Yu Jun

Chapter 122

Chapter 122
The fifth day of May, the Dragon Boat Festival.

Mo Lingfeng was in the Gaoping village, pulling at the eaves of the wall, watching the chickens being slaughtered next door, feeling resentful and disappointed.

She blows the xun, the rooster crows, one person and one rooster complement each other, and the Gaoping village is very lively. Unexpectedly, today's Dragon Boat Festival, she hasn't eaten the zongzi yet, and the rooster is gone first.

Seeing the cook raise the knife and drop it, she let go of her hand slumped, fell to the ground, walked back to the house, and took out the xun to kill the chicken.

Before it was blown, Yin Nan came in with a bunch of cooked rice dumplings: "Girl, eat one while it's hot."

Mo Lingfeng put down the xun: "What's in it?"

Yin Nan has already tasted it for her, and he has already prepared to answer: "Dried persimmon."

As she spoke, she took out one and put it in a bowl, put two chopsticks in it, let Mo Lingfeng eat with the chopsticks, then peeled another one, put it on the rice dumpling leaf, and ate it by herself.

After Mo Lingfeng finished eating the rice dumplings, the sullenness in her heart dissipated a little, and she moved a small bench and sat in the yard, while Yin Nan was rubbing clothes aside, she rested her cheeks on the sky, thinking wildly about a white cloud in the sky, feeling like a big cock.

It was hot, and as soon as the sun came out, I couldn't sit still in the yard, and the white cloud disappeared without a trace. Mo Lingfeng's cheeks were flushed, and he moved the stool to go back to the house, but Yin Nan took two wet clothes Shake it with a huge movement, then string it on a bamboo pole and hang it to dry.

The clothes were scrubbed very vigorously, but they were still not clean, and they were fluttering in the wind with shame and shame, so they sighed: "I should also pay for someone to wash mine."

Yin Nan shook his head: "No, Mammy said you must wash your clothes myself."

Mo Lingfeng didn't want to face the unclean clothes in the yard, so he put down the stool and planned to go out for a walk. When he opened the door, before he stepped out, he stepped back and looked at the defeated man in front of him—— Jiaqing's grandson Zhongtao.

Chong Tao is fifteen this year, with one hand on his side, holding a large bunch of zongzi, the other hand hidden behind his back, first he muttered something, after he finished, he took a deep breath, and was about to knock on the door, Mo Ling The wind suddenly opened the door, and the breath he was sucking in his chest immediately diverted to his ribs on both sides, and then he started coughing "Hang Han Han".

His face was flushed from coughing, and the hand hidden on his body could not be hidden anymore, and it shook out, holding a handful of hollyhocks, the arrow stems were erect, and the flowers were blooming one after another, big and bright, under his coughing He couldn't stop shaking, and at the same time poked Mo Lingfeng's chest.

Mo Lingfeng took another step back and looked at him directly: "You want to fight with me? I won't accompany you today."

"No, cough cough, don't fight," Chong Tao managed to straighten out his breath, and hurriedly sent the hollyhock to Mo Lingfeng, forgetting all the words he had said before, "Dragon Boat Festival, my family... I'll bring zongzi."

"Zongzi?" Mo Lingfeng took a step back, "Isn't this a flower?"

Chong Tao became more and more flustered, so he raised his hand and stuffed the zongzi on her body: "Yes, zongzi, I gave you the flowers."

"Oh," Mo Lefeng turned his head and shouted, "Yin Nan, take it!"

Yin Nan came out from behind Mo Lingfeng, took flowers and rice dumplings in his hands, and stood behind Mo Lingfeng.

Standing at the door, Chong Tao stammered, "I'm fourteen this year, and our family lives in Baijiaqiao, Kuanzhou Prefecture. Next time, can I visit your house as a guest? Meet Mo Jiedushi?"

Mo Lingfeng shook his head: "No."

