and most of them would be locked together in the end.

However, there was no such concern in the Great Jin Dynasty.

I don't know how many noble girls in the capital were matched by Lalang in private.

Some of the young aristocrats were even wooed in the street more than once.

If you have to be seriously bound every time, then the circle in the capital...

It's probably going to be a mess.

 two more

(End of this chapter)

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