Yu Jun

Chapter 124 Unlucky Egg

Chapter 124 Unlucky Egg

The army marched forty miles to the northwest in one day, recording along the way, dug out water from under a cluster of dense reeds halfway, and was able to wash and fill the water bag. On the eighth day, Mo Lingfeng was still stuck in the long yellow sand.

Everyone was exhausted, they didn't know how far they had to go to the pasture, and the dry food they brought was only enough to go back, so they planned to return the next day.

At the time of Haishi, You Muqing led the soldiers to set up a tent in a place sheltered from the wind. He built a pile of stones in front of the tent to keep out the cold wind and yellow sand, and dug deep pits a hundred steps away on both sides to make toilets.

In front of the curtain and behind the pile of stones, the soldiers lighted a bonfire so that they could keep watch and sleep. After nightfall, it would get colder and colder. cold.

The evening wind cooled down quickly.

Sitting in the tent, Mo Lingfeng raised his head, sneezed loudly, rubbed his nose, got up and put on a cloak, took off his shoes and socks, sat cross-legged, and bent over to look at his feet.

Yin Nan burned a red sharp knife from outside, walked into Weiwei, and broke the blisters for Mo Lingfeng. Mo Lingfeng blinked his painful eyes, and before she blinked tears, Yin Nan wiped the knife indifferently, Sprinkle her with the powder.

A soreness suddenly rushed from the soles of Mo Lingfeng's feet to Tianling Gai, she gritted her teeth to hold back the pain, her eyelashes were wet and tufted together, and sucked her nose again, holding back her tears.

Facing the stiff Yin Nan, she couldn't even utter a word.

After Yin Nan bandaged her up, she was relieved, and when she heard the commotion outside, it was very lively, so she got up and went out.

Outside, Nomad Qing caught two four-legged snakes, disemboweled them, peeled off their skin and cramped them, and roasted them on sticks: "Xiao Dou, sprinkle some salt on me."

Xiao Dou walked over tall and big, and sprinkled him a pinch of salt: "Brother You, can this be eaten?"

You Muqing turned her face: "It should be possible."

Xiao Dou took a sip of his saliva, and squatted aside like a mountain waiting to taste it. Before it was cooked, he suddenly got up, bowed to Mo Lingfeng and crossed his hands: "Girl."

The hundreds of people who were sitting and chatting also stood up abruptly, and saluted with crossed hands: "Girl."

You Muqing hurriedly stood up, still holding the four-legged snake in his hand, and reluctantly sent it to Mo Lingfeng: "Girl, do you want to eat?"

"Don't eat it," Mo Lingfeng frowned and stepped back, seeing You Muqing eager to try, he said, "You are not allowed to eat it either, if it spoils, I have to carry you back."

You Muqing was very reluctant: "Then I... have a taste?"

Mo Lingfeng said solemnly: "Taste it, if you die, I will bury you on the spot."

After hearing this, You Muqing stopped being greedy, and buried the four-legged snake on the spot, silently thinking about what else to eat.

Everyone watched Mo Lingfeng and Yin Nan go away, Xiao Dou said in a low voice: "Brother You, Yin Nan is really scary, killing people is like chopping melons, who is better between you and her?"

You Muqing snorted coldly: "She is strong."

The people on the side leaned over: "I'm a little afraid of the girl. When I glanced at it, it was like a knife gouging out my heart."

Xiao Dou scratched his head: "Really? I think the girl is very kind. If Brother You dies of illness, I will collect his body."

"Bah!" You Muqing spat at him, "Can't you say hello to me?"

He stretched out his fingers and crushed an ant that was as hungry as himself. Thinking of the identical eyes of Mo Lingfeng and Mo Qianlan, he didn't feel that Mo Lingfeng was kind.

She doesn't kill people, but she ignores and sits and watches all killings. She is not aggressive, but eats and devours the battalion. She even has a childlike mischievousness, but her every move is naturally keen, and she inadvertently attracts people. .

