Yu Jun

Chapter 102

Chapter 102
Wu Jin felt something was wrong when the fireworks fell.

His hairs stood on end, and he felt that the carriage beside him also moved suddenly, and he jerked forward, even the horse, the people and the carriage moved in unison, as if he had anticipated the danger in advance.

Before the Cheng family brother could react, he stretched out his hands and pushed the Cheng family brother out. At the same time, he threw himself forward, rolled on the spot, and rolled to one side.

At the same time, the tall fireworks stand fell down with a "bang", and Wu Jin heard a heavy wind sound. He subconsciously looked sideways, and saw the top of the stand fell against his shoulder.

There was a loud "Boom", and the goods, baskets, and gambling funds placed below were smashed to pieces.

He broke out in a cold sweat, and at the same time, he saw the thickness of the firework stand—the child couldn't push it down, and this firework stand came here to kill him.

Liu Boyu!
His mind was clear for a moment, and without saying a word, he picked up the eldest brother of the Cheng family, and saw Cheng Ting sticking his head out of the carriage in front of him to look at him, and ran over without saying a word, and caught up with the carriage.

The coachman looked familiar, but Wu Jin couldn't remember who it was for a while. Seeing the carriage slow down, she hurriedly pushed the eldest brother of the Cheng family to climb up, and boarded the carriage with all her might.

Before the crowd recovered from the shock of the collapse of the fireworks stand, the coachman took advantage of the chaos, raised his whip, and slapped it with a crisp sound, turning the carriage into a loach. and go.

The empty carriage was stuffed with the two younger brothers first, and then the two older brothers, and it suddenly became crowded.

Wu Yi's mouth was finally free, but Wu Jin was there, so there was no need for anyone to "shh", he consciously remained silent, silent.

The eldest brother of the Cheng family, Yu Sheng, also knew that if the fireworks fell, he would have broken his arms and legs. After realizing it, his heart beat wildly. He thanked Wu Jin again and again, and at the same time wiped away the dust from his hands. A bead of blood.

He grabbed Cheng Ting by the ear, forbidding him to escape, and wanted to take him back to Fa-rectification.

Cheng Ting's ears turned red from being pulled, and he kept crying out for pain, and called Wu Jin for help. The eldest brother of the Cheng family saw that Wu Jin was here, and it was inconvenient to do anything to train his younger brother, so he had to let go of his hand.

"Wu Jin," Cheng Ting quickly pushed Wu Yi away, and sat next to Wu Jin, "Did you let the fireworks fall?"

Seeing that Wu Jin's complexion was not good, and his clothes were rolled with black and yellow marks everywhere, he worried that he was injured.

Wu Jin shook her head, gritted her teeth, swallowed her fear, and wanted to wipe the sweat with her hands, only to realize that her hands were trembling in her sleeves alone, and she could only let the sweat flow, thinking that Liu Boyu would miss this blow, she would not shoot again.

He calmed down: "Whose carriage is this?"

The four of them looked at each other, and Cheng Ting reached out to lift the curtain of the carriage at the same time to see where the carriage was going. When he saw it, he gasped - the carriage had already driven to Mo's residence.

No wonder he thought the coachman looked familiar!

He retracted his head, his face full of apprehension: "Brother, are you going to pay New Year's greetings to uncle? This carriage seems to belong to uncle."

When Mo Qianlan was mentioned, the courageous brother Cheng couldn't help but feel his scalp tingle, but it's coming...

On the first day of the Lunar New Year, passing through Mo Qianlan's house without entering, causing people to gossip for no reason, was not good for Uncle Yu or Cheng's family.

He pondered and looked at the huge snake in Cheng Ting's arms: "Go, just say that you personally made a snake for him and sent it to him."

"Ah?" Cheng Ting touched the hard snake, "Uncle won't hit me with it, right?"

"Deserving it."

"Brother, how do you say uncle spent the New Year?"

