Yu Jun

Chapter 103 New Year's Eve

Chapter 103 New Year's Eve
The three barely washed themselves, went to the main hall to meet people, and saluted several people in the hall—there were four who were qualified to come to worship Zhengdan for Mo Qianlan, but did not avoid suspicion.

When Cheng's father and son met, they were extremely jealous. Cheng Ting leaned on a snake and was rebellious. Cheng Taishan pinched the tiger's mouth and forced himself to turn a blind eye.

If there is a big festival, moving iron is the worst.

After the three of them sat down at the end, Wang Zhizhou made some narrow-minded mockery at Wu Jin.

"Wu Jieyuan has both sides, and he can bear face, and his heart is sincere. He specially picked this time to come to pay New Year's greetings. If he is lucky enough to enter the court, with this skill, he will surely be promoted step by step."

Wu Jin stood up and said calmly, "Students are taught."

Cheng Taishan rolled his big eyes in his heart, then laughed silently, took his third son out of his eyes, and looked at Wu Jin very kindly: "Sit down and talk, those who are older than the Chinese New Year, don't be taught easily."

He judges people by their appearance, and for the time being, he only likes Wu Jin and his eldest son, but it is inconvenient to be too indifferent to Wang Zhizhou, so he ate a piece of plum-shaped pastry: "Yunsheng, try it too, this thing is good, I don't know what it is made of."

Wang Zhizhou immediately said: "How do you know how to eat?"

Cheng Taishan was pinching half a piece of pastry like a tiger embroidering flowers, and stuffed the remaining half into his mouth when he heard the words: "Yes, you don't eat, you are lofty, and you have four cooks in your family."

Wang Zhizhou immediately said: "I am not tired of food, and I am not tired of fine food."

The two of them exchanged a few words, and the little friendship they had just had turned into a mess, everyone watched their words and expressions, and diverted the conversation.

"I heard that Miss Mo didn't celebrate the New Year in the city, prefect Cheng, is it true?"

Cheng Taishan nodded and reached out to peel the tangerines: "Of course I left after receiving the order."

"I'm afraid the Jiedu Envoy's heart will be broken. In all likelihood, this year will not be a good one."

Cheng Taishan couldn't answer, so he stuffed a whole tangerine into his mouth and blocked his mouth.

"Cheng San, I heard that you also want to serve the country, and you want to join the army, right?" Wang Zhizhou interjected, "Your father is old-fashioned, and he doesn't want to. Uncle Wang can help you."

Cheng Ting was drinking tea, but he choked part of the tea into his throat, and part of it came out of his nostrils, his face flushed immediately, he coughed upside down, and went on endlessly, completely embarrassing his father , not even the dross left.

At this moment, a servant opened the curtain and came in, carrying a charcoal box, which was full of red-hot charcoal, and put them one by one into the charcoal basin and piled them up.

The charcoal fire immediately grew in size, and the already warm main hall was immediately steaming, and Cheng Taishan's back instantly broke out in sweat.

In the scorching heat, everyone put down their teacups, swallowed tangerines, straightened their clothes, and put aside their doubts. Only Cheng Ting couldn't help coughing, and "sighed" from time to time.

So he was disgusted by Cheng Taishan from the bottom of his heart.

Mo Qianlan walked in amidst the heat. He was still dressed neatly in his own home, with a crane cloak on his outside. He looked weaker and weaker, his face was blue from the cold.

He looked at his colleagues and said with a smile, "You all came neatly."

Then he scanned Wu Jin and the three of them: "That's right, remember to come and wish me New Year's greetings."

He had a smile on his face, and his tone was very kind, but when his eyes passed by Wu Jin, Wu Jin's scalp immediately went numb, as if he could smell the blood on Mo Qianlan's body.

At the same time, Wu Jin noticed that Mo Qianlan's gaze was like a fine and dense net, filtering out all emotions, leaving only scheming.

A trace of despair flitted across his face, and he lowered his face as if struggling for death, and stopped looking at Mo Qianlan.

