Yu Jun

Chapter 119

The Qiang man looked distressed, and grabbed the waist of his trousers with both hands: "Female general, take it off, won't the trousers fall off?"

Seeing the stalemate here, the soldiers standing guard not far away gave each other winks, and they all became alert.

Chang Long had just finished his breakfast and was about to come over for his shift. Seeing Mo Lingfeng confronting the Qiang people, he held a long knife and led the ten men who had come to change the guard together, and walked up to Mo Lingfeng: "Mo Zhonghou ,What happened?"

Mo Lingfeng said: "I think the shape of this hook knife is suspicious, I want him to take off his waist to have a look."

One of the Qiang people's face changed, and soon returned to normal, begging for mercy pitifully.

"Huh?" Chang Long picked up the hook knife and looked at it. He only felt that it was bigger and more curved than the usual hook knife. There was a protrusion on the handle that could be connected to a long rod. Other than that, there was no other abnormality.

When he was about to say that it was Mo Lingfeng who was suspicious, he suddenly thought of the rumors he had heard - the North and South Workshop in Kyoto had newly forged a new weapon, the Iron Buddha that could restrain Jinlu, called Fengdao.

Only one of this knife was sent to the fortress to let the general in the army see if it is suitable for use. He heard that it looks a bit like a hook knife. Could it be that this is a Fengfeng knife stolen by the golden man?

He looked at the Qiang people with a fixed expression, "I'll lift up your trousers for you, and you take the things around your waist, or you lift up the trousers yourself, and I'll take them."

The Qiang man was very embarrassed to untie his belt, his hands were trembling, revealing the copper coins tied tightly in the belt.

"Look, female general, it's really copper coins."

Chang Long frowned, just when he thought that Mo Lingfeng had made a mistake, Mo Lingfeng suddenly reached out and pulled out a long and thin iron chain from behind the copper coin.

Before the iron chain was completely pulled out, one of the Qiang people shouted angrily, picked up a hook knife with lightning speed, and slashed straight at Mo Lingfeng.

Yin Nan had been on guard all the time. Seeing this, he took Mo Lingfeng behind him with one hand, and at the same time kicked the Qiang man's wrist. The Qiang man's hand was in severe pain, but the knife did not leave his hand. With a long roar, the three of them Separated and fled.

One of the Qiangs went to Shuohe, another to the racecourse, and another to the gate of the city with a machete.

The people who had no power to restrain the chicken were startled, and stood there dumbfounded, not knowing how to dodge, until the neck of a person blocking the road was suddenly cut off with a hook knife, blood spattered, and he fell on the grass, everyone came back to their senses, and ran away with their heads in their arms. , screamed.

The soldiers who were full of food all day long could not catch up with the speed of the Qiang people. Only Chang Long, who was born in Wuju and worked tirelessly all day long, was still able to catch up.

Mo Lingfeng was very calm. While directing the soldiers to take people away, he also directed them to send letters to the fortress. At the same time, he asked Yin Nan to go back immediately and tell Zhao Shiheng that the North and South Workshops had a secret work, and they would definitely clean it up. Arrange quickly, go and return quickly, and stop attracting attention.

Yin Nan didn't dare to leave Mo Lingfeng, but she had to listen to Mo Lingfeng's order, so she could only push Mo Lingfeng to a place where there were many soldiers, and the wind swept him away.

At this time, Wu Jin was already far away. Suddenly hearing the commotion, she immediately turned her head and saw Guan Xi's child standing there, a Qiang man approaching with a knife, and was about to kill the child who stood in the way.

"Not good!" He immediately opened his long legs and ran towards the child. At the same time, he picked up a basket and threw it at the Qiang man with all his strength.

With a sound of "bang", the tip of the Qiang man's knife was changed direction by the smashing of the basket, and he almost lost his hand. Chang Long kept chasing after him. Taking this opportunity, he threw himself to the ground and grabbed the knife.

Qiang, who was strong and strong, struggled to turn over from under Chang Long, raised his leg and kicked Chang Long's chest.

The child was still standing there, only knowing how to cry, Wu Jin rushed over like flying, picked up the child, and ran towards Xi Guan.

Xi Guan also raised his hand to greet him, hugged the child, and hurried into the horse garden to hide. Wu Jin was about to run away, but when he heard the sound of piercing the sky behind him, he rolled on the spot with awe in his heart, and when he looked up again, he saw A hooked knife came with the wind, and it was inserted dully into Xi Guan's back.

There was no blood, Xi Guan held the child, staggered and ran a few steps forward, and then fell to the ground with the child in his arms, stretched out his hand as hard as he could, and covered the child's mouth.

Wu Jin's eyes widened, watching the blood drenched the cyan short brown little by little, and the hook knife got stuck in the blood, cutting through the peace and hypocrisy of Kuanzhou City.

The child was young and didn't understand anything, and cried under his father's gradually cold palm. The Qiang people and Chang Long chased and beat them all the way into the horse farm, and the soldiers followed in a swarm. The trouble was turned upside down.

Wu Jin was terrified, there was only a cloudless cloud of soldiers in front of her, and the horses also scattered, running wildly.

Where is the Leaf?
He rolled and crawled under the horse's hooves, pulled the child out of Xi Guan's arms, so that the child would not be crushed by the horse's hooves, and pushed the child between the two pillars with all his strength.

"Don't move," he patted the crying child, "Don't move, stay here, don't move!"

He turned his head to look for Mo Lefeng.

The eyes were confused, the horses neighed wildly, people ran madly, and the flowers and plants fell down. Every Qiang was covered with soldiers. Qiang people were fierce and good at fighting.

It wasn't until he was so confused that he couldn't stand that he saw Mo Lefeng.

Mo Lingfeng stood among the soldiers by the Shuo River, but the soldiers retreated steadily, and even Mo Lingfeng was exposed to the swords of the Qiang people, full of danger.

Yin Nan is not here!

Wu Jin's heart skipped a beat, and she panicked immediately, rushing into the chaotic vortex, running against the crowd and horses.


The tall horses squeezed around him, stumbling under his feet, and even the weeds were knotted, making it difficult for him to move forward.

Little by little, he avoided the light of the knife, avoided the horse's hoof, and approached Mo Lingfeng, panting loudly and rapidly, and exhausted all his strength to protect Mo Lingfeng.

Mo Lingfeng looked at him in astonishment, seeing him clenching his teeth, sweating profusely, with his turban missing, his hair in a disheveled bun, and looking embarrassed, only relying on a pole to block himself in front of him.

She suddenly reached out and grabbed Wu Jin tightly: "Run."

"Run!" He also held Mo Lefeng's hand back with his rough left hand, and with a shoulder pole as a weapon in his right hand, he took Mo Lefeng's head and ran to the distance of Shuohe without turning back.

He ran very fast, sweating all over his face, the money bag at his waist was opened, and the scattered copper coins inside fell out with a "crash", and he couldn't care about the copper coins anymore. I saw two grass-throwers died at the gate of the city.

He even saw Liu Boyu sitting on the ground, dodging, while stretching his arms as hard as possible, hiding the gems covered under the grass - it turned out that it was not the grass-thrower, but the leaker.

Wu Jin didn't look any more, and tightly grasped Mo Lingfeng's hand, and fled in the clouds and mist, her heart almost jumped out of her throat.


Other than that, he couldn't think about it anymore.

When the turmoil calmed down the soldiers, he almost dragged Mo Lingfeng out for thousands of miles, and there was no one around, only a patch of knee-high grass.

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