Yu Jun

Chapter 134 Ambush

The golden man is well-known all over the world for his toughness. For nearly a hundred years, he has stared at the imperial court, flashing his claws and fangs at any time, and never misses any opportunity to make a move.

When the dynasty was strong, they bowed their heads and professed their vassals, and became brothers and sisters with the emperor. Once the emperor was weak, the treasury was empty, and the army was like paper, they would immediately move and pounce on them.

What's more, the Jinlu also ruled the Qiang people, and the Qiang people were even more good at fighting, and it was common for one to outnumber ten.

With such a foreign race, even peace talks cannot be reassuring.

The students raised their hearts, sweating profusely in the heat of autumn, their mouths were dry and their eyes were fixed.

Two quarters of an hour later, they saw Jinlu.

Jin Lu rode his horse, and the dust rose from behind him. The agility and strength when riding the horse were almost innate, and his every move was unrestrained and heroic. Such a vigorous and majestic posture, enduring hardships, is indeed rare. .

Different from the Qiang people, the clothes, towel hats, and boots on their bodies are very similar to those of the Han people. The three men surrounded by the cavalry are all purple, and under the sun, the waists of the guards are shining with gold and silver , and even a flash of emerald green color, it can be seen that it is gold, silver and jade.

When he got close, Jinlu got off his horse and walked into the castle amidst the sound of drums and horns.

Cheng Ting was the first to turn cold. Regardless of Mr.'s obstruction, he said angrily: "Look at what these barbarians are wearing, wearing a monkey crown! The desire to covet our country's court is clearly revealed!"

Jiaoyu quickly stepped forward to cover his mouth: "Shut up!"

The students were awe-inspiring, and there was a surge of vigor in their hearts-Jinlu liked to learn from Han people, but he did not learn art from teachers, but slaughtered and plundered. Whenever he encountered Han people, he would kill them all. The head was thrown into the wilderness.

Such a foreign race, even if it is a peace talk, is just a tactic to slow down the army and recharge their batteries.

Cheng Ting snorted, and reluctantly closed his mouth.

Everyone didn't speak, just looked down silently, but after Jin Lu entered the fort, there was no movement, and no one came in or out.

Everyone was tired from standing, sat down on the stone, and was tired from sitting. They were hungry, but they still didn’t move. No matter how intense the discussion in the fort was, they couldn’t hear a word on this mountain.

It seems that there is no need to look again.

Jiaoyu left first, and then the students from Tunan Academy also returned to the fort. The students from the Zhou School watched in twos and threes for a while, and then slowly dispersed. In the end, only Wu Jin and Cheng Ting were left standing in place.

Cheng Ting said to Wu Jin in a low voice: "Why do you have to make peace? I think it's better to fight, and take Jinlu back to his hometown in one battle, what do you think?"

Wu Jin has thought about this question thousands of times.

He slowly answered Cheng Ting: "I think the current situation must be reconciled. The fortress is no longer impenetrable, natural disasters are coming again, and the military pay of the court seems to be insufficient. After the war, the court - the court can't even control it." To live on food prices, even if His Majesty has the ambition to wipe out the Jinlu, he must settle down first."

His eyes saw more than Cheng Ting's - Shishi Street became turbulent, families moved out because they couldn't pay the rent, and another family moved in. When they first moved in, they still had decent clothes, After another ten days and a half a month, they began to discuss selling their sons and daughters in the house.

The bakery's business has also declined a lot. Wu's mother broke one penny into two pennies to spend, so that she can pay off her debts and survive.

The homeless child has become a rat, pulling a bed of torn cotton wool and making a nest everywhere. At night, he carries baskets to sell cakes on Yuhua Street, often disturbing nests of beggars.

He went to Li Yitie's pharmacy to deliver cakes once, and found that the business in the pharmacy was very poor - he couldn't afford to be sick, the only thing he could do was die.

This war, which lasted for three years, was immoral from the very beginning. It was not even a dispute between the two dynasties, but was provoked by the selfishness of the Mo family. Even the army in the fortress was not a division of benevolence and righteousness.

Wu Jin thought it was time to stop, and let them, who were struggling to survive, also take a breath.

Cheng Ting didn't know the price of rice, but only knew that after the locust plague, the Cheng family bought a servant, which was much cheaper than when he bought Pang Dahai.

I didn't think about it at the time, but thinking about it now, the people have already had a very hard time.

His aggrieved heart gradually calmed down, and he went back to rest with Wu Jin. After lunch, Wu Jin went out to see the situation in Zhangjiabao again. The sun was too high, Cheng Ting stood with him for a quarter of an hour, and then retreated in despair , only Wu Jin was left standing in the unobstructed sun.

His head and heart were burning hot from the sun, and he couldn't stop sweating. Just as he was about to go back to drink water, he suddenly saw a cloud of dust rising from the southwest direction.

It's the direction from Jinlu!
When the sun was shining, the wind was only a breeze, and it couldn't even move his robe sleeves, so how could it raise such a large amount of dust?

Unless there are countless horseshoes in the distance.

If Jinlu soldiers were stationed there, the dust would not slowly move towards him.

He turned around abruptly, ran like crazy, and rushed into Hengshan Fort without any composure, and went straight to the Jiaoyu, even forgetting to salute.

Before he had time to catch his breath, he said intermittently: "Jin, Jinlu. There is an ambush, an ambush."

He stammered five words, and he was sweating profusely to catch his breath: "Mo, Zhangjiabao is in danger."

In Zhangjiabao, Cao Zhibin and Zhang Gongfeng were talking to the envoy of Jinlu, eloquently and eloquently, while Mo Qianlan sat in a repaired room with Mo Lingfeng on the grounds that he was not feeling well. rest.

He sat in a chair and watched Mo Lefeng, who was eating a peach as big as her face.

At this time, the peaches are already ripe and plump to the extreme. If they are more ripe, they will fall from the branches and rot. On the veil, the veil was soaked.

After she finished eating the peaches, she wiped her hands, buried her head in the candy holding box, and asked in a low voice, "Brother, are there any hawthorns?"

Mo Qianlan looked at her and replied: "There are no fresh ones at this time, and they will be available when we eat pine nuts and chestnut cakes."

Mo Lingfeng took out a piece of dried peach, held it in his mouth, reached out and took the tea cup and put it away, took the water bag from the ice cup, took off the plug, and carefully poured out a cup of lychee syrup.

After putting away the water bag, she took out the dried peaches in her mouth, picked up the tea cup and drank half of it in one gulp: "Fortunately, the ice hasn't melted, otherwise the taste will be much worse."

She stuffed the dried peaches into her mouth, buried her head in the candy holding box and continued to search, and found a piece of candied ginger. She held it up in her left hand and drank it in one gulp with the teacup in her right hand, then stuffed the candied ginger into her mouth.

The room was silent except for the sound of her chewing. She ate while looking at Mo Qianlan——Mo Qianlan had lost much weight, and her stature remained the same as before, but she came to Zhangjiabao from Kuanzhou City. Even if he didn't need to work hard, he was exhausted physically and mentally, his complexion was blue, and he was leaning on a green jade stick in his hand, and he had to lean on it when he got up from the chair.

When Zhong Jiaqing saw Mo Qianlan for the first time, he was almost afraid that the wind would be too rough and would blow him to pieces.

His body is weak, and his soul also decays accordingly. He will fall asleep while sitting, no matter who looks at him, he will not feel that he has the slightest power.

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