Chong Tao didn't expect her to refuse so simply, he was stunned on the spot, thinking that Mo Lingfeng might not understand what he meant when he was young, so he cleared his throat and said more bluntly: "I didn't order Dear, I think you are fine, how about me?"

Mo Lingfeng made his sun-baked face hurt, stretched out his hand and scratched his cheek, and replied seriously: "I think you are very ordinary."

"Ah?" Chong Tao was immediately depressed, hanging his head in frustration, and somewhat dissatisfied, "I, I feel okay, why, why is it so-so?"

Mo Lingfeng compared him with Wu Jin, at first he only thought Zhong Tao was very ordinary, but this comparison immediately felt that he was unsightly, so he took a few steps back, took the flower back from Yin Nan's hand, and said Putting it into Zhong Tao's arms, he reached out his hand at the same time, and closed the door with a "bang".

Unable to go out, the yard was too hot, so she had no choice but to sit back in the house, peeled off one of the zongzi sent by Zhongtao, saw that it was made of red beans and candied dates, and ate one.

After eating, she was bored and sad, until the next door brought a bowl of stewed fresh chicken soup. She drank the soup and ate meat, and then she became happy again. She took out the xun and wanted to play a song.

Xun was still close to her mouth, the door was slapped again, and she frowned. Just as she wanted Yin Nan to drive him away, she heard Zhong Jiaqing roaring outside: "Mo! Listen! Wind! You What did you do to steal my horse?"

Mo Lingfeng stood up suddenly, and immediately felt that there was a lot of danger - she went to breed Jiaqing's black-tailed horse with her own yellow-flowered horse.

Chong Jiaqing's black horse is a well-known Nanfan horse. It is magnificent and mighty. It is a "sentry horse" when it is in the herd. It is extremely sharp, with well-developed eyes and ears. Treading hooves, Zhong Jiaqing loves horses like his life, and he always brushes and washes the horses himself.

This horse is proud and strong, and looks down on yellow-flowered horses, but Mo Lingfeng is kept in one place for breeding, so frustrated that he doesn't even eat grass.

She turned her head to run, but found that there was nowhere to run. This place is not like Mo Mansion, where there are corridors and windows everywhere.

"Not good." Mo Lingfeng was quick-witted, motioned Yin Nan to hold the door, ran to the wall by himself, jumped up vigorously, grabbed the edge of the wall with both hands, climbed up the wall in twos, and jumped into the next door from the wall go home.

The family next door was eating chicken, and she was so scared that the chopsticks and spoons fell all over the floor. Before she could even say a word, she heard a "bang" from her own door, which must have been slammed on the ground neatly with the latch. : "Mo Lingfeng! Get out! Go and make amends to my horse!"

Mo Lingfeng's heart jumped violently, and immediately realized that something was wrong, he raised his legs and ran away again, and heard a loud bang in his ears, it seemed that Zhong Jiaqing had thrown the knife from the next door.

Then Zhong Jiaqing climbed up the wall, with two eyebrows standing up, two eyes bulging, frowning mixed with anger, leading Kong Wu's powerful bodyguards, vowing to arrest Mo Lingfeng and bring him to justice.

At such an old age, he has never suffered any setbacks in his life, but when he fell on Mo Lingfeng, he was simply a strong enemy sent by God to torture him!
He was dizzy with anger, he must let Mo Lefeng know what strict military discipline is today!

The family next door was having a good meal, first Mo Lingfeng climbed over the wall, then Zhong Jiaqing descended from the sky, everyone was dumbfounded, they stood there and bowed their hands in salute, they called "General Zhong" one after another, and they didn't know that they invited Zhong Jiaqing to eat chicken at this time It's not the right time, everyone hesitates, standing on the spot awkwardly, watching Mo Lingfeng slipping away against the wall like a little gecko.

The four soldiers jumped up and pressed Mo Lingfeng to the ground. Zhong Jiaqing strode forward and picked up Mo Lingfeng with one hand. Mo Lingfeng immediately drooped his head and hung his limbs, like a little girl Dog, it's over.

(End of this chapter)

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