Yu Jun

Chapter 120 Determination

Chapter 120 Determination
The weeds were vast, and the warm wind was floating, blowing on the faces of the two of them, and extinguishing the hot sweat all over their bodies.

Wu Jin lost her strength, threw away the pole, sat down on the grass, and wiped off the sweat from her face.

Mo Lingfeng also sat down, she looked at Wu Jin, saw him bowed his waist and knees, put his elbows on his knees, lowered his head, panting heavily, his forehead and temples were all wet with sweat.

After taking a breath, he raised his hands, took off the wooden hairpin and put it on his thighs, grasped the hair with one hand, and combed it from bottom to top with the other hand, finally freed his hand, and tied it meticulously with the wooden hairpin. hair.

Without a headscarf, it is inevitable that the broken hair will fall off, and it will soon become wet with sweat.

He smoothed the short brown on his body again, a drop of sweat fell on the back of his hand, and smudged the blood splattered on the back of his hand. He had nowhere to wipe it off, so he could only wipe it hard with his thumb to completely disperse the glaring blood.

Mo Lingfeng grabbed two big leaves and asked him to wipe his hands: "It's all right."

Wu Jin took it and rubbed it twice: "What happened?"

Mo Lingfeng explained: "It's Jinlu, who couldn't steal the blueprint of the Liaofeng Knife. I don't know where to get a knife. I took it apart and wanted to take it out. With the Liaofeng Knife, Jinlu's Iron Buddha Tu It doesn't work."

After that, she stretched out a hand and held Wu Jin tightly.

Her palms were thin and soft, sweaty and cold, as if a net had been stretched out, wrapping Wu Jin calmly.

She saw Wu Jin saving people, and also saw Wu Jin walking towards her recklessly, breaking through all the whirlpools, and standing firmly in front of her with determination like moths flying to a flame.

This person is too clean. People who walk out of the mud are not contaminated by any filth.

So at this moment, she made up her mind that if she liked Wu Jin, if she wanted Wu Jin, it must be Wu Jin!
She asked him: "You are a literati, why don't you run away by yourself?"

Wu Jin slowly relaxed: "What about you, are you a warrior?"

Mo Lingfeng smiled brightly: "Yes, I am the head of Modu now."

Wu Jin also smiled.

"Next year's spring, will you go?"


"What is the purpose of your examination for fame?"

Wu Jin was silent for a while, then replied: "I want my family to live a good life, and I also want...why do you suddenly ask this?"

Mo Lingfeng said: "You finish."

Wu Jin only thought that she wanted to make herself less afraid, so she took a deep breath, and slowly replied: "I have read a lot of newspapers in recent years, and I have also read some things in the court, let's take the border gate as an example. , some advocate war, and some advocate peace."

A black stork suddenly flew out from the grass, Wu Jin's gaze followed it subconsciously: "No matter which faction it is, they are almost all fighting for positions, masters and apprentices, and skirt gangs are fighting each other, and no one is fighting. Really thinking about war - maybe there was, but it was drowned out."

A drop of rain fell on the tip of his nose, but he didn't care about it. He only confided his heart to Mo Lingfeng: "I want to take care of the people, so that the whole country can see the backbone and integrity of scholars."

"What if it can't be done?"

"Then have a try."

It's like a god, who can see the fire through his eyes, but still has to go into the mundane world for a while.

Facing the rain, Mo Lingfeng looked at the black stork flying overhead, hesitating for a moment.

She knew why she was hesitant, Wu Jin had Ling Yunzhi, even if he would be frustrated by the officialdom in the future, he should spread his wings for a while, instead of breaking his wings and trapping him in Kuanzhou.

She thought it would be fine if he had no ambitions, so that she could confidently use tricks and schemes to order him and control him, and let him go to Mo's mansion alone and become a member of Mo's mansion.

Think again, think again.

"Go." Mo Lingfeng let go of his hand and stood up, "Were you afraid just now?"

Wu Jin replied: "Scared."

But I still have to go to Mo Lefeng's side, I'm afraid I have to go, even if it doesn't work.

The drizzle fell along the trend, diluting the chaos just now, everything became hazy and moist, the black stork in the grass lightly fluttered its wings, and the horse farm became soft and fresh again.

Everything was silent, the two didn't speak any more, they just walked back in silence.

They walked back quickly, Mo Lingfeng let go of Wu Jin's hand, and watched a corpse in front of him move over, the cloth was rubbing on the ground, the corpse was soft and heavy.

Yin Nan hurried back over the walls, seeing that Mo Lingfeng was safe and sound, his tense body softened.

Chang Long ran over and told Mo Lingfeng that no one was left alive, Mo Lingfeng turned around and bid farewell to Wu Jin, and hurried back to the fort with Chang Long.

Wu Jin stayed where she was, without moving for a while.

The smell of blood was already drenched in the rain, and the people tremblingly hid in the city, not daring to come to the racecourse again. The war and death they deliberately avoided spread before their eyes without warning.

He found the baskets he had lost, and one of them was broken into eight pieces. He picked up the intact one and put it back home with the pole. book owner.

When you came out of the bookstore in Youshi, he was so hungry that his chest stuck to his back, he bought a new basket on the side of the road, ran back to the bakery, ate two yellow corn buns, and put steamed cakes in the basket.

Wu Yi carried the empty cake cage and rushed back: "Brother!"

He put the empty cake cage on the ground with a "boom" and said, "Are you okay, I heard that something happened at the racecourse and several people died!"

"It's okay." Wu Jin covered the cloth, "When you sell cakes, don't go near the racecourse, and be smarter when you meet Qiang people."

Wu Yi took a bowl of water from Wu's mother and drank it with a "gudong gudong": "Brother, don't go to the racecourse to sell cakes, I won't sell them today, can you go pick elm money, let's eat again."

Wu's mother slapped him on the head: "I just know what to eat, if you don't sell cakes, go drink the northwest wind!"

Wu Yi covered her head and jumped up: "Mother!"

Wu's father sat on the small wheeled cart to pick up the stones in the sugar, and said sternly, "Go sell the cakes, do you want your elder brother to do it for you?"

The parents are busy day and night, they are old and thin, their backs are also bent, and they boil themselves into a pair of copper skin and iron bones to block the wind, frost, rain and snow outside, and cover the pain and fatigue inside.

Wu Yi hummed aggrievedly, put the pancakes in the steamer, picked out a burnt pancake at the same time, ate it in three bites, then knelt down and patted the steamer.

Wu's mother helped him put his shoulders on, and then gave him a shelf: "Come back early, it's not peaceful outside."


Wu Jin also walked out carrying the baskets. The two brothers went to the left and the right to start selling cakes.

Due to the turmoil in the racecourse today, there are few pedestrians on the street, and Wu Jin's cake sales are not going well. After wandering around Yuhua Street for two hours, they still haven't sold it. Finally, someone in a Yan restaurant wanted to eat cakes, so they sold all of them. .

He walked back with an empty basket, and saw a big elm tree at the corner of the street, with many strings of fresh and tender money on the top. Crawled on the tree trunk, with his feet on the left and right, he jumped up with all his strength, and jumped up.

The younger brother is more sensible, and he is 13 years old. It is the time when his stomach will never be full. If he wants to eat some elm cakes, he can make them.

(End of this chapter)

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