Yu Jun

Chapter 123 Suffering

Chapter 123 Suffering
种家庆一路将莫聆风拎到马房之中,要让莫聆风在他的爱马面前认罪挨揍,殷南紧随其后,然而不能贸然救主——莫聆风有言在先,军If you are beaten in the middle, you can't do it at will.

After the soldiers set up the torture bench, Chong Jiaqing pushed Mo Lingfeng onto the bench: "Yellow-haired girl! How dare you dare to attack my horse and say, why did you take my horse out for a long time? If you don't say , I’ll hit you until you’re covered in blossoms today!”

After listening to Zhong Jiaqing's question, Mo Lingfeng struggled immediately, twisted into a living dragon under his hands, and never uttered the word "breeding".

She is not afraid of Zhong Jiaqing using military law against her, but Zhong Jiaqing is old, and today is the Dragon Boat Festival, so she can't make Zhong Jiaqing angry.

Apart from Zhong Jiaqing, there is no other way to place her troops in the army.

Seeing that her mouth was tightly shut, Zhong Jiaqing became more and more suspicious that she had done nothing good. He turned his head and searched on the ground for a while, found a bamboo grate, grabbed it upside down, and slapped Mo Lingfeng's ass with a "slap".

Mo Lingfeng immediately let out an "ah" in pain, and turned his head and feet up at the same time, rolling and thrashing: "Forgive me! General, please spare me!"

Chong Jiaqing immediately asked, "Tell me, what are you doing with my horse?"

"I didn't do anything," Mo Lefeng cried, "I didn't do anything."

"Lie!" Zhong Jiaqing ordered the soldiers around him, "Go get the army staff!"

Mo Lingfeng had never seen the military staff before, when the soldiers brought the military staff, she turned her head to look, her eyes immediately turned dark.

The stick was black and thick, as tall as Yin Nan, if it hit her body, it could kill her half with one stick.

She shivered, and before Zhong Jiaqing could use the stick, she hugged the torture stool and howled: "General, please spare me, I can't beat you, I'm still young, I'll die if beaten!"

Chong Jiaqing stared at her thin back, and shouted: "This is Gaopingzhai, not your mansion of Kuanzhou Jiedushi! You stole the horse and refused to answer, today I will stick you ten times as a warning to others!" "

When Mo Lingfeng heard it ten times, half of his life was scared away, and the fake cry turned into a real cry: "Don't hit, don't hit, I said, I didn't do anything else, I just took it to breeding!"

"Pair—" Zhong Jiaqing raised his head and swallowed, and took three steps back. The soldiers hurried forward to help, holding back their laughter very hard. Stir the boiling anti-Yingtian.

"Hit!" Chong Jiaqing had never seen such a mischievous one. The leader was so angry that he stared at him, "Hold me down and hit twenty sticks! I will hit myself!"

The two soldiers immediately went over and held down Mo Lingfeng's hands and feet. Mo Lingfeng's face was pressed against the stool, his whole body was tense, he kept crying in his heart, his mind was turning around, trying to find ways to get out of the beating, but he opened his mouth and screamed Sound "brother".

It was okay when she was not screaming, but when she screamed, her eyes suddenly filled with tears - she was too far away from Mo Qianlan, even if Mo Qianlan had a thousand hands, it was too late to rescue her, Zhao Shiheng was not there, Wu Jin is not there, nor is Cheng Ting, and all those who love her are not by her side.

They all love her, so once she thinks about her, she will be filled with misery, and she can't help crying: "Brother, save me. Brother, save Ah Ao! Ah Ao is about to be beaten to death!"

Zhong Jiaqing held his military staff high, and when he heard her suddenly cry out his nickname, the anger in his heart dissipated a lot. Looking at her slender figure, which was not as wide as a torture bench, hearing her cry again Calling him "Brother", the beating would be unbearable no matter what.

