Guozijian little cook

Chapter 115 Bamboo Fragrant Oolong Tea

Chapter 115 Bamboo Fragrant Oolong Tea

Seeing Yu Mingchao's face flushed from suffocation and being too cramped after he finished talking, Xiao Siye smiled kindly: "It's okay, go back and study your books, the serious thing is to study hard."

Today's after-school homework is really too much, even Yu Mingchao, a top student, feels the pressure.

Seeing that Xiao Siye really didn't seem to care that much about this matter, Yu Mingchao pursed his lips, gave a student salute, and then backed out.

It's just that when he turned around, he hesitated a little, as if he wanted to say something, but after thinking about it, he didn't dare, and finally went back honestly.

When Yu Jijiu came back, he happened to see this scene. After waiting for others to walk away, he turned his head to look at Xiao Siye, raised his eyebrows unconsciously, and teased: "Look at this, in Xuezi Yu's heart, most likely I have some ideas."

Xiao Siye is also very friendly towards students who are hardworking and studious. Listening to Yu Jijiu's teasing, he smiled and shook his head: "I look like it too, but, thinking about it, I'm afraid it was unintentional. When she mentioned Yu Xuezi , not even a shy reaction."

Knowing that Xiao Nianzhi had no intentions, Yu Jijiu felt a little pity.

After all, although Yu Mingchao's family background and background are not good, his conduct and knowledge are really good, and he is a talent with a promising future. Yu Jijiu appreciates it very much.

It's just that, when it comes to a man and a woman, there must always be mutual affection, and everyone has a heart.

If the person who shaves his head is hot, then there is no need for reconciliation.

Yu Jijiu shook his head regretfully, and was about to say something when he heard a student's voice outside: "Master Si Ye, student Qian Shun has a question and wants to ask for advice."

Qian Shun's big mouth is here?
Yu Jijiu nodded clearly, then entered the side room and gave up the space to Xiao Siye.

Qian Shun didn't expect that he just said a few more words to his companions, how could the whole academy know about this matter?

Qian Shun felt helpless and guilty, he couldn't talk to Xiao Nianzhi alone, so he had to go to Xiao Siye first and admit his mistake honestly.

He is indeed a big mouth and should not talk nonsense.

But, it's not that I can't control my mouth!
Xiao Siye didn't make things difficult for him. After listening to the young student analyze his mistakes for a long time, he left him a few more homework and asked him to go back first.

Before leaving, Qian Shun was a little uneasy, thought for a while, and asked tentatively: "Then...shall I ask Miss Xiao to make amends?"

Xiao Siye didn't finish his sentence, but just nodded and replied vaguely: "There is a chance."

After hearing this, Qian Shun was relieved a lot.

This afternoon, the students were still happily spreading gossip, and everyone had no bad intentions.

To put it bluntly, there are too few things to hear, and there is not enough homework. Everyone's exuberant energy and curiosity have nowhere to vent. When they hear a little excitement, they want to tell the whole world.

However, at night, they almost cried out loud!

Because today's homework is too much! ! !

Especially in Qian Shun's class, the homework left is almost double that of other classes!
The students are not stupid, and before school was over today, the master beat them up on purpose.

All the students who have reacted can't wait to drag Qian Shun over to have a fight!
However, they were afraid of losing the etiquette and demeanor of a gentleman, so in the end they could only grind their teeth while honestly writing articles.

After they knew that Xiao Nianzhi would not come over for supper in the next few nights, they wailed exaggeratedly: "Qian Shun hurt me!!!"

Although the rumors are spread by everyone, but the source is Qian Shun.

So, beat up Qian Shun!
It's not easy for everyone to do it, but if you fight a poem, I fight a word, and you write an article, I'm not convinced, so I just ask Qian Shun to compare or something, it's still okay.

Let's not move our hands, let's move our mouths and pens!
Qian Shun:? ? ?
Why bother, he's just a scumbag!

While the students were gnashing their teeth and hating Qian Shun, and doing their homework frantically, Xiao Nianzhi was leisurely making summer drinks.

Tasty Kitchen refreshed today with Bamboo Fragrance Oolong Tea.

Originally there was only this tea, Xiao Nianzhi might not have much thought.

However, after the kitchen waste was processed, the processor gave a fruit platter.

This has half a fresh orange in it.

Fresh, juicy, sweet and delicious oranges, just one glance, already makes people's saliva secrete unconsciously.

And it is an excellent combination with bamboo fragrance oolong tea!

So, the air conditioner is blowing up, and the drinks are up!
The key to bamboo fragrance oolong tea is that the tea leaves should be soaked, not boiled, and the ratio of tea soup and ice cubes should be appropriate, so that the taste will be more refreshing and refreshing.

Among them, pure milk, coconut milk, oat milk, fructose and other auxiliary materials are also very important.

In the kitchen, there are complete tools for making desserts and drinks.

Therefore, Xiao Nianzhi's operation is also very smooth.

An hour later, the bamboo-scented oolong tea with a light bamboo fragrance, a long-lasting tea fragrance and a rich milky fragrance is brewed and ready to drink!

And the finishing touch of this drink is the orange sliced ​​by Xiao Nianzhi.

It is both a garnish and a key to seasoning.

The faint fruity fragrance provided by the oranges floats out together with other fragrances, squinting his eyes, and taking a light sniff, Xiao Nianzhi felt that the polar ice wrapped in the summer fire, rushing towards him like a mountain roar and a tsunami.

She felt Xia's enthusiasm, and also experienced the coolness of Bing.

Lower your head, take a sip, the rich milk fragrance instantly sweeps the entire mouth, when the throat rolls, there is a light tea fragrance and refreshing fruity fragrance, slowly from the rich milk fragrance, it quietly rises, slowly and gracefully released Its own unique aroma.

One mouthful, the domineering milk fragrance, the long-lasting tea fragrance, and the fresh fruit fragrance, they seem to be old friends who have cooperated with each other for many years, cooperating with each other and advancing in an orderly manner, and they are also like competitors who are familiar with each other's routines. Go ahead.

As they advance and scramble, the aroma blends and wraps, slowly passes through the throat, falls into the stomach, and slowly transmits this aroma and sweetness, satisfaction and comfort to every part of the body , people can't help but relax physically and mentally.

Xiao Nianzhi took a sip first, and after swallowing it, he couldn't help but take another big sip, and then commented in a low voice: "The taste is still good, it seems that the ratio is right, I'll add some coconut next time Fruit and Hantian crystal balls, the taste may be better."

Add some small ingredients to make it more chewy and refreshing.

At this time, the commotion and gossip outside had nothing to do with her.

She just quietly enjoys her own cool, refreshing, delicious and fragrant summer night.

[Delicious kitchen experience points +6, and 84 experience points are needed to upgrade. 】

Looking at the experience value of the delicious kitchen, Xiao Nianzhi jumped again, and Xiao Nianzhi took another big gulp even more satisfied.

It's better to drink icy drinks in summer to feel more.

Of course, you can try it occasionally, but if you drink too much, it is still not very friendly to the stomach.

It was raining heavily outside the window again, making the window panes rattle.

Xiao Nianzhi thought, there is a high probability that tomorrow will be a holiday again.

This salary... I'm a bit guilty of taking it.

 Three shifts

(End of this chapter)

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