Yu Jun

Chapter 118 Out of the City

Mo Lingfeng led the horse home and went to see Mo Qianlan first.

Mo Qianlan was sleeping on the bed almost in a coma. Mo Lingfeng sat by the bed, looked at it for a while, stretched out his index finger, and put it gently on the tip of Mo Qianlan's nose. After waiting for a while, he was relieved to see that he was still alive. Withdraw your hand.

She sat guarding for a while, Zhao Shiheng came in lightly, holding a freshly found good incense in his hand, and said softly to Mo Lingfeng: "It's okay, it's better to sleep more, it's too late, you go back to Changsui live."

Mo Lingfeng stood up, helped him add charcoal, put away the incense, and reluctantly went back to the house.

She thought that in the daytime, she would be able to accompany Mo Qianlan all day long, but she never thought that she would never be free for a moment.

On the sixth day of April, Wang Zhizhou's youngest son was full moon, and it was inconvenient for Zhao Shiheng to show up on such an occasion, so Mo Lingfeng came in handy and arrived at Wang's house, presenting him with an expensive and heavy golden lock.

Mo Lingfeng hovered among the women in the back house, was greeted by countless powders and balms, and listened to gossip full of gold and silver jewelry, took the opportunity to escape, and when he returned home, he heard the Cheng family The eldest sister gave birth to a big fat boy last night.

Without stopping, she rushed to Brother Cheng's husband's house to distribute Jinsuo, and was forced to hug the crumpled, red-covered cub wrapped in swaddling clothes. She was so stiff that she didn't dare to move until the eldest sister of the Cheng family said, I was relieved to go home.

On the seventh day of April, Yin Bei sent back a box of ledgers.

Mo Qianlan is in poor health and can't move around. She stays at home and thinks very well. She invests in countless businesses, each of which is prosperous and prosperous, like a snowball. Zhao Shiheng is Avalokitesvara. Can't take care of so many things.

So Mo Lingfeng nestled in the study and looked at the ledger, feeling dizzy and dizzy. After reading it for a whole day, when eating, he picked out twenty or so unprofitable transactions and handed them to Zhao Shiheng, and said very tiredly: "Uncle, let's sell it." .”

Zhao Shiheng opened it and looked at it, and thought it could be sold, and invested in those more profitable businesses, and at the same time took out a lot of silver bills to pay her for the army - Mo Lingfeng was under the noses of Feng Fan and Zhong Jiaqing Another hundred people were recruited, all of them only obeyed Mo Lingfeng's order, and the Mo family naturally paid an extra money.

"Uncle, the fortress is full of smog, and half of the people are living on military pay," Mo Lingfeng told Zhao Shiheng. Baiwen, two bolts of spring silk, half a bolt of cloth, and one stone of grain, and there were no family members in the camp, so they didn’t even get half of it.”

Zhao Shiheng said: "In peacetime, there are giant rats, which are difficult to get rid of. As long as we do better than them, why worry about the Mo family's army not growing strong."

He gave Mo Lingfeng a piece of mutton: "Shi En, you have to reach out your hand when others are desperate, so that others will hold you firmly, and you will not let go until you die."

Mo Lingfeng was taught one by one. After eating, he ran to see Mo Qianlan. When he saw that Mo Qianlan had woken up, he happily ran over, sat on the bedside embroidered pier, and personally fed Mo Qianlan the soup.

When Mo Qianlan was half full, Mo Lingfeng lay down beside the bed. Mo Qianlan touched her head, ears, and back, and hugged her for a long time without saying a word.

Under the fumigation, a piece of agarwood of thousands of dollars reveals the aroma of clear pepper, like lotus, like plum, like honey, quiet and elegant, curling up and down between the rooms, lingering between the brother and sister's clothes, fingertips, intimate, Regardless of you and me.

Mo Qianlan stroked her thick and dense hair, and suddenly said: "Ah, in the next life, you will be my daughter."

Mo Lefeng resolutely refused: "No."

"Huh?" Mo Qianlan was surprised, "Is brother okay?"