As for Yin Nan, it was just a knife that Mo Lingfeng made public, and he himself was also a treasured knife that Mo Lingfeng hid and refused to show others easily.

Mo Lingfeng limped, went to the exclusive toilet room, looked up at the sky after he came out, there was no moon in the sky, only the stars, like eyes, converging in twos and twos, twinkling and peeking.

She thought to herself: "This is not the land of the country, and the eyes of the emperor must not see it here."

She walked back a few steps, and sat down listlessly on a stone. There was still a little heat from the stone when she sat up, which made her sigh and was very thirsty at the same time.

The yellow sand stretches as far as the eye can see, and the water is never enough.

She licked her lips, her eyes searched aimlessly, and suddenly her eyes blurred, as if a floating light had passed by.

But on closer inspection, it was gone again.


She got up from the stone, walked a few steps forward, turned her head and told Yin Nan: "Call You Muqing, and bring ten people with you."

Yin Nan went away at the sound, and soon brought someone back, Mo Lingfeng let out a "hush", groped towards the place where the silver light flashed just now, and suddenly asked You Muqing in a low voice: "Where is Feng Zhi?"

You Muqing recalled Feng Fan's movements: "I went to the bathroom."

"It's been so long?"

You Muqing thought seriously: "I'm in my forties, my kidneys are not good enough."

Xiao Dou nodded in agreement: "I think he is strong——"

"Close your dog's mouth!" You Muqing stretched out his hand to pinch his mouth, not allowing him to speak again.

Feng Fan didn't know that You Muqing and Xiao Dou were arranging him. When he came out of the toilet, he grinned in pain and had tears in his eyes.

When he was urinating, he didn't notice for a while, and a huge mosquito flew over. The mosquito was fierce, and it would bite immediately.

Moreover, the mosquito didn't have eyes, and it didn't bite anywhere, so he could only walk with his legs between his legs.

He walked back itchy and swollen, and when he got near Wei Wei, he took a deep breath, changed back to his normal walking posture, and reluctantly walked to the fire.

Everyone got up one after another, shouting "Feng Zhi" unevenly and weakly, all of them looked extremely tired and couldn't take another step.

Feng Fan glanced around, but did not see Mo Lingfeng: "Has Mo Zhonghou rested?"

"Returning to Feng, no, I took someone out."

Feng Fan's heart skipped a beat, he thought the secret was not good, he turned around and wanted to chase, he never thought that his strides were too big, and he was almost shot, his eyes suddenly turned black from the pain, and he didn't dare to let the soldiers see the difference, so he could only support the wall in a state of contemplation , did not move for a long time.

The two personal soldiers he brought didn't notice anything unusual, and stood aside, waiting for orders.

Feng Fan managed to get over his breath, and ordered two soldiers to guard here, and he ordered ten more people, armed with weapons, and followed the footsteps to find Mo Lingfeng's trace.

After walking for a quarter of an hour, he saw Mo Lingfeng and his party.

"Mo Zhonghou, what are you doing?"

Mo Lingfeng's ears were filled with the whistling wind, and she didn't hear him speak, but suddenly squatted down so that the sand dunes covered her figure.

The rest of the people also squatted down. Seeing this, Feng Fan immediately squatted down too, and then burst into tears from the unspeakable pain.

He tried his best to keep the distance between his two legs, bent forward and moved forward until he was behind Mo Lingfeng.

"Mo Zhonghou." He reached out and patted Mo Lingfeng on the back.

Mo Lingfeng trembled in fright, turned his face to see Feng Fan, and immediately smiled with two rows of white teeth: "Feng Zhi."

She thought to herself: "You are really unlucky."

At the same time, she stretched out her hand and pointed lightly: "Look."

Feng Fan stretched his neck and looked out. First, he only saw a layer of fine sand rolling in the wind. Then he looked farther away, and saw a few faint lights and shadows.

 unlucky egg, unlucky egg
(End of this chapter)

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