Guozijian little cook

Chapter 116 Many Days Without Supper

Chapter 116 Many Days Without Supper
Although Xiao Nianzhi felt that he was a little guilty of getting his salary, he was a little guilty of paddling.

However, it is impossible to work overtime.

The next day, the rain was over and the sky was clear. Before the hour of the hour, the sun had already started to scorch the earth, and even the air was filled with scorching heat.

Xiao Nianzhi asked Uncle Fu and the others, knowing that she would not need her to pick vegetables today, so she came back honestly and continued to fool around with experience.

[Delicious kitchen experience points +6, and 48 experience points are needed to upgrade. 】

After all the ingredients are used up, the experience has jumped a lot, and it is one step closer to the washing machine!
After Xiao Nianzhi cheered herself up, she went to look at the various tender seedlings that had been hit by the rain yesterday.

It has its own tomatoes and peppers in it, so don't worry about it.

Yesterday's rain was fast and urgent, Xiao Nianzhi was worried and went out to take a look, and after finding out that there was no problem, he didn't take special precautions.

Looking at it now, sure enough, everything in nature has its own magical charm of survival.

Those tender seedlings that looked very delicate and could be broken when pinched, after a night of rain, not only did not break their waists, but their branches and leaves stretched out, and they grew very well.

It seems that a heavy rain has activated their tenacity hidden in their bones, making them grow even better!

It may be because the seeds of tomatoes and peppers are produced systematically, so they are obviously stronger than other flower branches.

The tender seedlings of other flowers are still in their infancy.

However, the seedlings of tomatoes and peppers are already twice as tall as other flowers and leaves.

At that time, the flower seeds were bought randomly, and many of them were short-flowering seeds, which meant that the other party's growth would be fast.

That's the case, tomatoes and peppers grow faster than them.

This made Xiao Nianzhi couldn't help but began to look forward to, would he be able to eat fresh tomatoes and peppers before the cold weather?
Because the tender seedlings are growing so well, Xiao Nianzhi watched them for a while longer.

When the blind box of the garbage disposer came out today, Xiao Nianzhi's eyes suddenly lit up.

The system understands her! ! !

Because, what the blind box gives today is fertilizer!

Although there is only a small bag, it is enough for several tender seedlings!
After Xiao Nianzhi read the instructions, he shallowly dug holes for a few tender seedlings, then buried the fertilizer into the soil, and then filled the soil again.

The soil after it rained was a bit sticky, after Xiao Nianzhi tossed a lot, the hem of her skirt and hands were covered with mud.

After handling the soil, she went back and did a brief freshening up. She didn't change her clothes for a while, because she wasn't sure if she had any other work today.

However, until the evening, no one called her to work.

On the contrary, Aunt Fu packed up and came to accompany her as it got dark.

Aunt Fu had obviously heard about the scandal between her and Yu Mingchao.

The other party was kind and enthusiastic, and deliberately took Xiao Nianzhi's hand and talked for a long time, so that she should not think too much.

"Oh, don't take this kind of thing too seriously. If you think it's appropriate, let's observe it secretly. After the filial piety period is over, we can see if we can continue talking. If you think it's inappropriate, then it's not appropriate. It’s been a long time, and no one mentioned it.”

"I think that when my aunt was young, she was also a flower in the village. Don't talk about spreading rumors with this gentleman today, and that gentleman spread gossip. There is also a young gentleman who came to pick the window of my house in the morning and was chased by my father." It's about to fight."


Aunt Fu kindly comforted her, Xiao Nianzhi naturally thanked her obediently.

The two talked for a while, smoked the wormwood again, and then went back to their respective houses to sleep.

A few days later, Aunt Yu still didn't come back, and Xiao Nianzhi was still paddling for fish.

After touching it for a few days, I finally got to go to work again.

As a result, it happened to be July [-]th.

That night, Aunt Fu came over early to accompany Xiao Nianzhi: "It's not a good day to go out, tonight, the supper has stopped."

The ancients were very particular about these things, so they didn't even sell them at night when it was inconvenient to go out.

Xiao Nianzhi unexpectedly took another day off.

After several days of fishing and paddling, Xiao Nianzhi's delicious kitchen has finally been upgraded to level 5!

[Delicious kitchen experience points +6, and 336 experience points are needed to upgrade. 】

The next upgrade requires more experience points, Xiao Nianzhi thought, if it really doesn't work, keep fooling around.


Level [-] upgrade rewards, in addition to increasing the seasoning and daily necessities limit, only give a blind box.

But at level seven, the study can be unlocked!
So, go ahead!
At noon on July [-], Aunt Yu, who had been in the palace for a few days, finally came back.

On the way back, Aunt Yu felt much more relaxed.

She had already told the queen mother what she saw on Sanqiao Street before.

The opponent made a move, but the investigation was quick.

Aunt Yu took a quick glance at Sanqiao Street before, and saw a young master who looked very similar to Mr. Yao Cheng. The other party not only looked like Yao Cheng, but also the young master of Yao Mansion.

At that time, Aunt Yu was in a trance for a while.

The young master of Yao Mansion, studying in Qingsong Academy.

Aunt Yu was afraid that she was mistaken, so she deliberately tested the big brother at the gate of the academy, and the other party said that there were no students in the academy asking for leave recently.

This also means that either the familiar young master is someone else, or Young Master Yao is playing truant without anyone knowing.

However, the management of Qingsong Academy is not slack at ordinary times, so the possibility of the latter is unlikely.

Therefore, Aunt Yu guessed that the situation might be the former one.

As the father of the third prince's side concubine, Yao Cheng is naturally on the side of the third prince.

Aunt Yu is not interested in these things that His Majesty has created, nor does she have the guts to talk about them, and it is even more impossible to care about them and talk about them.

But this matter, not to mention that she has been thinking about it in her heart all the time, so after thinking about it, she just went to the palace to talk to the Queen Mother through Sun Taipin's illness.

As for how the empress dowager handles this matter, which grandson she wants to favor, it is not in the care of the aunt.

After a secret investigation by the queen mother, the other party was indeed Yao Cheng's illegitimate son.

Yao Cheng raises a concubine on Sanqiao Street, not only has a 12-year-old son, but also a daughter who is only two years younger than the eldest daughter Yao Wan!

When Aunt Yu heard the news, her pupils quivered.

Who would have thought that the well-known affectionate and honest man in the capital actually had a concubine and a pair of illegitimate children who were almost as old as the legitimate son and the legitimate daughter?
The Queen Mother was also very surprised at the time. As for how she would deal with this matter in the future, whether she had told His Majesty, Aunt Yu didn't know, and she didn't ask much.

After staying in the palace for a few days, she received a bunch of rewards from the Queen Mother and Sun Taipin, and then she left the palace.

I haven't seen my little apprentice for a few days, Aunt Yu is thinking very much, now I just wish I could go back to the academy as soon as possible.

It's just that there were too many rewards, so she had to pack up and go to the White Horse Temple when she came back. For this reason, she made a special trip back to Zhuangzi, sent most of the things back, and picked out some bright jewelry to bring back to the academy to give to Xiao Nianzhi.

 The second shift is at 15:19, and the third shift is at [-]:[-]

(End of this chapter)

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