"It's a trick," he thought, "it's all a trick."

Seeing his weak struggle, Mo Qianlan laughed in his heart, sat on the main seat, his face looked good under the charcoal fire, and his heart was very calm, as if he had not been seriously injured by Mo Lingfeng's departure.

The colleagues smiled back, Cheng Ting and Brother Cheng saw his amiable face, and put down a lot of fear in their hearts.

Cheng Taishan picked up the teacup to make cattle drink, and after cooling down for a while, he said: "Yesterday's New Year's Eve, was your house still lively?"

Mo Qianlan nodded: "Sit at a big table."

It is indeed a large table, but it is not lively.

Mo Qianlan, Zhao Shiheng, and Mo Qianlan's aunts celebrate the New Year together. The aunts are too stocky and fat, and they have endured countless eyes from Mo Qianlan.

Cheng Taishan put his heart down a bit, and asked again: "What did you eat, the red and blue suits you made up for."

Mo Qianlan said: "A whole sheep was burned."

A gazelle was killed in the kitchen, and a whole sheep banquet was made. Mo Qianlan had no appetite, and Zhao Shiheng wanted to eat meat, but the aunt's chopsticks were so airtight that he didn't have a chance to stretch them out.

In the end, the cups and plates were messed up, and Mo Qianlan didn't even drink his saliva.

Cheng Taishan looked Mo Qianlan up and down again: "Fat."

Mo Qianlan smiled a little this time: "It's fat."

I was originally thin.

As soon as it was cold, his old illnesses and injuries began to ache day and night. The persistent headache and cough made him lose weight rapidly, his lungs were empty, and he couldn't cough up anything, but he still coughed desperately. Vomit.

Her body was in ruins, but fortunately, Mo Lingfeng could always find some good things for him from the outside - peanut crisps, deep-fried green scales, dripping crisps, and sugar-meat steamed buns, all of which she found in the streets. The unique skill passed down in his family has made him a little fatter.

After hearing this, the colleagues secretly admired Mo Qianlan.

Cheng Taishan winked at his two sons again.

The eldest brother of the Cheng family quickly swallowed his snacks, and led Cheng Ting to kowtow to Mo Qianlan to pay New Year's greetings, congratulating Zhengdan, Mo Qianlan was very pleased, and asked Yin Bei to collect the new year's money.

Mo Fu's New Year's money is also a hundred coins tied with a red string, but the money is not made of copper coins, but made of gold. Cheng Ting took a look at it in his hand, and his brows were filled with joy.

He took the gold, stood up gratefully, and handed the masked snake in his hand to Yin Bei: "Uncle, this is a masked snake I made with my own hands, and it was specially sent to honor you and to ward off your misfortunes and illnesses."

Wang Zhizhou's eyes widened: "Is this a snake? I thought your father had crippled you with a stick."

Everyone in the room immediately laughed, and the atmosphere became more and more relaxed. Mo Qianlan took a few sips from the teacup, and suddenly looked at Wu Jin: "Wu Jin, don't you wish me a new year?"

He was very pleased with Wu Jin's arrival, and pleased with the retreat and bow of this proud student.

And this is what he expected.

He could clearly see that Wu Jin was full of emotions and sensitive, so he would be angry at those who died in vain, and it was precisely because of this reason that Wu Jin could not be "unfeeling".

Everyone looked at Wu Jin, the only "outsider" in the room, with different eyes.

As soon as Cheng Ting sat firmly on his buttocks, before the excitement on his face dissipated, he became worried about Wu Jin.

Without saying a word, Wu Jin got up, walked to Mo Qianlan's seat, knelt down on the ground, stretched her waist and bowed her hands, bowed squarely, but did not say any words of congratulations.

This prostration, this bending, is already the limit, it has already shattered his persistence, turning his previous reprimands and accusations into jokes and affectations.

If he couldn't open his mouth again, he would go to He Mo Qianlan and live a long and boundless life.

(End of this chapter)

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