Annoyed, he threw down his stick and told the soldiers to let her go: "This slap will be sent to you first, and if you dare to make mistakes, you will be fined together."

Mo Lingfeng quickly got up, sweating profusely: "I know I was wrong, and I dare not make mistakes again."

Seeing that there were still two huge teardrops hanging on her face, Chong Jiaqing couldn't help being amused, but he refused to give her a good face: "Get the hell out of here and go to Sanchuanzhai tomorrow!"

"Yes, my subordinate will leave." Mo Lingfeng glanced at the army staff, pulled Yin Nan past him, and ran away like flying.

Although she didn't suffer severe torture, she still got two blows from the bamboo grate on her buttocks, and she was awkward and painful when she walked.

Yin Nan supported her: "Girl, does it hurt?"

"It hurts," Mo Lingfeng nodded, "The old man's hands are very strong, if he uses a big stick, he will beat me to death."

Seeing that she was used to being beaten, Yin Nan didn't feel very distressed. He just helped her back and showed her buttocks. Seeing that it was not damaged, he left her alone and packed up things for Sanchuanzhai tomorrow.

The next day, Zhong Jiaqing came to Sanchuan Village with fifty Fengfeng knives and five battalions, and replaced the disgraced right army.

The weather was hot, windy and sandy, and there was no rain at all. The archers stood on the top of the fort, dizzy from the sun, and the armor was scalding. Every time at noon, the archers felt that they had become a piece of meat on the iron plate. , sizzling and oily.

They were so exposed to the sun, Jinlu's iron pagoda was even more overwhelmed, and it was impossible to come and go at this time.

Zhong Jiaqing didn't want to let go of this rare peace, so he quietly ordered the five infantry battalions to bring enough water for half a month, ten wind knives, a dry compass, a set of lead rods and a scroll Sheepskin began to walk into the barren sand.

He also thought that Mo Lingfeng was strong in battle and only willing to work hard under her command, fearing that Mo Lingfeng would act recklessly and something would go wrong, so he specially asked Feng Fan to follow.

The five are separated, and Mo Lingfeng is in the middle, driving forward slowly.

On a scorching summer day, there was no green shade in the sand, Mo Lingfeng was wearing a green bamboo hat, his hair was soaked at the temples, a dung beetle crawled past feebly, and even the four-legged snake disappeared.

The wind is also scorching hot, and the rocks flow into gold, a layer of fine yellow sand rolls among the balls of withered grass, and there is silence everywhere.

"There is a tree in front," You Muqing ran back, sweating profusely, "Hu Tong."

Feng Fan's mouth was so dry that he couldn't speak anymore, so he could only wave his hand, making people follow You Muqing's footsteps, and went to repair under the twigs of the eucalyptus tree.

After taking a breath, Feng Fan said: "You are in the front to block the wind, Modu heads, magnetic needles."

The crowd immediately formed an airtight circle, Mo Lingfeng took out the dry compass, set the shelf upright, put down the wooden plate, hung the magnetic needle on the wooden frame with silk, and waited until the wind was quiet and the magnetic needle did not move at all, then he looked at the north-south direction .

After reading it, she took out the lead tree, spread out the parchment paper, calibrated the orientation, drew a stroke on the previous mark, drew a eucalyptus tree, and wrote: "Walk for another hour, about ten miles, and see the eucalyptus tree in the southeast. "

It took several days for the five capitals to draw the route, and after returning home, the five blueprints were gathered together to obtain a relatively complete map of the deserted sand, which would not change much in two or three years.

With this map, chasing Jinlu became much easier.

After painting, Mo Lingfeng put away the things, took a sip of the water bag, Yin Nan handed her a piece of cake, the cake was too dry to be broken by now, it was very embarrassing, Mo Lingfeng put the cake on the On the leg, it was hammered twice hard, and it was hammered into several pieces before it was put into the mouth.

Everyone ate cakes like they were grinding their teeth, and their hatred for Jinlu increased.

(End of this chapter)

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