Mo Lingfeng replied in a low voice: "I want to be your mother."

Mo Qianlan was stunned for a moment, and then felt a little sad: "Is it because you don't have a mother?"

Mo Lingfeng shook his head: "Because I am a mother, I can take care of you and protect you."

She stretched out her arms and made a gesture of spreading her wings: "I'm like a big bird, hiding you under my wings, and whoever bullies you, I will call him."

Putting down her hands, she buried her head in the quilt, and said softly, "I have a brother, so I don't need A Niang."

Mo Qianlan stretched out her arms to embrace her younger sister who was as delicate as a kitten, almost crying.

On the eighth day of April, Mo Lingfeng returned to the fortress.

Before dawn, Mo Lingfeng set off. Yin Nan followed with four huge bundles, and the horse was panting. The two rode out of the city. When they arrived at the racecourse, they saw Wu Jin .

Wu Jin was carrying a basket, the cakes had already been sold out, she was standing at the entrance and exit of the racecourse, and when she saw Mo Lingfeng coming galloping, she just smiled.

"Wu Jin!" Mo Lingfeng got off his horse and strode to Wu Jin's side.

Wu Jin quickly removed the earthen cloth covering the basket, and took out a still warm oiled paper bag from inside: "Em money cake."

Mo Lingfeng took the oiled paper package, opened the paper, a stack of elm pancakes inside was fried golden, and the leaves were fresh and tender, he squeezed out a piece, handed the rest to Yin Nan to keep, and took a big bite: "It's delicious."

Smelling the scent, Xi Guan's son ran over and circled around Wu Jin's legs.

The child was only three years old, and just reached Wu Jin's thigh, staring at the elm cake in Mo Lingfeng's hand, drooling.

Mo Lingfeng was indifferent, and even let out a "tsk tsk" sound of admiration in front of the child, and was very intoxicated by eating, which caused the child to drool and burst into tears, so he could only stuff his fingers into the mouth and suck to satisfy his craving.

Wu Jin didn't know whether to laugh or cry, just about to take out half of a steamed cake from her sleeve and give it to him, when suddenly there was an angry shout from above the pasture, telling the Qiang people to stop for inspection.

The child trembled with fright, and hid tightly between Wu Jin's legs.

Wu Jin looked at the shouting place, and saw four or five soldiers surrounding three Shu Qiang with baskets for weeding, and asked them to put down the baskets.

The Qiang people were tall and tall, and they did not lose their color under the siege of the soldiers. They put down the baskets as they said, and took out their acquaintance certificates for the soldiers to check.

The soldier inspected it carefully, then lifted the basket for threshing grass, and looked inside for the hook knife and several summer shirts used for threshing grass.

Mo Lingfeng stuffed the remaining mouthful of elm cake into his mouth, turned his head sharply and seriously to look at the Qiang people, and "smelled" something strange.

She said to Wu Jin: "Go to the bookstore quickly, I'll go and have a look."

"Okay," Wu Jin pulled the child and wanted to send him to Xi Guan, "I'll write you a letter."

Mo Lefeng nodded and strode over.

All the soldiers in the fort did not know her, and they all made noises, some called her "Mo Zhonghou", some called her "Mo Dutou", Mo Lingfeng nodded in response, and walked in front of the three familiar Qiang.

Yin Nan put the burden on the horse, and followed closely beside Mo Lingfeng, staring at the Qiang people for a moment——the Qiang people are extremely fierce, and she has already experienced it.

When the three Qiang people saw her, they all bowed their heads, honestly called her "female general", and wanted to show her the certificate of acquaintance.

Mo Lingfeng waved his hands, lowered his head and took out the hook knife from the back basket, and looked at the shape carefully. A Qiang man hurriedly said: "Female general, this is a hook knife for weeding grass."

Mo Lefeng swept his waist: "What's inside?"

The Qiang man immediately apologized, saying that he had always wrapped the copper coins around his waist for fear of losing them.

Mo Lingfeng said concisely: "Take it down."

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