"How else can I live with your lonely and crippled Mr."

"There is still a dog," Cheng Ting did not forget the big yellow dog, "miserable."

Wu Yi sat in the corner with a puzzled face, not understanding why the Jiedushi was miserable.

The carriage wobbled again, this time it came to a solid stop, just outside the corner gate, the driver jumped out of the carriage, put down the horse stool, and asked the four uninvited guests to get out of the carriage.

The eldest brother of the Cheng family grabbed Cheng Ting and jumped off, and then Wu Jin and Wu Yi also got off the carriage.

"Wu Jin," Cheng Ting looked at Wu Jin with a tragic expression of generosity, "I'm leaving."

Wu Jin took a step forward: "I'll go too."

When his legs were moving, a voice sounded from the bottom of his heart, which was deafening: "You cast yourself into a trap!"

But his legs still moved forward involuntarily, he thought: "In this game of chess, it's up to the emperor to play. How will the emperor move? Is Leaf safe?"

Cheng Ting's eyes widened: "Aren't you with uncle..."

He turned his head to look at his elder brother, swallowed the word "break up", and then suddenly realized: "You are worried..."

Taking another look at the eldest brother of the Cheng family, he also swallowed the word "Lingfeng".

The eldest brother of the Cheng family listened to the clouds and fog, not knowing what charades he was playing, wishing he could move Cheng Ting's head and shake out the contents.

Wu Jin turned to Wu Yi and said, "Go back first."

Wu Yi lost her desire to ask for help, nodded her head in resignation, and walked home almost desperately.

Wu Jin watched Wu Yi leave, her mind was buzzing, reason seemed to have the upper hand, and she kept shouting in his ear: "You go back too!"

The owner of the mansion is not a weak Jiedushi, but a Shura who cannibalize people without spitting out his bones. It is the best for him to break away cleanly and thoroughly!

The reason is like this, but the heart still can't help him. Under the conflict between the two, the reason has no chance of winning.

Cheng Ting carried the snake on his shoulder, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and knocked on the door.

The servants on duty quickly came out to open the door. Seeing a few familiar faces and frequent visitors of the Mo House, they invited them in, and at the same time sent someone to report to Mo Qianlan.

The three of them walked along the garden, from the garden to Jiusixuan, everything was silent, a withered and withered scene, no longer full of vitality. , teeth and claws, that kind of sneaky appearance in the dark, from which he has his traces, constantly poking his head at passers-by.

Not popular, and the big yellow dog didn't stay here, and went to the kitchen to settle down again.

When they passed by Jiusixuan, the servants who had gone to report turned back and led them to the second hall.

The second hall of Mo Mansion is spacious and warm, it is the place to meet outsiders, the three of them followed the servants into the courtyard gate, looked up and saw Yin Bei coming out of the main hall.

When Yin Bei saw the three of them entering the door, he quickly walked down the stone steps and went up to meet them, and seeing the situation of the three of them again, he couldn't help laughing and said, "Hey, where did you three cats come from? "

The three of them had just come from the street, their clothes were dirty and their appearance was really worrying.

"Go to the flower hall to wash first, the Jiedu envoy will be here soon." He led the three of them to the flower hall, and then ordered someone to bring hot water and bath beans, "Go to the main hall after you pack up."

He patted Cheng Ting on the shoulder: "The magistrate Cheng is also here. You father and son are going out, why are you leaving separately? How about coming together?"

Cheng Ting looked at Yin Bei in disbelief: "Is my father there?"

"Yes, they came with Wang Zhizhou, and worshiped Zhengdan for the Jiedu envoy."

Cheng Ting is facing a big enemy: "Didn't he submit a famous post early in the morning and say he won't come in person?"

Yin Bei smiled and said, "Perhaps he wants to be strict."

Cheng Ting suddenly frowned, thinking: "I have thrown myself into the trap."

(End of this chapter)

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