Yu Jun

Chapter 101 Lively

Wu Yi raised his heavy hand to sign his name, and when he came out of Liu's house, he was still in a daze, his eyes were scattered, and he shivered from time to time, the cold air poured down his throat, and the bitterness in his heart turned upwards, rushing him Almost gag.

And Wu Jin didn't care about him, but just squeezed his hand very painfully, the pain was terribly painful.

Liuchi Lane is so lively that it is difficult to move an inch.

Playing Guanpu everywhere, there was a burst of applause from time to time, the ladies and Xiaojiabiyu huddled together to place bets, the coarse clothes and linen were intertwined with brilliant colors and embroidery, and the floor was full of gambling money.

The originally spacious street became crowded and narrow. Wu Jin led Wu Yi to pass through a group of rushing people. A noble lady suddenly pulled out the golden hairpin from her head and threw it on the ground. The golden hairpin jumped up and brushed against Wu Yi's instep.

Wu Yi thought to himself, how much is this golden hairpin worth?

What other people bet on at will may be able to pay off his debt for a year.

It is still not easy to pass through the crowds, there are people posting New Year greetings everywhere, there is a lot of traffic, and beggars also come out in full force. Take this opportunity to ask for more rewards.

Wu Yi looked at the beggar and thought that the beggar was also happier than him—he had read books, had fun, and knew what was good and what was bad, so the suffering and hardships in the future became extraordinarily tormenting.

It would be great if a savior could suddenly rush out like the story book and rescue him from the fire and water.

Why did Mr. Cheng and Ms. Mo suddenly disappear?Aren't they always wandering around?
Whoever it was, their presence could have saved his life.

I don't know which child released the "ground mouse" and ran around under people's feet. The children chased and shuttled, and the street became more and more chaotic. Wu Yi dodged twice, and when he looked up again, he saw that Wu Jin had already walked went ahead.

"Brother..." He raised his head and was about to shout when Cheng Ting's figure suddenly appeared in his eyes.

Cheng Ting had his ears pulled and grinned all the way, looking even more grotesque, holding a huge snake in his arms.

On the first day of the Lunar New Year, make a face-buried snake to ward off disasters. The longest one is no longer than half an arm, and it is made into a pile of soft coils. The face snake Cheng Ting is holding is half a person's height, hard and straight, and can be used as a crutch on the ground.

Cheng Ting was eager to break free from the hand that was holding him, and was using the huge snake to fight back, knocking the person who was holding him loudly.

The person who was knocked was the eldest brother of the Cheng family, who was ordered by his father to arrest Cheng Ting and return home, but he was unlucky, and the stone-like snake knocked his head full, and quickly let go of his hands to cover his head.

But Cheng Ting got this opportunity, turned around and ran away, Wu Yi's eyes lit up, and he raised his hand and shouted at him: "Cheng San..."

Before he could utter the rest of the words, Cheng Ting had already rushed over, covered his mouth angrily, forbidding him to say a word, and slapped him in the face.

Wu Yi didn't expect that Cheng Ting not only didn't listen to his pain, but gave him a slap in the face, tears burst into tears, and Cheng Ting covered his mouth, so he couldn't even cry.

Cheng Ting dragged Wu Yi to escape like a hostage, the streets were full of people, and the ground was full of closed things, none of them were places for Tibetans.

But the eldest brother of the Cheng family was lingering, so close at hand that his heart trembled with fright. He looked around and found that there was only one carriage that could hide people. The driver who got off the bus is here to drive slowly.

Cheng Ting saw that the coachman looked familiar, but couldn't remember who it was for a moment. When the coachman saw him, he immediately saluted and called Mr. Cheng.

In desperation, Cheng Ting pushed Wu Yi into the carriage first, then climbed in by himself, shouted to go quickly, covered the curtain of the carriage tightly, and "shh" to Wu Yi again.

Just as Wu Yi's words rolled on his tongue, he made him "shh" back.

Cheng Ting went to the window, opened the curtain a crack, and saw the elder brother of the Cheng family and Wu Jin bump into each other.

Cheng Ting withdrew his gaze to avoid being noticed, and at the same time felt a jolt under his buttocks, which was caused by the swaying of the carriage.

After moving a few times, the carriage stopped again. He quietly opened a gap and looked outside, and saw Wu Jin and the eldest brother of the Cheng family walking over.

He saw the shadow of Cheng Taishan from the eldest brother of the Cheng family, and his whole body ached immediately, and even his breathing eased, he hugged the mask snake and did not dare to move, never daring to let his elder brother find his trace.

Facing Wu Yi with a sluggish face, he hesitated for a moment, but still covered his mouth with his hand.

At this moment, Brother Cheng had already approached the back of the carriage, and vomited bitterness to Wu Jin: "He thought he had some ability, and he wanted to go to the military camp with others, and he didn't even look at his body, and he didn't even have a horse's footsteps." After piercing one, can you raise the knife?"

"Miss Mo... when did you leave?"

"The imperial edict received on 28 told her to leave immediately, and on 29 she set off for the fortress. She hasn't passed the past year. I think your majesty...that one is not too broad-minded, and she hasn't passed the year."

"But I have a real job, so I can't wait?"

"There is no real job, only a false title, called Guide Zhonghou. People who know the imperial edict say that my uncle has lost his mind. He thought that if he gave up his family business, he would be able to intervene in the fortress and revive the Mo family. As a result, His Majesty ridiculed him with a title."

"Guide... I remember that he is a general of the third rank, and Zhonghou is the rank of the seventh rank?"

A false title of seventh rank, but the title of general of third rank, is still "Guide", which has to make people think too much.

"No, I really don't know what uncle is thinking. Where is the third child? I can't play even if I'm tired. Let's see how I deal with him!"

Cheng Ting listened to the last few words so earnestly that he could even tell that his elder brother must be gnashing his teeth and gearing up.

Cheng Ting was startled and sweated all over, feeling a sense of danger.

"Third brother! You come out, I will plead with you when I go back!"

Brother Cheng couldn't find it anywhere, so he immediately changed his face, pretending to be a good brother, trying to trick Cheng Ting into showing up.

"Brother has a good grasshopper cage, and..."

The rest of the words were still in his throat, and there was a sudden "crack" sound on the street, and a "flower tube" exploded.

A fireworks dealer yelled loudly: "Little bastard! Hozen! Steal your grandpa's fireworks! Let grandpa catch you, and you won't be able to catch your asshole with a slap on the ear!"

The children who were hiding in Tibet broke out into a burst of laughter, yin and yang imitating their words: "Old bastard! Old hozen!"

At the same time, someone stole a few fireworks from the booth and lit them, and smoke and sparks exploded everywhere on the spot.

Because it is daytime, the beauty of the fireworks is not very obvious, but the smoke is big, and the sparks are also chaotic, jumping higher than a field mouse, and instantly burned a hole in a lady's beanie.

Another spark fell on the deed paper on the ground, burning a hole the size of a fist. The Guanpu dealer jumped up and grabbed the peddler, and the peddler went to grab the child again. Liuchi Lane suddenly became chaotic, and the crowd was not in a hurry. Shut up, and all ran to watch the fun.

In the midst of the chaos, there was a sudden "creak", and the frame of fireworks was pushed down by some child.

The firework shelf is as high as three stories, and the shelf is made of thick solid wood. The fireworks on it are connected in series with each other with gunpowder wires, and there are a hundred rings. When it falls down, the fireworks that are not tied tightly fall down first, and then the whole cross They all fell for Wu Jin and the eldest brother of the Cheng family.

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